Business process management (BPM) is a discipline in operations management in which people use various methods to discover, model, analyze, measure, improve, optimize, and automate business processes.
... Any combination of methods used to manage a company´s business processes is BPM
There are six pillars in a functional and technical layer.
Within the the three internal pillars linked access is possible by an imagemap over the given figure. 🔰 Down to earth .. epilogue.
⚖ B-1.1.2 Guide reading this page
Research process management
Everybody is looking for a solution to manage the challenges with business, information and technology processes.
For physical processes there are a lot of regulations and knowledge how to manage those.
🤔 For administrative (cyber) processes there are many frameworks, ideas proposals how to work.
As far I know there is nothing on the market for solving those challenges for administrative processes.
What is BPM about?
Processes are the interactions between people and possible other artifacts, a series of actions that you take in order to achieve a result.
There are many frameworks sources for information on processes. ABPMP
Business Process Management (BPM) is a disciplined approach to identify, design, execute, document, measure, monitor, and control both automated and non-automated business processes to achieve consistent, targeted results aligned with an organization´s strategic goals.
BPM involves the deliberate, collaborative and increasingly technology-aided definition, improvement, innovation, and management of end-to-end business processes that drive business results, create value, and enable an organization to meet its business objectives with more agility.
BPM enables an enterprise to align its business processes to its business strategy, leading to effective overall company performance through improvements of specific work activities either within a specific department, across the enterprise, or between organizations.
Conversion started from 2020 content to align with new content Jabes.
Added: CBok reference. The BPM content was far too thin.
2024 week:9
Draft version far enough to continue in "Meta" Jabes maturity goals.
Planning to start in week 10 with "Shape" previous BiAnl (Business Intelligence).
😲 That topic change dramatically by what is really needed:
➡ Underpinned explainable reliable information processing.
Planning, to do:
Cleaning up Connection details PPIC from free mind idea Jabes.
B-1.2 Question how to change?
Hierarchy in a pyramide.
Segregation in responsibilities in roles:
Working culture is set by the hierarchical top:
Hierarchy dictate details 👉🏾 micromanagement
Micromanagement 👉🏾 siloed organisations
Shared abstract goals. Siloed organisations 👉🏾 replacing for other goals
⚖ B-1.2.1 Lean processing
The factor: time
The most important difference in the pyrmaid:
Strategic: ⌛⏳⌛⏳⌛⏳ Long term More comprehensive
Tactical: ⌛⏳ medium term. link between levels
Operational: Short term, specfic
This hierarchical idea will not empower all committed people. Only a limited number are of involved ones.
For a real lean mindset there is a change needed.
Lean is not a tool but a culture. Hence, you have to convince your people that lean can help them. his is also often called a mindset change.
The more trust management has with their people, the easier it will be. A company that uses management by fear will have more difficulties in a lean transformation.
Make sure you pick a case that is both relevant to the workers and has a high chance of success. For subsequent projects you can build on this success.
However, you cannot delegate changing the corporate culture! While others can assist with some aspects of a lean transformation, it needs management support, not only passively allowing it, but actively driving it.
⚙ B-1.2.2 Decisions - quadrant choices
Gartner quadrant
According to Gartner, Forrester and more in their tools, suppliers analist reports.
The top right corner is the preferred location while strong strategy (value long term) is at the right side.
Those two dimensions are the best fit in human understanding in trade-off choices.
There are however many more dimensions than just two. To use this multiple those quadrants are needed. None of them will give an answer for all possible interactions. Gartner Magic quadrant
A Magic Quadrant provides a graphical competitive positioning of four types of technology providers, in markets where growth is high and provider differentiation is distinct:
Challengers execute well today or may dominate a large segment, but do not demonstrate an understanding of market direction.
Leaders execute well against their current vision and are well positioned for tomorrow.
Niche Players focus successfully on a small segment, or are unfocused and do not out-innovate or outperform others.
Visionaries understand where the market is going or have a vision for changing market rules, but do not yet execute well.
This approach is useable for many choices to offer in he hierarchy to decide on.
Innovation X Stable Operations
A conflict of interests that will last forever.
(4q, 👓 click figure) The choice:
conservative running (vertical) 👉🏾 stable - operations 👎🏾 no process changes, no innovation
disruptive innovation (horizontal) 👎🏾 instable operations 👉🏾 process changes, innovations
Doing two major changes at the same time often results in unwanted surprises.
Scheduling actions spread in time makes more sense. 👉🏾 continous deployment - doing evalutions at each
Business value X Complexity Simplicity
This is Prioritizing Value versus effort.
The choice:
Low value, simple 👉🏾 park them for later / reconsider.
high value, simple 👉🏾 way to win customers / easy win.
Low value, complex 👉🏾 not worth the effort / drop them?.
high value, complex 👉🏾 do these first / strategic - split them.
It may be unexpected to start as soon as possible with the complex ones.
They are needing to be ready in-time, because the delivery will take longer, you should start in time.
The easy quick wins are helpful in getting acknowledgement from the business. Doing some of those will give good feeling.
The pitfall on addiction on those "good feelings" is loosing the outlook for the long term goals.
⚒ B-1.2.3 Steer Shape Serve - within business pillar
Strategic alignment - Conflict of interests
As soon as more than one person is in the organisation and more departments are getting created there are more different interests on each.
All personal interests are also to be managed although they are not always clear an even not documented.
There is a long history with management approaches.
One of those the Amsterdam Information Model (AIM) model, a figure:
Vertical split: ❶ Strategic, ❷ Tactical, ❸ Operational.
Aside nine green planes there are four intermediate areas.
The hierarchy of control authority is clear: top-down.
This AIM model is often used in reorganisation advices by consultancy companies. The hidden goal of cost saving.
Those reorganisations going along with a split up in the operations layer.
The generic operational technical challenges to be outsourced.
The intention is keeping the staff that are aligned with business goals.
❓ Question what are the core competencies of an organisations?
There are several issues with this AIM model:
The Command style is going into classic micro-management.
A negative effect on involvement by staff.
core competencies being outsourced, core knowledge into the waste bin.
🕳👁❗ Avoid micro management , empower staff, focus ➡ core competencies.
😉 tldr: go for real lean.
Strategic alignment - Overhauled
The original nine plane was not using organisational pillars but a type of tasks to be done.
Overhauling this nine plane that way an putting tasks in them gives a complete different approach.
Organizing the task and roles, reuse of the nine-plane.
Steer in the organisation: pillar are the basic core competencies in the holistic one.
Shape in the organisation: pillar assures the future fitness for the organisation.
Serve in the organisation: pillar are the technology connections for processes.
