I-1 Introduction - Summary, Questions & Answers, Indices
I-1.1 Contents
⚙ I-1.1.1 Global content
Aside the index contents there is an sophisticated explanation of thoughts. 🔰 When the image link fails, click here.
Living with ICT, can feel:
(IV) - beautiful, full of uncertainty
(III) - nice solving, what is missing
(I) - strictly controlled
(II) - luxurious settled, friendly
This ordering starts at the bottom right corner, than clockwise in the figure.
The numbering is left to right and top down.
⚖ I-1.1.2 Guide reading this page
This page has a complex intellectual structure.
This page has an local index - summary, global index and appendices. These are three chapters, each with six paragraphs.
The global index is a collections of detailed topics.
In the appendices there are notes there are not having timized business and technology.
Working into the optimized business and technology, there is gap in knowledge and tools.
A proposal, several proposals, to improve ICT is given: "Jabes".
❗ Important context:
Information processing (I) is not about technology but core business.
Communication (C) is not about technology. It ares human interaction & relationships.
Technology (T) is needed for business operations and supports making sensible decisions.
In chapter one paragraph four (I-1.4) nine perspectives of a working contexts are evaluated. They might be not exact correct but will give an impression.
All of them have the similar kind of failing and missing standards and in how to work and communicate with tools.
The questions and Answers are a quick way to get the idea of Jabes, (chapter I-2).
The content should become more aligned to the mind map goal.
2024 week 2
Started to pick up were I left
Adjustment in the setup of the content
Adding new ideas new content, jabes
Planning, to do:
relocate all content related to DTAP under "SDLC"
redesign DTAP content to align solving mentioned impediments
Adjust content technical, review set up.
More explanations on the differences ALC-2 and Alc-3, as impediments to mention.
BiAnl: plan to move patterns and others knowledge to shape busimess (BPM) and/or Technology (SDLC).
Data: review the time factor in information chains.
Meta: plan to move the Jabes meta content.
Data: review the time factor in information chains.
How to recognize old pages
Old pages have a different layout (head):
The header is not having the jabes image (left)
(right) neither links to the (pillars) six * two (functional technical).
Old pages have a different layout (content), new ones :
functional ✅ Three chapters : ❶ logical, ❷ conceptual, ❸ contextual with variations
technical ✅ Three chapters : ❶ logical, ❷ physical, ❸ detailed with variations
✅ The functional &and technical chapers have each six chapters
✅ The sixth pargraph in each functional &and technical chaper is about maturity
Deep dives have a format in chapters , paragraphs that is applicable for the context
There is no ❌ index page copied in chapter I-3 "Indices detailed pages" on this page.
OLd pages are heritage from the second setup going from logical (working experience) into more conceptual.
Categorizing from technology perspective the result was scattered while trying to understand relationships.
Trying to Keep the content on pages very small was another root cause for entropy.
I-1.2 Content setup.
⚖ I-1.2.1 AIM, nine plane extended into eighteen.
The complete content is an interaction over all planes is based on: "AIM nine plane."
It applies the idea on "connection of things", not limited to reorganisation of organisations.
✅ Added: a similar layout of planes fore external relationships.
😉 The tactical layer leaving out of scope, reduces the number of planes to twelve.
😉 Reverted the order for internal pillars into ITC. Controlled external communications.
To start: What is the : THE NINE PLANE? (R.Maes)
My name will always be associated with the so-called "Amsterdam nine-plane" for information management,
no matter how much I try to put its importance into perspective:
it is no more than an stucturing scheme within which information management issues can be positioned.
It will, hopefully, encourage conscious thinking about the "connection of things" and open perspectives on underexposed aspects of our field,
in particular the integral design issue and especially the information and communication factor.
As long as we do not include information in its full meaning in the orientation,
design and operation of organizations and do not regard communication in its full richness as the core of organizational action,
information management still has a long way to go!
R.Maes 2008
Information management is not the exclusive domain of "in-form-ing", integrated design to the interplay of organization, information and technology.
Today´s organisations need this information management that at the same time offers space for “inspiring”, that is literally bringing back the spirit in the organization.
Attempts to do communication and interactions in diagonal lines are recurrent issues for: misunderstanding, confusions and conflicts.
Some logical reasons for this are:
The hierachical levels are using different language levels
Topics, words for subjects have a different experience, different context
Authority and accountability do not match
⚙ I-1.2.2 Problem solving questions: six W one H
The seven questions: What, Where, When, Who, How, Which and Why are a common basis for problem solving and for design & engineering.
Which one is centric for the goal: Which or Why?
Why - For problem-solving.
Which - For design & engineering.
The Other six are predictors helping to find and answer for the goal.
In this way there are six pillars for analyses and information categorisation.
