Design Meta, governing data processes
Contents & topics Data governance
Metadata, what is in it?
Just having data, there are a lot of questions to answer:
📚 Information data is describing?
⚙ Relationships data elements?
🎭 Who is using data for what proces?
⚖ Inventory information being used ?
🔰 Most logical
back reference.
Combined pages as single topic.
🕶 deep dive
layers , VMAP (SDLC)
🚧 deep dive
, Data Proces layers
👓 describe data
,Data Administration
👓 Data Modelling
👓 Security Access
- 2019 week:18
- Filled in the same steps of layers as in SDLC
- Cross refernces to the SDLC area added.
The full ICT Business Pyramid.
- Multiple business verticals or dedicated working units
- Business, each vertical:
- Business data, information - metadata
- Business logic, code decisions workflow
- Dashboards, reports, analytics on Business performance.
Those logic and data are the "business application".
- Tools, ⚠ for hardcore ICT "applications". Every tool:
- Business vertical configurations
- The tool as generic software
- Configuration and settings for the tool interacting with the operating system and hardware (datacenter)
- dasboards, reports, analytics on tool behavior and maintenace
⚠ Interactions by tools are possible.
- Datacenter as generic services
- Operating System (software)
- hardware
- Internal / external networkconnections
- Basic central security provisions
- dasboards, reports, analytics on datacenter behavior and maintenace
⚠ Anything is "data" Software, tools, business information, business logic.
The VMAP model, verification of activities.
Doing a new engineering job or maintenance is planning activities. There are dependicies. Those dependicies are best shown as a picture of the V-model.
The activities are:
- Requirements can´s be made without knowing business gaps and/or mistakes
- Specifications can´t be made without knowing requirements
- High level design can´t be made without knowing specifications
- Low level design can´t be made without knowing:
- specifications
- high level design
- Not able Data modelling, schema´s building, connections without knowing:
- specifications
- high level design
- low level design
The Agile aspect is that you don´tt ot know everything of all, but something that fits in the most of what fits in what is expected. PATD top-down
The bottom up is the way back DTAP verifications of what is delivered. Preparations of those verifications are able to execute parallel on the realization.
The SDLC (System Devlopment Life Cycle) is similar. Logic and information is needed wiht good coöoeration. Testing verifying as a whole.
- Business-Logic promotions without change of code.
- Business-Information should not copied, getting mixed.
Only at production real business information (data changing color).
- With analytics ALC-type3, real business information is needed.
Different worlds. Perspectives: Business, ICT.
Business Experience Pyramid
The business isn´t really interested in technical stuff. They like to have their own dedicated dashboard, doing their own improvemetn PDCA cycles.
Going to their own ICT service delivery desk to get service for some nice tools by ICT with big promises. What is needed for that, ... out of sight.
Infrastructure perspective Pyramid
Hardcore infrastructure like to have the engines up and running. Some tools ("applications") getting installed and activated for what they assume usefull active.
What is needed for cusotmers, the necessities and wishes by customers (organization - business), ... out of sight.
⚠ There is a nasty break-up in the middle. In both perspectives it gets broken.
ICT departments coöperation, one business servicedesk.
The captain of services.
ICT deparments have each a quite different focus. The ones that are not visible directly also can have huge impact. For example the network connections are a fundamental resource.
A captain to do necessary decisions is indespensible. Service demand - supply, information management.
A direct request from developers, endusers, for data will easily endup into an unmanagable situation (shadow ict). The needed support by responsible support staff is missing.
The figure is copied from the "business proces mangement (design_bpm)" area.
A direct request from developers, endusers, for tools will easily endup into an unmanagable situation (shadow ict). The needed support by responsible support staff is missing.
The figure is copied from the "business proces mangement (design_bpm)" area.
Datacenter Central, Clockwise, Counter clockwise.
With ICT departments working bot on requests the business request is not central, it is the datacenter both of them being dependent on.
Self steering teams will have al lot of unsolvable choices. Counter clockwise and weird clockwis at the same moment.
It is the leader of ICT staff that is the key factor for coöperation over all technology getting delivered.
Step by step, Travelling the unexplored.
⚠ Data Center Central. (ICT)
The data center is positioned centrally for ICT staff as that is their common source provider.
Having two departments working on the same service can give conflicts on how to solve technical issues for the business.
⚠ Data Center Central. (Business)
That business doing requests for service would like to see a single point, single servicedesk salepoint to get their ICT services.
The pictures are suggesting there are several of those service desks, (colors symbols).
⚠ Analytics using real business information (BI&Analytics).
Having a long history of avoiding improvemnents by using real busines information this is one to be solved at the data delivery.
Acceptance of several supply lines in data inforamtion is a pre requisite.
Visiting all layers (dimensions).
Making a journey to all layers and all stages is exploring where no one has gone before.
The people at the hardcore ICT infrastructure are a different kind of species than the ones servicing the business.
Understanding the business and those people is another world.
Combined pages as single topic.
🕶 deep dive
layers , VMAP (SDLC)
✅ deep dive
, Data Proces layers
👓 describe data
,Data Administration
👓 Data Modelling
👓 Security Access
🔰 Most logical
back reference.
© 2012,2020 J.A.Karman