A figure,
See right side:
Information accountability is clearly at "steer", business organisation.
The hierarchy of control authority is less clear.
There are several challenges with this overhauled model:
Who do payments, who is accountable and who is responsible need clarifications. Accountability and authority should match.
Information processing is an organisation core competence, not technology only.
core competencies being outsourced, core knowledge into the waste bin.
🕳👁❗ Set clear accountabilities responsibilities. 🕳👁❗ Organise tasks, roles, aligned to accountabilities.
💡❗✅ For information use Jabes to have all involved metadata information.
💡❗✅ For transformations use Jabes to collect all instructions (algorithms).
B-1.3 BPM: Process Life Cycle
Humans are aversive for change.
Negative sentiment:
Machines are taken over the world
Any failure or mistake: "Computer says no"
Dispose humans made obsolete by machines
Positive sentiment:
Machines 👉🏾 monotonously hard labour
Automatization 👉🏾 decrease failures, bias
Machines 👉🏾 help humans, support at complex hard comprehensible algorithms.
⟳ B-1.3.1 Processes Abstraction
Process abstraction is a mindset with the goal to see similarities.
Recognizing similarities allows to reuse the same concepts in different areas.
Examples at high level:
Raw material
Result Delivery
understanding nature
Seed, Soil, Fertilizer, livestock
agricultural labour
legal & financial rights
Crop, Fruit, meat, Grain, diary products
Knowledge: Travel, Negotiate
Storage, Warehouses, conveyor belt
Ships, Trucks, carriage
Legal & Financials rights
Storage, Warehouses, conveyor belt
understand how to weave
Cotton, wool, threads
Loom, sewing machine
Cloths, canvas
materials knowledge
mining labour
Iron, Coal, Silicon, Glass, Cuprum
Industry mechanics
Engineering mechanics
Raw materials
Machines, tools
Logic, code
Process Log, Trade
Documents (Information)
😱 The ICT Cyber approaches is the first one without physical artifacts.
Only a physical computer is somewhere.
Processes to differentiate in:
🕳👁❗ Get the cyber mindset at involved staff solved: no physical artefacts. 🕳👁❗ Cyber mindset: focus to value streams. Tools are needed but not decisive.
⟳ B-1.3.2 ALC-V1 model
The most simplistic approach. From human knowledge build a process.
⚒ Physical:
For a long time (thousands of years) used, predominantly agriculture.
The yearly cycle is limiting improvements by one person. Maximum apx 30 trials.
Any failure on success can have a big impact.
The activity and decisions are based on knowledge and historical experiences.
There are not many options by those risks for experiments, doing it different.
⚙ Cyber/administrative:
The first real big software projects used this in the middle of the 20th century.
The Apollo project, "race to the moon", being an innovator for a lot spin-offs.
World War II, caused a lot of innovation including the basics of operational research.
⚖ In a figure:
⟳ B-1.3.3 ALC-V2 model
A more advanced approach. Human knowledge, human decisions building and changing processes.
⚒ Physical:
Industrialisation 18th century got disconnected form the yearly cycle.
Introduction of the loopback feature.
Many options for trials doing things better by manageable cycles. Textile in lead at the beginning of the 19th century.
Mechanics, machines became common. The assembly line introduced in 1913.
Managing enterprises got a scientific approach in the beginning of the 20th century. Triggered by mining and mechanics, industrial engineering.
⚙ Cyber/administrative:
Computers doing administrative processing became commodity end of 20th century.
The loop back feature got a mindset lock-in in the new world of ICT.
⚖ In a figure:
😱 Functional value stream processing and their technical ICT realisations got confused.
Caused by volatile uncertain complex ambigue regulations the technical realsiation got lost.
See also: "F-1.4 Misunderstanding: ICT - Business". 🕳👁❗ Get functional processes aligned with technology services (process) 🕳👁❗ Get safety guidelines aligned with technology services (people) 🕳👁❗ Get operational guidelines aligned with technology services (machines)
⟳ B-1.3.4 ALC-V3 model
A sophisticated approach. Machines are interacting on events themself, balancing by measurements into new situations.
Algorithms for machines and sensors are improving fast using computers in their nice areas.
⚒ Physical:
The feed back loop was quickly used in mechanical industrial solutions. The steam engine has several of those, started in the 18th century.
There was a boost when the working class household got machines making live easier. This boost was in the middle of the 20th century.
Fast evolving technology, computers becoming commodity in industrial and household solutions in the beginning 21th century.
⚙ Cyber / administrative:
The mindset lock-in from ALC-V2 hampering for better solutions.
Using the loopback feature to automate in the sophisticated approach, generating better logic is tried but not getting accepted easily and not understood well enough.
⚖ In a figure:
😱 The "physical" and "Cyber/administrative" approaches for processes are:
not at same level of maturity
not at same level of understanding
An important difference is in understanding and using the feedback loops.
In the Cyberworld this feedback loop is the driving factor behind "Artifical Intelligence". 🕳👁❗ Solve at involved staff: understanding and using feedback loops. 🕳👁❗ Add sensors for metrics in the value stream and feedback loops.
💡❗✅ For processes, functional algorithms: use Jabes to collect all information.
💡❗✅ For information quality, responsible usage: use Jabes to collect all information.
B-1.4 BPM: Value stream simplistic
There is a long history for executing processes.
What are the steps in a value stream ?
Ideate Asses - Plan Enable 🎭 These are pull actions
Demand / push: 👉🏾 Prepare, validate information input
Process / push: 👉🏾 Transform conform instructions
Deliver / push: 👉🏾 Validate results before handing over
⟲ B-1.4.1 Data model, stage: Information delivery
⚒ Physical:
Out of scope.
⚙ Cyber/administrative:
At "T-3.5.1 Data model, stage: Information delivery" the nine plane in the upper corner is explained.
The goal with the information delivery:
To agreed locations
Agreed quality of information / documents
⚖ With agreed entities
A figure:
See right side
Mind set change
Don´t micro manage everything. Have the requirements for adequate tooling&actes's in place an let the workforce do their work.
⟲ B-1.4.2 Data model, stage: Information transformation
⚒ Physical:
Out of scope.
⚙ Cyber/administrative:
At "T-3.5.2 Data model, stage: Information transformation" the nine plane in the upper corner is explained.
The goal with the transformation:
transform the retrieved source materials of information into a new product of information.
⚖ Use the conforming assembly instructions
validate the expectations of levels of quality are met
A figure:
See right side
⟲ B-1.4.3 Data model, stage: Information gathering
⚒ Physical:
Out of scope.
⚙ Cyber/administrative:
At "T-3.5.3 Data model, stage: Information gathering" the nine plane in the upper corner is explained.