Doing three levels in abstraction level for better understanding is in line to "All About 5 Why"
⚒ I-1.2.3 Mindmap - table of contents - twelve planes
In scope are two of the three classic hierarchical levels:
Design - strategy
Devops - operational
The tactical level is not in scope. It is best described as "customer success stories". In scope are the tactical interactions at all sides.
The classic pillars: Business, Information, Technology, are renamed into: Steer Serve Shape. The reason is avoiding confusions using peculiar words.
The new dimensions aside Steer Serve Shape :
functional (bpm Steer information) was: business
technical (sdlc Serve) was: technology
compliancy (analytics Shape) was: information
technical (data)
compliancy (meta)
functional (math)
Note: The ordering of technology and information has changed.
The clumsy imagemap is an attempt in structuring information technology.
In the middle, is the column "sense". This is not a pillar, placed aside.
An imagemap is given options for follow links by clicking on selected area´s.
⚒ I-1.2.4 JABES, SIAR - back to four and/or nine planes
The SIAR model was grown from combining PDCA, Value Stream, enterprise engineering, Lean - Pull Push and the nine plane.
It originates from the question:
who is needing management information?
The question whos is needing management information resulted in a next questions:
What about data driven processes?
How about processes in organisation?
With the special situation of work experiences it was possible to think about solutions.
These solutions served as an aid in the conceptual framework without the possibility of independent realization.
I-1.3 Conventions and references
⚙ I-1.3.1 How to read this web content
Web content instead of hardcopy
Many documents are made in the may of old fashioned papers and old fashioned books.
I have chosen to use a web page in his basic properties. Challenges are:
Wat is the best lay-out for different type of screen sizes?
With a dynamic sizing: is the content stable for human reading?
There is no real sequential order in all detailed topics.
From a perspective others are accessible.
Several paths using hyper links are defined.
In the top and bottom there are global hyper links for navigation.
A local web page navigation block is around each chapter.
emoticons - coding help
Just text is not showing an emotion, the following emoticons are used:
⚖ I-1.3.2 How to read the Jabes proposal
Audience by perspectives
There are several aspects, topics and perspectives.
Depending on the vision in which kind of pillars and what kind of language for communication is used.
The proposal:
is about: proposal for generic information process improvement.
Perspectives: Steer, Shape, Serve and Strategic, tactical, operational.
👁 Aside the holistic organisation overview every element in the nine plane is run as "a business within the business". ⇅ ⟳ ⇄ Approaches "to manage" are repetitive ⟳ Regular Processes start & end: down right corner (IV) ⚙ Work cycle: ⚖ Pull: IV,III continued ⚒ Push: I,II ⟲ Innovation, analyses start & end at: at (III) or (II)
one: There is a circular flow in ten steps: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
two: Adding the value stream from left to right, a split in roles a Pull Push circular system appears.
three: Adding the hierarchy: Strategic Tactical operations.
The shopfloor was the two dimensional approach. Reporting to a central point for control.
Lead of business lines in the centre represented by an eye
Lead of the operations represented by an hand with gear wheels
Lead of change, innovation, daily control represented by two heads
Report lines up into the pyramid represented by the compass rose
At the left side backend activities Purchase, engineering, planning demand. At the right side frontend activities, marketing, sales after sales.
More than three dimensions is too difficult in human understanding. The Time dimension is left out.
perspectives - subjects - topics
Each paragrapah in the nine plane goes into details of expectations on processes:
Deliveries: within the pillar (vertical)
Services: alignment over the pillar (horizontal)
Craftmanschip: common knowledge usage "how to"
Every paragraph in the nine plane has two vertical and two horizontal relationships.
Understanding Jabes
🕳 In the relationships with their activities and information exchange there is a gap in tooling for documenting, archiving, using as source for analytics that important information.
There are a lot of ad hoc approaches where spreadsheets, generic office tools, excel. 🎯 Recognizing the gap in tooling it can be solved. The challenge in solving by building is a stepwise approach in creating and delivering.
The sizing, different aspects and possible impact is not to be underestimated.
⚒ I-1.3.3 unicode emoticons used enriching text
hint for link
good sign
begin link
cross bad
info books
legal - analytics
gear technology
hammer and pick work to do
warning sign
construction halt
fear screaming
target goal hit
hole gap
idea light bulb
Dingbats number
arrow up arrow down
arrow up arrow down
opening -link
arrow right
arrow left
money bag
double arrow horizontal
hourglas full
double arrow vertical
hourglas empty
double arrow horizontal
counter clockwise
down thumb
I-1.4 Jabes proposal - summary
I-1.4.1 CES: Organisation - optimized processes
Steer: Control, manage, organize top down from visions into missions that are getting serviced.
Cultural mindset expectations are:
being committed to the organisation missions with a vision
enabling conditions for change and innovation with a vision
goal for high maturity levels using shopfloor understanding
I-2.1 What in understanding & becoming supportive?