The goal with the material retrieval:
⚖ with agreed entities
get, retrieve from agreed locations
in agreed quality of information
A figure:
See right side
⚖ B-1.4.4 Retrospective relationships
⚒ Physical:
Out of scope.
⚙ Cyber/administrative: Data processing in a nine plane
A one dimensional approach is very limited for understanding what is possible.
There many viewpoints in an ideate approach. ❶ There are three type of processes: ALC-V1, ALC-V2, ALC-V3. ❷ There are three steps in processing: Demand, Transform, Deliver.
❓ Would there come more ALC types?
The real difference in attitude is drive by experiences in time. More ALC types are not expected.
❓ What would the relation be between ALC types and the three logical information steps be?
Putting them in a mindmap, a nine plane:
Demand information
long term optimized
high variety high variability
Intermediate term controlled
Standard managed
Short term executing
One-off product
Process - Transform
long term optimized
quality: continously optimized
Intermediate term controlled
quality: managed control
Short term executing
quality: craftmanship
Deliver Information
long term optimized
Ambiguous low predictability
Intermediate term controlled
Standard managed
Short term executing
One-off product
❓ Where is the stream? ❸ Split the transformation step in multiple ones in the same approach.
⚙ Cyber/administrative: Jabes Metadata domains
From "Y.2.5.2" (Meta) a completeness for metadata domains is given.
For a start with value streams not alle domains are needed.
⟳ A ⇅
 I ⇄
⇄ R 
⇅ S ⟳
💡 🎯 The following Jabes metadata domains are required:
PPIC: Input value stream(s) Information / documents in the demand for source.
PMOV: Product Middleware operational values - transformers Instructions for the processing.
PPIC: Result value stream(s) Information / documents to be delivered in the requests.
B-1.5 Serve: (Information) Technology
Product data management (PDM) is focused on capturing and maintaining information on products and/or services through their development and useful life.
Change management is an important part of PDM/PLM.
⚒ Physical:
Out of scope.
⚖ Legal:
Contracts, negotations are left out of scope although important.
⚙ B-1.5.1 Wish: Data driven processes
The proces life cycle
Product lifecycle (wikipedia)
In industry, product lifecycle management (PLM) is the process of managing the entire lifecycle of a product from inception, through engineering design and manufacture, to service and disposal of manufactured products.
PLM integrates people, data, processes and business systems and provides a product information backbone for companies and their extended enterprise.
❓Why should PLM be reserved for industry of physical artefacts.?
Mindset prerequisites: Siar model
The model covers all of:
simple processes: 0 - 9
The duality between processes, transformations, and information, data
four quadrants:
Push Pull,
lean agile requests deliveries
realistic human interaction & communication. nine plane:
Steer Shape Serve
Strategy, Tactics, Operational
Accountabilities, responsibilities, roles
Data driven mindset from the Siar model
value stream: left to right
PDCA, DMAIC, lean agile improvements
The mindset by this model is used over and over again.
⚙ B-1.5.2 Goal: Data driven processes
The functional location of compliancy
❶ The accountability and most of the responsibility for information (data) is at the "Data Controller" not at the "Data Processor".
Outsourcing accountability is legally not possible although that mistake is too often attempted. ❷ Compliancy regulations are set for "Data Controllers".
Followed in regulations are "Data Processors" by the controllers needing assurance rules are met within boundaries.
❓ Who is managing information? ❸ Managing information only can be solved within the organisation❗
This ascertainment is:
a change in the usual culture: information processing is for technology guys
requires dedicated tasks and roles to be placed within the organisation
requires awareness and knowledge on processes within the organisation
Data driven in reality technology driven
When you want to build much software doing many deployments using data as the source of information, the following is a good approach.
Data driven processing in a figure:
Typical characteristics:
A horizontal line West-East touches the points in the circular process for compliancy reviews.
In a top down approach, there are four stages:
Ideate - Asses, Enable - Plan
Design - Build - evaluate
Accept yes/no, deploy
Build - operate - evaluate
The development can be in any ALC-V* type.
This process is a combination from PDCA, AIM model and Crisp-DM. Adding deployment, monitoring and compliance all equally important parts of the cycle
👁 Fast changing available technology (hypes) is in scope, are an option
⚠ Attention on aspects: Maturity, quality of information, possible impact caused by results
⚙ B-1.5.3 Delivering data products in a cycle
When you want to process information in a value stream, going for the best quality best performance, the following is a good approach.
Data driven processing in a figure:
A figure:
See right side
Typical characteristics:
The control postion is at the bottom not at the top of this cycle.
Starting at the right bottom side, there are four stages:
Ideate - Asses (pull)
Enable - Plan (pull)
Demand - Backend (push)
Frontend - Delivery (push)
There is a clear segregation between tooling and the functional logic, algorithm.
The tooling can be standardised in the Demand - Transform - Deliver steps.
For standard transformations there is no pressure to use to most hyped tools.
The "Data driven processing" figure is still valuable, not replaced.
⚖ B-1.5.4 Technology Service information streams
Strategic alignment - Overhauled
Organizing the task and roles, reuse of the nine-plane.
Steer in the organisation: pillar are the basic core competencies in the holistic one.
Shape in the organisation: pillar assures the future fitness for the organisation.
Serve in the organisation: pillar are the technology connections for processes.
A figure,
See right side:
Axiom: Accountability information processing is within the organisation.
Roles, tasks:
Operational - Steer What is processed by who and when is determined in the organisation.
Tactical - Steer How it is processed by who and when is determined in the organisation.
Tactical - Serve What tools are used at processes is serviced by technology.
Operational - Serve How tools are used at processes is serviced by technology.
Operational - Shape What the performance of processes and tools are is supported by reports and analysis.
Tactical - Shape What possible improvements of processes and tools are, is determined between the organisation and technology, mediated by reports and analysis.
B-1.6 Maturity 3: fundaments processes
"Managing technology service" is a prerequisite for "processes: cyber/adminstrative".
Although the focus should be on the value stream processes it starts by the technology connection.
From the three PTO, BPM interrelated scopes:
Although there are no direct regulations on the technology at this moment, there are many regulations to comply by organisations.
The topics for those regulations are mostly similar Confidentiality Integrity Availability (CIA). The result of a BIA analyses for CIA levels should be verifiable.
💡❗✅ For process requirements & design use Jabes to collect all information:
Work to do: solving BPM, process, issues by their root-causes. (N.Dean Meyer)
The right way to build high-performance, cross-boundary teamwork is to get to fundamentals.
Find out why the nice people in your organization don't team, and then address the root causes of incentives, culture, structure, and the internal economy.