Getting insight for visions. More smart questions & answers:
❓ I-2.1.1 Q: Who are Leaders, Sponsors, Servants?
❶ A: These are roles, not necessary a hierarchical positions.
The "sponsor" is a name for the person having financial budget.
The funding is always coming from a business mission (Strategic -Steer). ❷ A: Finding who is doing what kind of work, the 9-plane with visualisations is helpful.
For example:
Steer-Operational(Pillar business) is doing the""data control" function. Deciding what when for who is processed by the "data processor".
👁 The role in lean is regulating the amount of work in progress.
The load demand is coming from another source. https://www.allaboutlean.com/push-pull/ push pull
Shape-Tactical is responsible for initiating and monitoring technical changes.
Shape-Operational is responsible for enabling and monitoring the operational flow. Budgets, available operational Staff, Monitoring flow performance quality and quantity. A role as water spider in lean.
👁 A role as water spider in lean.
Serve-Operational is responsible full filling the for enabling and monitoring the operational flow. Budgets, available operational Staff, Monitoring flow performance quality and quantity.
⚠ Tis is breaking the assumption the 9-plane is a organisational structure.
❸ A: The value stream flow when trying to pision is from rihgt to left. this is counterintuitive.
When turning the 9-plane model 180° the value stream will be from left to right, the control functions will be at the bottom. This is the location in the SIAR model.
❓ I-2.1.2 Q: How to understand the SIAR model?
❶ A: The Siar model multiple dimensions, there are up to three.
See also "I-1.3.2 How to read the Jabes proposal"
See also Elucidation "E-3.4.2 Situation Input Action Result" ❷ A: Follow Cycles:
Normal flow: IV,III,I,II clockwise
Pproblem solving: II,I,III,IV Counter Clockwise ❸ A: The confusing numbering: (R) IV, (S) III, (I) I, (A) II (R), is caused by converting a lineair time-line into a circular.
This strange reordering is not unique.
From engine theory:
In a 4 cylinder (in line) 4 stroke engine the fire order also is changing from the visible linear.
Fire order 4-3-1-2 is ( the same as 1-2-4-3) makes more sense because the (R) request/result (R) is shared.
❓ I-2.1.3 Q: Are existing toolsets, habits, culture, outdated or applicable?
There is a long list of this based on simple statements for behavior and/or toolsets and some frameworks.
A shortlist to get an impression: ❶ A: PDCA (shewhart) is embedded. (Wiki)
Lean six sigma (Wiki) , is applicable for problem solving and:
Improve performance by systematically removing operational waste and reducing process variation. It combines Lean Management and Six Sigma to increase the velocity of value creation in business processes.
❷ A: STAR as used to be. (Wikipedia)
An abbreviation for: Situation, Task, Action, Result.
Doing a retroperspective (T➡I):
It is used for describing what has happened, looking backward in time.
A different approach is changing it into what is expected in the near future.
❸ A: SMART as used to be. (Wiki)
An abbreviation for: Specific, Measurable, Assignable, Threats. ❹ A: Pareto as used to be. (Wiki)
The Pareto prinCPIle states that for many outcomes, roughly 80% of consequences come from 20% of causes (the "vital few").
Other names for this prinCPIle are the 80/20 rule, the law of the vital few or the prinCPIle of factor sparsity.
The real challenge is in correct categorisation what belongs to sparsity and what not. ❺ A: SWOT as used to be. (Wiki)
An abbreviation for: Strengths:, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Realistic, Time related. ❻ A: Agile, Lean, Scrum, SAFE, Less.
These are used in the conviction for improved business performance. Methods used can be very valuable. Regrettable all attention is going to delivering code, not on improving processes. ❼ A: ITIL - The ICT ticket service: request, incident, problem, change.
The ticket systems are only bound to optimize ICT services.
What they don´t cover are the processes bound to organisation missions.
Information from the tickets systems are very valuable to processes of the organisation.
Root causes from incidents, problems are a knowledges base for possible improvements. ❽ A: Excel, Mail, Instant Messages and others.
These are indispensable, but don´t use them for everything.
I-2.2 Where: additional information is found?
Seeking insight ideas confirmation. More smart questions & answers.
❓ I-2.2.1 Q: Are there similar ideas seen in public?
❶ A:
Celonis process mining Process Improvement:
Turn process opportunities into business value. Make those process improvements happen, anywhere your business needs:
Align teams across departments, with a shared understanding of process performance and a common language for process improvement.
Enable more effective automation, and more powerful operational AI solutions, by feeding them with real-time process intelligence.
Leverage unique process context to effectively orchestrate process change across the tools and applications you’ve already invested in, without disrupting or replacing any existing systems.
What is missing is a framework vision for an end state with maturity levels. It appears that the company is switching business into traditional business intelligence.
❷ A: A software solution showing marvellous visualisations. Dragon1
Dragon1 platform includes powerful enterprise architecture tools offering support for strategic planning, analysis, design, innovation and continuous improvement.