Real Reason 1: Incentives
Real Reason 2: Culture
Real Reason 3: Structure
Real Reason 4: Resources
See also: "E-1.3.1 Recognizing the 3M evils"
Maturity id
CMM-4AS -0-Muda
B-1.2.3 Avoid micro management
B-1.2.3 Empower staff
B-1.2.3 Focus ➡ core competencies.
B-1.2.3 Clear accountabilities responsibilities.
B-1.2.3 Tasks, roles, aligned to accountabilities.
B-1.3.1 Cyber mindset staff, no physical artefacts
B-1.3.1 Cyber mindset to value streams
B-1.3.3 Information functional process technology alignment
B-1.3.3 Information safety & regulations
B-1.3.3 Information operational process technology alignment
B-1.3.4 Involved staff: understanding, using feedback loops
CMM-4AS -0-Mura
B-1.2.3 Avoid micro management
B-1.2.3 Empower staff
B-1.2.3 Focus ➡ core competencies.
B-1.2.3 Clear accountabilities responsibilities.
B-1.2.3 Tasks, roles, aligned to accountabilities.
B-1.3.1 Cyber mindset staff, no physical artefacts
B-1.3.1 Cyber mindset to value streams
B-1.3.3 Information functional process technology alignment
B-1.3.3 Information safety & regulations
B-1.3.3 Information operational process technology alignment
B-1.3.4 Involved staff: understanding, using feedback loops
B-1.3.4 Functional Sensors information value stream
B-1.3.4 Technical Sensors information value stream
B-1.3.4 Functional Metrics information value stream
B-1.3.4 Technical Metrics information value stream
CMM-4AS -0_Muri
B-1.2.3 Avoid micro management
B-1.2.3 Empower staff
B-1.2.3 Focus ➡ core competencies.
B-1.2.3 Clear accountabilities responsibilities.
B-1.2.3 Tasks, roles, aligned to accountabilities.
B-1.3.1 Cyber mindset staff, no physical artefacts
B-1.3.1 Cyber mindset to value streams
B-1.3.3 Information functional process technology alignment
B-1.3.3 Information safety & regulations
B-1.3.3 Information operational process technology alignment
B-1.3.4 Involved staff: understanding, using feedback loops
B-1.3.4 Functional Sensors information value stream
B-1.3.4 Technical Sensors information value stream
B-1.3.4 Functional Metrics information value stream
B-1.3.4 Technical Metrics information value stream
B-1.3.2 Applicable technical sensors in ALC-V1 streams
B-1.3.3 Applicable technical sensors in ALC-V2 streams
B-1.3.4 Applicable technical sensors in ALC-V3 streams
B-1.3.2 Applicable functional sensors in ALC-V1 streams
B-1.3.3 Applicable functional sensors in ALC-V2 streams
B-1.3.4 Applicable functional sensors in ALC-V3 streams
B-1.3.2 ALC-V1 clear technical operating metrics
B-1.3.3 ALC-V2 clear technical operating metrics
B-1.3.4 ALC-V3 clear technical operating metrics
B-1.3.2 ALC-V1 clear functional operator metrics
B-1.3.3 ALC-V2 clear functional operator metrics
B-1.3.4 ALC-V3 clear functional operator metrics
B-1.3.2 Analytics metrics at ALC-V1 streams
B-1.3.3 Analytics metrics at ALC-V2 streams
B-1.3.4 Analytics metrics at ALC-V3 streams
💣 The assumption is made task & roles are organized according capabilities in a "Steer", "Shape", "Server" hierarchy.
Organizing the organisation is however an hierarchical top-down responsibility with the accountability at the top of pyramid.
The organisation structure is a hierarchical line of command. Group formations using leaders is human nature.
⚠ Challenges: avoiding leadership to micro details, bad goals.
A swarm organisation, self organisation, are networked structures without leaderships. Using some shared goal.
⚠ Challenges: have a shared goal, have a good shared goal.
👁 B-2.1.1 Mindset prerequisites
Transitional mindset
It is lean process mindset: ⚖ Why: the Goal why it is done ⚙ How: defining processes, the organisations fingerprint ⚒ What: products, services being provided
Golden Circle (Simon Sinek)
People don’t buy WHAT you do, they buy WHY you do it.
SIAR: lean structured processing
The model covers all of:
simple processes: 0 - 9
The duality between processes, transformations, and information, data
four quadrants:
Push Pull,
lean agile requests deliveries
realistic human interaction & communication. nine plane:
Steer Shape Serve
Strategy, Tactics, Operational
Accountabilities, responsibilities, roles
⚖ B-2.1.2 Why doing architecting, engineering?
Ideate - Asses, Plan
❓ The question for "Jabes" is: why would it be useful, important?
👁 Why: support for managing processes, starting with the why
Enterprise architecture looks at a company´s mission, stakeholders, customers, networks, and data to improve processes in the following ways:
Analyzing business processes to discover areas that need change
Developing and implementing improved procedures to be used across the enterprise
Managing continuous change with clear documentation (including visual documents such as flowcharts, org charts, system diagrams, and so on)
Opening the lines of communication which should lead to better company-wide decisions
Benefits of enterprise architecture
The following are some of the benefits of employing an enterprise architecture strategy:
Strategic business overview:
EA works as a bridge between business operations and IT systems, providing a complete overview of how the business is structured and how it operates within the IT infrastructure.
Visual diagrams, charts, and maps provide crucial insights that minimize miscommunication and help managers make better decisions.
Less complexity:
EA encourages an outcome-focused approach to increase efficiency, lower costs, foster cross-functional collaboration, open lines of communication, create a more flexible workforce, streamline organization, reduce duplication and redundancy, and ultimately improve business productivity.
More standardization and flexibility:
When done correctly, EA ensures that all teams are on the same page working toward the same business outcomes.
This makes it easier to manage multiple business units, maintain optimal productivity, and offer better and more efficient software support.
Increased security:
Because enterprise architecture provides a blueprint to the entire structure and operation, it is easier to see where there may be potential security breaches.
Deploying updates and patches is easy and causes no business interruptions.
Faster adaptability:
Well-designed EA promotes innovation, encourages transformation, and eases implementation.
Companies can respond more quickly to sudden changes in customer behavior and shifts in the industry.
⚙ B-2.1.3 Going for real lean
Going for real lean is breaking down the hierarchal micro management. What is Lean
❓ What is Lean Thinking and Practice?
Lean is about creating the most value for the customer while minimizing resources, time, energy, and effort.