For visualizing and managing information from companies, ecosystems, intelligent business solutions and technology domains. ..
Visualization Data tools to make informed decisions, faster, better and smart by means of strategic blueprints as management reports. Design, monitor and steer the ongoing changes as a team, building the enterprise 4.0.
It is not a complete framework, it is an addon tool to usual frameworks. ❸ A: Consultancy: strategic planning, fundament: "The OODA loop", (Isaiah Wilson III). Horizonstrategies
The "aim" of The Horizon Way is one of helping our clients achieve the long-term goals for their organizations and to help them add coherency to what they do, how, and why. .....
Like John Boyd´s pioneering decision-making model, the OODA Loop – Observe, Orient, Decide, Act – that enables individuals and organizations to gain advantage over an opponent’s decision-cycle,
we argue that organizational innovation and adaptation require a comprehensive strategic theory of organizational learning that enables foresight, aligns objectives, ideas, and resources, and institutionalizes a continuous cycle of learning to adapt and succeed through transitions.
It is a framework, but there are no tools. ❺ A:
USM The unified management system for all service providers
It is a framework, but there are no tools.
All organizations are service organizations:
they must all be in control of their contribution to service supply chains in service ecosystems.
And control is first a matter of management, and only then a matter of technology. Therefore, they all need a common management strategy: every team, every organization is nowadays just a link in supply chains and ecosystems.
Efficient and effective interoperability requires a strategic cooperation.
❺ A:
Whitepaper: The strategic knowledge base. The digital compass of every governor
The document is only in Dutch at the moment. It got my attention for the layered approach.
The business model however is difficult. For realisations in using data a fall back on best practices is predictable.
Foundations for a successful strategic course within the organization by focusing on the administrative direction.
Here the formulation of the mission, vision, core values, goals and strategy is central.
It is a framework, in similar concepts on how to get data driven, but there are no tools.
❓ I-2.2.2 Q: Is there more for 6W-1H?
❶ A: In the elucidation chapter there is "E-3.3.1 Six philosophical questions: What, Where, When, Who, How, Why",
the questions are a fundament of the Zachman framework.
❷ A: Business Event Analysis & Modeling.
Asking what is needed using 7 questions is modelstorming, beam.
🤔 Not boiling the ocean, but delivering what is needed as soon as possible.
It is about what data is needed for reporting. The same questions can be asked for what is needed procsessing the information.
agile dwh and
image source
❸ A:
Wikipedia Five Ws
Even though the classical origin of these questions as situated in ethics had long been lost,
they have been a standard way of formulating or analyzing rhetorical questions since antiquity.
For relationships and communication Lasswell is another source.
❓ I-2.2.3 Q: What about Bill of Materials (BOM)?
❶ A: It is part of the operational research (OR). The classic approach for improving processes.
Do a shopping list for what components, materials are needed.
Software_bill_of_materials (wikipedia)
Software vendors often create products by assembling open source and commercial software components. The software BOM describes the components in a product.
It is analogous to a list of ingredients on food packaging.
❷ A: A shopping list of necessary components is part of building up a process flow line.
The possible components needed to retrieve are:
Information / data sources need for the process.
Tools to manage data, transforming information by processing, storing, archiving information.
data as product in an operational or analytical plane using code and infrastructure
Central: Responsible for data quality into federated:
Responsible for defining how to model what constitutes quality
Central: Responsible for data security into federated:
Responsible for defining aspects of data security i.e. data sensitivity levels for the platform to build in and monitor automatically
Central: Responsible for complying with regulation into federated:
Responsible for defining the regulation requirements for the platform to build in and monitor automatically
Centralized technology used by monolithic lake/warehouse into federated:
Self-serve platform technologies used by each domain
Shared prinCPIles for: an operational delivery platform
I-2.3 When: are frameworks, applications available?
Timelines, planning expectations for missions. Star questions & answers.
❓ I-2.3.1 Q: Is the Framework available?
❶ A: The framework is at the moment an idea.
It was tried with a Microsoft Word. Using a Word template containing a framework for an ICT platform.
The result was promising although in the end superseded by operational issues and deadlines.
❷ A: When a party or parties are found, capable and willing to build it, realisation could start.
A realisation will be in small incremental steps and a continuous development.
Jabes is too big to build as a single solution, it even not a single line of an product.
The fast changing world will require adjustments by changed requirements. ❸ A: What the demand is, will be developed with priority.
For an idea for developing steps:
Knowing the maturity level would be a good candidate
Enabling what is going on in existing organisations, registration of existing portfolios another
Having the ideas & requests for fixes, improvements and opportunities another. Categorizing by the 9-plane is a new not existing approach
Building a ICT system is a bootstrap approach for creating the registrations, progress and reports of an ICT system
❓ I-2.3.2 Q: For what kind of organisations?
❶ A: The Jabes framework is not dependent on the technology used for the missions of the organisation.
It is supporting managing processes with a focus on information processing. Organisations without any kind of information processing is hardly imaginable.
The sizing of an organisation can make it manageable by simple approaches.
❷ A: Short list:
Financials, banking insurance
Governmental organisations
Information technology enterprises
non profit foundations
❸ A: The Jabes frameworks are applicable in many situations.
❓ I-2.3.3 Q: For what kind of usage?
❶ A: Topics are not mentioned for their content but as artifact in their completeness as an object.
The following is a list of topics to cover:
Knowledge assurance:
information / data quality
expectations delivered information quality
information security (functional)
knowledge assurance: compliance regulations
Basel, Sox, Solvency when applicable
Functional operational risk
Technical operational risk, vulnerabilities.
knowledge assurance: information sensitivity
privacy GDPR PII
process impact
chain with history, Archiving
knowledge assurance: used " business rules "
performance capacity
expected maximum throughput
❓ I-2.3.4 Q: what is the list of Questions & Answers?
❓ I-2.3.6 Q: Who is needing Jabes in an organisation?
❶ A: Almost anybody doing information processing, see chapter I-1.4
❓ I-2.3.7 Q: Who is capable organizing Jabes in an organisation?
❶ A: Because it is should be present almost everywhere there is nobody able to organize this.
💡 The only option would be purchasing it external. Purchasing external assumes it is existing. It is not existing (yet).
Creating and building it up externally needs entrepreneurship and is this case a basic support base.
❓ I-2.3.8 Q: Who is able creating a maturity level culture?
❶ A: This is a leadership culture of responsibility and accountability.
See chapter E-2-3 foloowed by E-1.6 E-2.6 E-3.6 for details. ❷ A: This framework is separate and is a separate development process. It is the quickest one to set up.
The disadvantage is that based on knowing what the situation is and what the desired situation is, there is no linked improvement process.
❓ I-2.3.9 Q: Who is able creating a lean change & innovation level culture?
❶ A: This is a leadership culture of responsibility and accountability.
See chapter E-2-3 followed by E-1.6 E-2.6 E-3.6 for details. ❷ A: Real lean change & innovation is not doing something that is hyping and not understanding what and why you are doing that.
FATE is a warning to anyone who thinks you can get benefits by brainlessly incorporating a new structure into your existing organization without applying critical thinking skills.
❷ A: Real lean change & innovation is understanding the principles and trying to use them in realisations.
The data-drive process model, nine-plane, Siar models are just helpful visualisations.
I-2.4 Who: will Jabes build and maintain?
Realisations & implementations are visions. More smart questions & answers:
❓ I-2.4.1 Q: What are the Jabes products?
❶ A: During startup te friction is: there is a non-profit foundation and there are several types of commercials.
Jabes leads into:
non-profit Jabes Foundation: maiantaining the framework & standards.
👁 The framework shall be open source knowledge.
Commercial(s) enabling trade and exchange of "informations process constructs".
⚠ Funding to the Jabes foundation is by mandatory membership
Commercial(s): enabling documentation, registration of "information process constructs".
⚠ Funding to the foundation is by mandatory membership
Commercial(s): auditing maturity levels of "informations process constructs".
⚠ Funding to the foundation is by mandatory membership
❷ A: The Jabes Foundation has several goals.
Standard Meta data definitions within a dedicated process type. Definition of allowed type of artifact contents.
Standard naming convention for identification of process artifacts.
Versioning with changes of the standard meta definitions conventions.
Registration of ranges in identification allowing for brokers to define customer ownerships.
This is similar to the International bank account construction.
Versioned versions of an independent technical process maturity levels.
In case of a SAAS approach the service of the serviceprovider is included.
❗✅ The exporting and importing of binary just recent became a standard options in database technology.
This allows binary objects being part of the export and import process.
Types of pdf, xlsx, docx, zip or whatever of will be allowed are part of a strict structured database.
❸ A: The Jabes Foundation provides supervision on the commercials auditing maturity levels.
❹ A: The Jabes Foundation provides supervision on the commercials facilitating trade.
❺ A: For public open sources access there will be an isolated (Segmentation) technical zone with selected imported object artifacts.
❻ A: Analytics on registrations of project progress will:
enable standard management information reports.
enable data driven predictions.
❼ A: Analytics on registrations of capacity and performance will:
enable standard management information reports.
enable standard data driven predictions.
❓ I-2.4.2 What about trade in process specifications?
❶ A: All the specifications are physical stored artifacts in a standard meta model.
A unique identification is needed do differentiation of the involved process. A naming convention for the identification is needed.
A proposal:
💡 ❗✅ A structured naming standard could be:
❷ A: All the specifications are physical stored artifacts in a standard meta model.