A lean approach to work is about:
understanding what´s really going on at the place where value is created, commonly known as the gemba
improving the processes by which products and services are created and delivered
developing and empowering people through problem solving and coaching
developing leaders and an effective management system
Lean thinking and practice helps organizations become both innovative and competitive, which in turn allows them to become sustainable.
Today, lean has become a new, more effective approach to doing work, no matter what the work is, the sector, or the size of the organization.
In a lean organization, problems are opportunities for meaningful learning rather than errors to be swept under the rug or quickly resolved.
Managers act as coaches, helping others get comfortable identifying problems and practicing daily continuous improvement.
Leadership means creating a management system to support a new kind of engagement with the real work at hand, the way the work is being done now (not the way you and your teams hope to be doing work sometime in the future).
LGN´s goal is to help individuals and organizations start making things better through lean thinking and practice today.
❌ Many People Incorrectly Define Lean As....
Tools: 5S, Kaizen events, value stream maps, andon, visual management, metrics, dashboards, A3, etc.
Programs: efficiency, process improvement, performance management, MBO, cost reduction, 6Sigma, etc. done to value-creators by management, outsiders or internal expert staff.
Something that only applies to manufacturing or operations.
Training for certifications and belts.
Headcount reduction >>> "lean = mean".
Regimentation through standard work
✅ What is LGN´s definition of Lean Thinking & Practice?
Embracing the challenge of creating more value for each customer and prosperity for society by:
Showing respect by developing people to continuously improve the work through problem solving
Focusing on and continuously improving the work
Minimizing/eliminating waste: time, human effort, injuries, inventory, capital, space, defects, rework, etc.
✅ To Improve (or Transform) an Organization Must Address
Purpose - What value for customers?
Process - How to continuously improve?
People - How to respect, engage and develop employees?
Aligning purpose, process, and people is the central task of management
🤔 What is Transformation?
Enterprise transformation is the process of an organization shifting its business model to a desired future state.
Lean transformation requires learning a new way of thinking and acting, characterized not by implementing a series of steps or solutions, but addressing key questions of purpose, process, and people.
⚒ B-2.1.4 Continous improvement
What it is different when going for lean?
Leaders at all levels, Brougt down: leaders only exists at the top of a hierarchy.
PDCA at all levels. Brought down: Change is only initaded by hierarchy, external advisors.
Enabling the workforce assumes appreciation of leaders within the workforce.
A living process of planning, testing ideas, adapting, and learning in which people work towards clear targets addressing the next big obstacle.
This approach reflects scientific thinking instead of mindless implementation.
Achieve Your Deeper Goals Through Daily Work With Hoshin Kanri (LNG 2021)
aligns direction so the middle and bottom are working toward objectives that matter to the top, and so all those great improvement activities are focused on achieving the big results executives will notice.
Webinar: Why You Should Link Your Hoshin Kanri and A3 Management Processes (youtube leanglobal.org)
In a figure,
see right side
B-2.2 Missions into processes
A swarm organisation, self organisation, are networked structures without leaderships. Using some shared goal.
⚠ Challenges: have a shared goal, have a good shared goal.
The organisation structure is a hierarchical line of command. Group formations using leaders is human nature.
⚠ Challenges: avoiding leadership to micro details, bad goals.
⚙ B-2.2.1 Engineering Business processes
Structuring organisation design
An organisation is a virtual structure with physical artifacts, humans.
Designing, engineering business processes is about who is doing what and who are accountable.
A figure,
See right side:
Basic artifacts processes (cyber)
Another area for engineering information processes are components:
A figure,
See right side:
⚖ Logic
⚙ Tools
⚒ data
Structuring process artifacts
The Flow chart is an ancient but helpfull approach for software development.
Understanding the business processes in detail and have them documented is important.
The equivalent for processes, "enterprise engineering":
OMG org BPMN standard,
Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN 2.0) was developed as a graphical notation to represent complex processes and address these challenges.
It is maintained by the non-profit The Object Management Group (OMG) and employed by numerous organizations globally.
Structuring information artifacts
There are two instantions: 1/ transformation and 2/ information (data).
"Information quality" is a measure of the value which the information provides to the user of that information.
"Quality" is often perceived as subjective and the quality of information can then vary among users and among uses of the information.
Nevertheless, a high degree of quality increases its objectivity or at least the intersubjectivity.
😉 This is how an organisations is working. This should be covered in knowledge internal. 🕳👁❗ Have the knowledge secured by documentation for processes and information.
This publication is not a substitute for such professional advice or services, nor should it be used as a basis for any decision or action that may affect you or your business.
Neither Deloitte & Touche LLP, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu nor any of their affiliates or related entities shall have any liability to any person or entity who relies on this publication.
A note for SOX-404:
Meeting the requirements of section 404 of Sarbanes-Oxley is akin to planning a business trip: You can´t book your flight until you´ve chosen your destination.
Similarly, you can´t plan for section 404 compliance until you know where you´re heading.
In both cases, you should start with the end in mind.
Some of the peculiar vocabulary:
A control deficiency exists when the design or operation of a control does not allow management or employees,
in the normal course of performing their assigned functions, to prevent or detect misstatements on a timely basis.
A deficiency in design exists when
a control necessary to meet the control objective is missing or
an existing control is not properly designed so that,even if the control operates as designed, the control objective is not always met.
A deficiency in operation exists when a properly designed control does not operate as designed,
or when the person performing the control does not possess the necessary authority or qualifications to perform the control effectively.
A significant deficiency is a control deficiency, or combination of control deficiencies,
that adversely affects the company's ability to initiate, authorize, record, process, or report external financial data reliably in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles
such that there is more than a remote likelihood that a misstatement of the company´s annual or interim financial statements that is more than inconsequential will not be prevented or detected.
A material weakness is a significant deficiency, or combination of significant deficiencies, that results in more than a remote likelihood that a material misstatement of the annual or interim financial statements will not be prevented or detected. Note that management is not permitted to conclude that the company´s internal control over financial reporting is effective if there are one or more material weaknesses in the company´s internal control over financial reporting.
As demonstrated by this chart, the severity of the deficiency increases in direct proportion to increases in the likelihood and the magnitude of a financial misstatement.
The "Basel" regulation is for EU banking.
Our mission is to support central banks' pursuit of monetary and financial stability through international cooperation, and to act as a bank for central banks.
To pursue our mission, we provide central banks with:
a forum for dialogue and broad international cooperation
a platform for responsible innovation and knowledge-sharing in-depth analysis and insights on core policy issues sound and competitive financial services
Established in 1930, the BIS is owned by 63 central banks, representing countries from around the world that together account for about 95% of world GDP
The "Solvency" regulation is for EU insurance.
Solvency II is the prudential regime for insurance and reinsurance undertakings in the EU.