This allow the option for exporting and importing all specifications of an them into another owner identification.
The meta model conforms to the layering in the nine-plane with some differences:
the backlog, known issues, innovation proposals, is at III (down left)
design & building the process (or components of those), is at I (top left)
validations of the process the process, is at the II (top right)
the specifications with, known issues, is at the IV (down right)
For every activity there is planning and logging control dataset.
❓ I-2.4.3 What could the Jabes developing & building process be?
❶ A: Bootstrap development build of Jabes maturity is possible.
The approach:
Start with defining a meta. Using a simplistic tool.
Funding will come in by consultancy fees.
❷ A: Bootstrap development build of Jabes
The approach:
Start with building core components in a SAAS setting.
Start with a limited set of definitions of the process product meta.
Build the Jabes product using the Jabes framework and Jabes product.
Funding will come in by exploratory users acting as sponsors.
❸ A: Use the proposed defined identification.
❹ A: ❗✅ Using the Jabes framework for this gives a remarkable visualisation:
The process is having nine planes, showing the SIAR model in several levels.
The goal is enabling controlled data driven processes at customers. (IV)
Enabling & planning is executed by understanding the nine plane. (III)
Designing building validating the Jabes product is using the SIAR model. (I)
The Jabes product to deliver validated is the registration of the processes at customers. (II)
I-2.5 How: will Jabes be implemented?
Expectations & implementations are visions. More smart questions & answers:
❓ I-2.5.1 Q: How will the Jabes ecosystem be?
❶ A: Jabes consists of several components.
non-profit Jabes Foundation:
maintaining the framework & standards
providing supervision on commercial usage.
👁 An open source knowledge framework
👁 Commercial(s) enabling trade and exchange of "informations process constructs".
Membership of the Jabes foundation is mandatory
using an unique number range within the Jabes specification naming standard
Responsible and accountable for number identification of their customers.
Responsible and accountable for the information exchange with the information trade exchange of their customers.
👁 Commercial(s): enabling documentation, registration of "information process constructs".
Membership of the Jabes foundation is mandatory
using an unique number range within the Jabes specification naming standard
Responsible and accountable for correct recording of information for process information of their customers with their product.
Responsible and accountable for following Jabes meta standard for their product. This includes import and export options, renaming an jabes specification.
👁 Commercial(s): auditing maturity levels of "informations process constructs".
Membership of the Jabes foundation is mandatory
Connecting to an unique number range within the Jabes specification naming standard for what process is audited.
Aside the the technical aspects of processes the organisational aspects for a total holistic maturity approach is in the auditing scope.
Responsible and accountable for a sufficient correct audit evaluation according the Jabes standard.
❷ A: 💡 ❗✅ The Jabes ecosystem is is itself a process cycle with continuous improvement.
🤔 Instead of data / information or a portfolio putting in the center Jabes is in the center for improvement with consolidation of processes.
The planes "Strategic"-"Shape", "Operational"-"Steer", "Operational"-"Serve", have a similar process visual.
❓ I-2.5.2 Q: How about changes innovations & feedback?
❶ A: Having all activities for a process in the nine plane the question is what happened with the value stream for missions?
The result delivery is going out at the bottom when the visualisation is having "Strategic" at the top.
🤔 Turn the visualisation 90° counter clockwise ⟲. The value stream will be left to right.
Next (:
🤔 The three "Shape" planes are the "pull". This line is shaping the organisation.
🤔 Both of three "Steer" (functional business) and "Serve" (technical enabling) planes are a "push".
Both are components in the realisations. Good alignment by all three is needed. ❷ A: 💡 ❗✅ Use the complicated 3D hexagram shaped in the:
SIAR mindset, organisational: clear roles with clear goals
❸ A: Recognizing two process realization streams, functional & technical, in the pull push approach is bringing back the classic: devil´s triangle.
A triangle is having sharp edges that are smoothened by intermediates. The result of that are three dimensional hexagrams with an important fourth time dimension the attraction goes to very abstract philosophy questions.
The I Ching or Yi Jing
, usually translated Book of Changes or Classic of Changes, is an ancient Chinese divination text that is among the oldest of the Chinese classics. ....
Leibniz wrote the first European commentary on the I Ching in 1703. He argued that it proved the universality of binary numbers.
🤔 Something is still unexplained. Planning & monitoring is knowing what will happen and what has happened. Instead of a single activity there are three positions.
❹ A: Use for planning & monitoring probes, reports just before and after a complete line.
💡 With four phases and three activity positions there are twelve locations:
pull, change - innovation at 06:00 (S) probe at 10:00 and 02:00
backend quality located at 09:00 (I) probe at 01:00 and 17:00
push assembly - delivery, at 12:00 (A) probe at 08:00 and 04:00
frontend quality located at at 03:00 (R) probe at 07:00 and 11:00
❓ I-2.5.3 Q: How about trade in process specifications?
❶ A: The goal at organisations are controlled known processes.
Processes are cyclid:
from demand (backend) to (frontend) delivery push
from request (ideate asses) to demand (enable plan) pull
At every phase there are goals with input & results clean lean
🤔 This is in the visual at the horizontal vertical positions.
🤔 Knowledge over the processes is stored in the diagonal positions.
The planes "Tactical"-"Steer", "Operational"-"Shape" have a similar process visual.
The plane "Strategy"-"Serve" is aside many others, the enabler for storing the needed knowledge information.
❗ A well defined structure of the knowledge information storage is a prerequisite for importing exporting process knowledge (Jabes).
The process knowledge has functional and technical knowledge aspects.
❷ A: 💡 ❗✅ Use the well defined structure of the knowledge information storage (Jabes).
Cover the process cycle with consolidated knowledge:
Backlog, known problems & issues, innovations
Change evaluation for initiation
Change enable & plan
Design & build solutions
Validate solutions
Consolidated design realisations, validations into specifications
I-2.6 Which: assumptions are made?
Realisations & expectations are based on assumptions. Some questions & answers:
❓ I-2.6.1 Q: Who are responsible accountable?
❶ A: The responsiblity and accountabilit for the information processing is positioned in the enterprise organisations pillar.
The mission(s) of the enterprise is operated in this pillar.
Source: RACI information objects Wikipedia Raci
It is used for clarifying and defining roles and responsibilities in cross-functional or departmental projects and processes. ⚠ The technology pillar neither the compliancy pillar have a direct connection with missions. They can get consulted and informed.
This is in accordance to:
Gdpr Article 4 section 7
"controller" means the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data;
NIS Article 20
Member States shall ensure that the management bodies of essential and important entities approve the cybersecurity risk-management measures taken by those entities in order to comply with Article 21, oversee its implementation and can be held liable for infringements by the entities of that Article.
❷ A: ❗✅ Have clear definitions: accountability, responsibility for "strategic" roles.
❓ Q: I-2.6.2 Q: What about the Organizational structure model?
❶ A: It is about roles, not a hierarchical position.
Recap: dimensions in the SIAR model:
one: A circular flow in ten steps
two: value stream (left to right), Pull Push circular system.
A backend (left) & frontend (right), Operations (top) & control (bottom)
three: hierarchy: Strategic Tactical operations.
The hierarchy (third dimension) with the second dimensions is helpful in positioning roles for activities.
The operational levels are at the borders, the tactical in a circle around the middle (compass rose), strategic the eye in the middle.
❷ A: The position of advisory roles are becoming more clear.
👓 DPO (GDPR: Data protection officer): "Tactical"-"Shape".
🤔 Mandatory: not being part of the hierarchy.
👓 Chief Security officer: "Tactical"-"Shape".
In the role: has to advice and align the technical flow, functional flow and the decision makers.
🤔 With increasing accountablities to enterprise controllers, increasing complexity the question is why it should be part of the hierarchy.
👓 Chief information officer (enterprise architect): "Tactical"-"Shape".
In the role: has to advice and align the technical flow, functional flow and the decision makers.
😉 The role is possible combined with a strategic position.
👓 Chief quality officer: "Tactical"-"Shape".
In the role: has to advice and align the technical flow, functional flow and the decision makers.
😉 The role is possible combined with a strategic position.
👁 Chief financial officer: "Tactical"-"Shape".
A financial advice only should not be decisive.
😉 The role is possible combined with a strategic position.
👁 Corporate risk officer: "Tactical"-"Shape".
In the role: has to advice, control and align the technical flow, functional flow and the decision makers.
😉 The role is possible combined with a strategic position.
❸ A: Use the complicated 3D hexagram shaped in the:
❸ A: 💡 ❗✅ Use roles mapped to activities. Organize positions for roles without conflicts in interests.
❓ Q: I-2.6.3 What about bottlenecks?
❶ A: Bottlenecks are often escalating in the hierarchy wiht conflicts. Finding, recognizing the real root cause is how to resolve them.
For more details, see: "E-1.3 Muda Mura Muri - burn out, bore out"
❷ A: It is a key factor in maturity for every of the three pillars.
For more details, see: "E-2.6.4 Vision - Number of CMM control"
❸ A: ❗✅ Have clear organisational definitions on: accountability, responsibility for "strategics" roles. ❹ A: Optimising work is increasing quality, increasing quantity, lowering cost.
Removing bottlenecks is one of the options.
Optimising work, seeing and understanding what is going on, is what I do, always have done.
The first project doing this was JST although I did not recognize it that way.
Seeing a ToC "Theory of Constraints" book. Reading the chapter 11 " workplace bottleneck - eve" seeing a happy recognition.
The reference: 👓 The Bottleneck Rules (Clark Ching)
A reaction on a review: I´m so glad you liked the book ---- . It took a lot of work to write such a short book!