It has entered into force in January 2016.
Solvency II sets out requirements applicable to insurance and reinsurance companies in the EU with the aim to ensure the adequate protection of policyholders and beneficiaries.
Solvency II has a risk-based approach that enables to assess the “overall solvency” of insurance and reinsurance undertakings through quantitative and qualitative measures.
😱 It is far too complicated to have all regulations internal covered in knowledge. 🕳👁❗ Have regulations aligned with external parties secured internal.
⚙ B-2.2.3 Technical regulations (cyber)
IEC/ISO 27002
This is a strategical and tactical framework.
There are no detailed implementation guidelines.
These details for implementation instances should be designed created & reviewed internal.
iso/iec 27000 family
IT security, cybersecurity and privacy protection are vital for companies and organizations today. The ISO/IEC 27000 family of standards keeps them safe.
ISO/IEC 27002 is an international standard that provides guidance for organizations looking to establish, implement, and improve an Information Security Management System (ISMS) focused on cybersecurity.
While ISO/IEC 27001 outlines the requirements for an ISMS, ISO/IEC 27002 offers best practices and control objectives related to key cybersecurity aspects including access control, cryptography, human resource security, and incident response.
The standard serves as a practical blueprint for organizations aiming to effectively safeguard their information assets against cyber threats.
It equips businesses with a tried and tested framework of best practices, ensuring they not only protect their sensitive data but also foster trust among stakeholders, clients, and partners.
STIG / Nist
This is a strategical and tactical framework (NIST). There are detailed implementation guidelines for acceptance by the DOD, Department of Defence. stigviewer
Heading: " STIGS - DOD 8500 - NIST 800-53 - COMMON CONTROLS "
💣 Misleading: Implementing "Stig". Doesn´t follow mandatory obligations in accountablity.
😉 This is maturity in cyber security for an organisation. Knowledge to be covered internal. 🕳👁❗ Have the knowledge for instantions secured by documentation internal (Jabes).
⚙ B-2.2.4 Impact result regulations (cyber)
GDPR eurlexr
The principles of, and rules on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of their personal data should, whatever their nationality or residence, respect their fundamental rights and freedoms, in particular their right to the protection of personal data.
The right to the protection of personal data is not an absolute right; it must be considered in relation to its function in society and be balanced against other fundamental rights, in accordance with the principle of proportionality.
AI - algorithm
ISO/IEC 42005 proposal development
Topic ➡ ISO/IEC 42005 Information technology. Artificial intelligence. AI system impact assessment
😉 This is maturity for result responsibilities at an organisation. 🕳👁❗ Have the knowledge for instantiations secured by documentation internal (Jabes).
B-2.3 BPM - architecting
Business processes are abstract artifacts. It is information, not physical artifacts.
All is existing in an imaginary cyber world.
Results however can have physical instantiations.
Cycled Stages:
Situation / Steer
Input / Inquiry
Activity / Analyse
Request / Results
⟳ B-2.3.1 Processes Abstraction
⚙ cyber, no hands eyes
Process abstraction is a mindset with the goal to see similarities.
Recognizing similarities allows to reuse the same concepts in different areas.
Examples at high level:
Raw material
Result Delivery
Machines, tools
Logic, code
Process Log, Trade
Documents (Information)
😱 The ICT Cyber approaches is the first one without physical artifacts.
Only a physical computer is somewhere.
Processes to differentiate in:
🕳👁❗ Get the cyber mindset at involved staff solved: no physical artefacts. 🕳👁❗ Cyber mindset: focus to value streams. Tools are needed but not decisive.
⚖ process notation - cyber
Swimlanes, interactions request, deleviery: What happened to "Enterprise Engineering"?
It is standardised into a notation,BPMN , an example: BPMN Symbols and Meanings (edrawmax.com)
Since there can be so many BPMN symbols, mastering them can be tough.
The models typically are created in a progression as organizations plan new applications and databases.
These are the different types of data models and what they include:
Conceptual data model. This is a high-level visualization of the business or analytics processes that a system will support.
It maps out the kinds of data that are needed, how different business entities interrelate and associated business rules.
Business executives are the main audience for conceptual data models, to help them see how a system will work and ensure that it meets business needs.
This conceptual model seems to be about processes. An understandable visual is better.
Logical data model. Once a conceptual data model is finished, it can be used to create a less-abstract logical one.
Logical data models show how data entities are related and describe the data from a technical perspective.
For example, they define data structures and provide details on attributes, keys, data types and other characteristics.
The technical side of an organization uses logical models to help understand required application and database designs.
Physical data model. A logical model serves as the basis for the creation of a physical data model.
Physical models are specific to the database management system (DBMS) or application software that will be implemented. They define the structures that the database or a file system will use to store and manage the data.
That includes tables, columns, fields, indexes, constraints, triggers and other DBMS elements.
... However, data modeling is a complicated process that can be difficult to do successfully. These are some of the common challenges that can send data modeling projects off track.
⟳ B-2.3.2 Implement changes
Starting a plan developing a design is having the end situation in mind.
The questions to answer: When going live with a new process, what is to change for that.
⚒ Physical impact:
When the change involves:
Physical transport of artifacts
Change in physical working location
Change in tooling using physical instances
Sufficient preparation time is needed for those.
A fall-back plan in case the change is not going conform promises, expectations.
⚖ Organisational impact:
When the change involves:
New or different Accountabilities responsibilities
Change in size of needed working force
Change in instantiations of the working force
Sufficient preparation time is needed for those.
A fall-back plan in case the change is not going conform promises, expectations.
⚙ In a figure:
⟳ B-2.3.3 Build changes
⚒ running a project
This is hard work needing a lot of different capabilities.
Cooperation by several type of resources with a planning is needed. The same methodology to use in sub projects.
A divide-and-conquer algorithm recursively breaks down a problem into two or more sub-problems of the same or related type, until these become simple enough to be solved directly.
The solutions to the sub-problems are then combined to give a solution to the original problem.
⚙ In a figure:
⚖ The goal
😱 The functional value stream processes should have the focus.
Common confusions are:
technical ICT realisations would solve "value streams" by magic
doing what everybody else is doing, would solve "value streams" by magic
⟳ B-2.3.4 Architect Changes
⚒ design for a project
This is hard work needing a lot of different capabilities.
Cooperation by several type of resources with a planning is needed. The same methodology to use in sub projects.
A divide-and-conquer algorithm recursively breaks down a problem into two or more sub-problems of the same or related type, until these become simple enough to be solved directly.
The solutions to the sub-problems are then combined to give a solution to the original problem.
There are many aspects that have become complex specialistic:
Comply to all regulations is not that easy.
Building a system using Information Technology components is not that easy.
⚙ In a figure:
⚖ The goal
😱 To be implemented in "Process business rules, algorithms" a long list:
Change timing
lean mindset
Information security
Change goal
ALC feed back loops
Information quality
Sensors and metrics
Applicable regulations (algorithms)
Impact by processes (holistic)
🕳👁❗ How to get an overview, how to document, how to manage?
💡❗✅ For processes, functional algorithms: use Jabes to collect all information.
💡❗✅ For information quality, responsible usage: use Jabes to collect all information.
B-2.4 BPM - implementing Jabes
The moment all effort for analysing design and build is getting to deliver possible value is when it gets deployed.
The level of achieved success to measure from metrics.
How to change:
Changing existing situations by understandable increments, continuous change
Overhauling existing situation, preferable: small bangs
Building something completely new is disruptive.
⟲ B-2.4.1 Data model, Architect: functional accountabilities
⚖ Obligations
To get covered in knowledge by a portfolio:
Security architecture (technical)
Operational risk (functional)
Privacy - impact
Process - impact
⚙ Cooperation
All the necessary knowledge is impossible to fulfil by a single person.
Cooperation is communicating with other persons.
In an incremental process:
Shared understanding of the direction
Shared information of work in progress
Review of the design incrementals
Correction or remarks on review results
This is a process in his own with the goal of only going that far in details other can start their work while covering at least known mandatory requirements.
⚒ In a figure:
⟲ B-2.4.2 Process cycle: Data model, Architect: value stream
⚖ Obligations
To get covered in knowledge by a portfolio:
Input: value stream of the product
Result: value stream of the product
Consequences of functional accountabilities (what)
Impact to organisational accountabilities (who)
⚙ Cooperation
All the necessary knowledge is impossible to fulfil by a single person.
Cooperation is communicating with other persons.
In an incremental process:
Input: What is the existing or expected information quality
Result: What is the required expected information quality
Who are accountable for the input information
Who will be accountable for the information results
What are existing transformation options
What are alternative transformation options
The whole of the new process is in scope for this. It is future promised outcome, expectations.
⚒ In a figure:
⟲ B-2.4.3 Data model, Architect: technical transformations
⚖ Obligations
To get covered in knowledge by a portfolio:
What are the requirements for used tooling?
What are the requirements for operational staff?
Which operational information to control will there be?
Which tactical information to control will there be?
⚙ Cooperation
All the necessary knowledge is impossible to fulfil by a single person.
Cooperation is communicating with other persons.
In an incremental process:
Will operational staffing be aligned?
What are the financial changes for operations?
Will operational staffing be ready at deployment moment?
⚒ In a figure:
⚖ B-2.4.4 Retrospective relationships
⚖ Obligations
There are many of those in the previous sections.
⚙ Cyber/administrative: Data processing in a nine plane
A one dimensional approach is very limited for understanding what is possible.
There many viewpoints in an ideate approach. ❶ There are levels for processes: operational, tactical, strategical. ❷ There are three steps in processing: Demand, Transform, Deliver.
❓ Would there be a similarity in process engineering and software engineering?
Putting them in a mindmap, a nine plane:
Demand information
long term optimized
Trustworhty low variability
Intermediate term controlled
Standard managed
Short term executing
Issues: bypass "known errors"
Process - Transform
long term optimized
quality: solve known issues by replacement
Intermediate term controlled
quality: solve known issues when possible
Short term executing
quality: get issues known
Deliver Information
long term optimized
Trustworhty low variability
Intermediate term controlled
Standard managed
Short term executing
Issues: bypass "known errors"
⚙ Cyber/administrative: Jabes Metadata domains
From "Y.2.5.2" (Meta) a completeness for metadata domains is given.
For value streams not alle domains are needed.
⟳ A ⇅
 I ⇄
⇄ R 
⇅ S ⟳
💡 🎯 "B.1.4.4" The following domains are required operational:
PPIC: Input value stream(s) Information / documents in the demand for source.
PMOV: Product Middleware operational values - transformers Instructions for the processing.
PPIC: Result value stream(s) Information / documents to be delivered in the requests.
💡 🎯 The following Jabes metadata domains are required tactical:
PPVS: Compliancy in all relevant topics Information / Security / Regulations / Impact.
PMIT: Product Middleware for operational - transformers How the tooling is implemented, what is capable to do and what is not capable for.
B-2.5 BPM - Processes Technology alignment
Product data management (PDM) is focused on capturing and maintaining information on products and/or services through their development and useful life.
⚒ Physical:
Out of scope. The abstract virtual world is the challenging one.
⚖ Legal:
Contracts, negotations are left out of scope although important.
⚙ B-2.5.1 Wish: Controlled processes
The proces life cycle
Product lifecycle (wikipedia)
In industry, product lifecycle management (PLM) is the process of managing the entire lifecycle of a product from inception, through engineering design and manufacture, to service and disposal of manufactured products.
PLM integrates people, data, processes and business systems and provides a product information backbone for companies and their extended enterprise.
❓Why should PLM be reserved for industry of physical artefacts.?
Mindset prerequisites: Siar model
The cubicle representation of the model did show a lot.
The static element information is well to place.
Processing, transforming, is a dynamic process.
A circular representation is a better fit.
The cycle:
Ideate - Asses
Plan - Enable
Demand, Backend
Frontend , Delivery
Customer interaction: bottom right side.
Supply chain interaction: bottom left side.
Data driven at the Siar model
Still valid:
value stream: left to right
PDCA, DMAIC, lean agile improvements
It is the customer demand that triggers activity. Who is the customer?
Answer: That depends. The Business-within-a-business Paradigm
every group on the organization chart is an entrepreneurship serving internal and external customers ...
The business-within-a-business paradigm is not just a driver of vision. It guides every step of your transformation road-map.
⚙ B-2.5.2 Goal: Controlled operations
The impact of functional compliancy
The "Data Controller" is accountable. ❶ When everything would go perfect, no actions are needed for corrections. ❷ Expecting perfection is an illussison. Wat about the line?
One of the principles in lean is not propagating downstream for what went wrong. Keep Calm and Stop the Line—Part 2
The need to stop the line applies not only to quality problems, but also to other types of problems like missing material or a broken tool.
Similar to quality issues, problems will compound. ....
Please note that this pressure is also not so much pressure on the operators, but rather pressure on the managers to improve the system.
The operators can and must help, but the responsibility lies with management.
🕳👁❗ The equivalent of the first and second line superviors are more important in administrative/cyber than the physical world.
However they are not recognizable or visible. 🕳👁❗ Awareness for quality & reliability administrative/cyber world.