❓ Q: I-2.6.4 Which impact within the organisation?
Every change has impact, Building Jabes (technical steer), shaping the culture in the organisation, alignment for conditions (Serve).
In a nine plane:
I-2.4.1 ❸ A: ❗✅ Exporting and importing of complete process meta content documentations, realisations, operations.  
I-2.4.2 ❹ A: 💡❗✅ A structured standarized naming convennion for process identification.  
I-2.4.3 ❺ A: ❗✅ The Jabes framework getting implemented by using Jabes.  
I-2.5.1 ❸ A: 💡❗✅ The Jabes ecosystem is is itself a process cycle with continuous improvement.  
I-2.5.2 ❹ A: 💡❗✅ Use the complicated 3D hexagram shape. Pull-Push, value stream, SIAR mindset.  
I-2.5.3 ❹ A: 💡❗✅ Use the well defined structure of the knowledge information storage (Jabes).  
I-2.6.1 ❸ A: ❗✅ Set clear definitions: accountability, responsibility for "strategic" roles.  
I-2.6.2 ❹ A: 💡❗✅ Use roles mapped to activities. Organize positions for roles without conflicts in interests.  
I-2.6.3 ❹ A: ❗✅ Have clear organisational positions on: accountability, responsibility for "strategic" roles.  
There is lot of information, Regulatory - directives, on the public internet.
It is impossible to get an overview due the volume.
For getting an idea sufficient for understanding what is to do touching the surface.
There is lot of information for technical Cyber security on the public internet. Even more confusing is the sheer number in variety of topics.
Regulations have an overlap in cyber security. Avoiding waste in understanding the overlap, reducing the effort for both.
Just blaming that something is wrong doesn't really help in improvements.
The gap in technology is not a technology problem, the real challenge for technology is using technology with insight to achieve the goal.
Detailed pages relocated (meta):
👓 Advanced security including operators
👓 data processes, the V-model ship like
👓 Requesting data -information as pull, chain of information imkad
👓 description of metatadata pradoxes in chains operating
I-3.3 Shape: design - devops
Decision support, Performance, Optimizing, Lean, Business Intelligence, Analytics.
Formerly BiaAnl.
Used: refered to on the page. Lean, Data Mesh, managemnt, Vuca Bani
There are players on the market with partial coverage in project management, process mining, lean support.
The focus here is on cyber administrative services, not industry or construction.
A limited list;
Building up all experience headed in the same evolutionary direction by those not being active on the floor.
Connecting what is missing on the floor and how the floor is changing is the real gap.
The reason generic knowledge (r-jabes) has no list of external links: there is no realisation for jabes done, there are no other ideas building on the framework.
Controlling Software development is the connection why Jabes is important as framework and a set of tools. It is the next evolutionary step in the information age.
Theory of Constraints (TOC) is a management method (Tameflow)
TOC originated from manufacturing, but has since been applied to engineering, project management, sales, accounting, marketing and other business processes.
TOC is based on Systems Thinking, the Scientific Method and Logic. ...
TOC considers any business as a system transforming inputs into outputs. The inputs undergo a number of work steps and are transformed into outputs.
The outputs are the products/services valued and paid for by the business’s customers. ...
If TOC is to be applied to software development, a relevant question is: What is inventory in software development and how can it be measured?
David Anderson (2003) first tried to use TOC for managing software, and states inventory is defined
“through measures of client-valued functionality.
The ideas captured as functional requirements or a marketing feature list represent the raw material for the software production system.
➡ Requirements represent the ideas being transformed into executable code.” ⬅
... Client-valued functionality can be expressed in different ways, depending on the software methodology used.
A unit of inventory could be, for instance:
A Use Case in UDP [a.k.a. RUP]
A Story Point in XP (eXtreme Programming)
A Feature in FDD (Feature-Driven Development)
A Backlog Item in Scrum
A Function Point in traditional SDLC structured methods
In short, “A unit of inventory is an idea for a client-valued function described in a format suitable for use by software developers.”
In simpler terms: Inventory is the to-do list of client-valued functionality - no matter how the to-do list is represented.
Note here that the stress is on "client-valued" functionality because TOC is much concerned with "business value".
Unlike Agile processes, TOC makes it mandatory to quantify such business value.
The value is represented as estimated revenue during planning and development phases, or actual revenue when in production.
The reason generic knowledge (math) has no list of external links: what is on the market at a moment is changing very fast.
Aside the index contents there is an sophisticated explanation of thoughts. 🔰 When the image link fails, click here.
Living with ICT, can feel:
(IV) - beautiful, full of uncertainty
(III) - nice solving, what is missing
(I) - strictly controlled
(II) - luxurious settled, friendly
This ordering starts at the bottom right corner, than clockwise in the figure.
The numbering is left to right and top down.