Mentioned for the managemetn of the line (value stream):
operators are doing tasks for transformations
first line supervisors, are coordination of a group of operators
second line supervisors, responsible for coordination of the line
🤔 first line, and second line is associated with the customer ServiceDesk.
The customer ServiceDesk is seen as not important for the organisation. The ServiceDesk a commodity role, with the cost saving argument, often set on distance.
⚠ there is something weird going on given these contradictions.
Controlled process data driven
Assume a process with quality, integrity, reliability in mind.
The goal: most of the processed cases are delivered without issues, without complaints.
To solve: the exceptions with issues or / and complaint.
Data driven processing in a figure:
A figure:
See right side
Typical case processing:
The bulk of cases passes demand delivery succesful.
In the cases of issues complaints:
First line servicedesk:
Customer After Care
Align with customer, apply known bypasses
Second line servicedesk:
Monitor customer requests
When possible: solve with case continuity
Line Supervisor, value stream, for corrective actions
Solve known issues, escalate unknowns
Service evaluation for quality reliabilty
case adjustment to fit align to the value stream
👁 Known issue are input for cage to operating instructions.
They are to be documented for knowledge information. A recent modern name: "backlog".
⚠ The line supervisor of the value stream must be a role in place.
💡 🎯 Use the Jabes structure for this within the portfolio product metadata domain.
⚙ B-2.5.3 Goal: Controlled product changes
When the product is not what is wanted, a change for that an option. The change can be a technical tool or the functional value stream logic.
It is usually not a good idea to change both in the same time when wanting to analyse unexpected behaviour.
Product change in a figure:
A figure:
See right side
In this one th ordering of activities is more surprising.
The product design starts from requirements, high level validation can use those without to wait for a product
Requirement can be adjusted added during the change process
When product desing details become available , validation design detail can start
❗ 👁 There is no need for:
wait for a delivered product to start validations
a fully detailed requirement list to start a design
Doing many interations in parallel is a common approach in engineering.
💡 🎯 Use the Jabes structure for this within the portfolio product metadata domain.
⚖ B-2.5.4 Goal: Steer - Shape - Serve
Strategic alignment - Overhauled
Organizing the task and roles, reuse of the nine-plane.
Steer in the organisation: pillar are the basic core competencies in the holistic one.
Shape in the organisation: pillar assures the future fitness for the organisation.
Serve in the organisation: pillar are the technology connections for processes.
A figure,
See right side:
Doing a change for a product is requiring a lot of communication to achieve alignment.
From the initiative position "Tactical - Steer" to four other direct parties that will involve all.
Direct relations:
Operational - Steer What is happeing in the value stream line, what are the options.
Tactical - shape What are visions, guidelines, options in additional help for the product.
Tactical - Serve What tools are there with options visions, guidelines by technology.
Strategical - Steer What are the budgets goals visions for the product change.
💡 🎯 Use the Jabes structure for this within the portfolio product metadata domain.
B-2.6 Maturity 4: business processes in control
"Managing technology service" is a prerequisite for "processes: cyber/adminstrative".
Although the focus should be on the value stream processes it starts by the technology connection.
From the three PTO, BPM interrelated scopes:
✅ P - Processes: cyber/adminstrative
✅ T - Managing technology service
❌ O - Organization optimization
⚒ B-2.6.1 Understanding Why How What
Intermediate, why?
Start with Why (Simon Sinek, 2009)
Sinek says people are inspired by a sense of purpose (or "Why"), and that this should come first when communicating, before "How" and "What"
Sinek highlights the importance of taking the risk and going against the status-quo to find solutions to global problems. He believes leadership holds the key to inspiring a nation to come together and advance a common interest to make a nation, or the planet, a more civilised place.
Intermediate, zachman surprise
The difference between architecting (representation) and engineering (specification) is solved by an additional level, six levels instead of the original five.
The ordering of "6W 1h" in the horizontal classifications is not aligned for multiple dimensional relationships.
That is the part where I do it here a little bit different:
Why as content and Which for one of the questions.
"How and What" as the last two.
"Which and Where" the first two.
"Enterprise architecture defined" (lucid))
Named for its creator, John Zachman, this framework uses a structured matrix as a means to view and categorize an enterprise.
The framework consists of a 36-cell matrix, with each cell focusing on a different perspective (such as business owner, planner, designer, and so on).
This matrix gives EA professional insights into the company's assets and how various components of the enterprise are related.
This information can help companies be more agile and help to make better decisions.
📚 B.2.6.2 External references
Global compliancy
These references are at the index, they are a shared interest.
B-2.2.4 Logical Process algorithm (business rules)
B-2.4 Metrics & sensors policy
B-2.4 Metrics & sensors realisations
B-2.5 Organisation processes life cycle management
⚖ B-2.6.4 Intermediate Advice
What to do Job-shop flow-shop?
❶ The agile hype is running into a blame game.
Simplistic agile is failing at large systems.
The way out: get basic understanding of real lean theory and the root causes of the blame game problem.
Clue: Running organisations is not about creating software as fast as possible. Only a limited number of enterprises have that as vision. ❷ Running process in the administrative/cyber setting are mostly defined in flows but have many steps in a job context.
❓How to organise value streams?
Agile, job shop mismatch
Perference flow-shops:
Why Are Job Shops Always Such a Chaotic Mess? Part 1
Job shops have a strong tendency toward chaos. Even well managed plants struggle to maintain order in a job shop. This is due to the inherent nature of a job shop, and there are no good solutions to manage job shops.
Imbalances in the workload can be buffered somewhat by inventory.
Larger imbalances, however, eventually require some processes to work more than others in the long term.
This is usually done by reassigning workers. If a process is running out of parts, the workers are reassigned to an process that has way too many parts.
In a flow shop, workers often work for longer periods at the same spot, changing the location only at predetermined times.
In job shops, such changes are much harder to predict.
It is usually impossible to have a preventive planning of the staffing, but only a reactive action.
Another viewpoint:
How Does Lean Apply In a Job Shop?
Many people I meet assume that lean can only be useful in high volume situations.
This misconception is particularly interesting when you consider that many lean techniques were developed by Toyota when the company was in fact a job shop that was evolving into a full-blown mass production model.
And so artisans often price themselves out of the market, losing consumers to cheaper mass produced goods or services.
Only in the luxury segment can excellent artisans make a living without having to improve drastically their efficiency.
On the other hand, mass production operations could benefit greatly from the care artisans give to their work.
Your challenge is to make artisans more efficient without forcing them to adopt techniques that will lower the quality of their work and piss them off in the process.
To visualize your gemba, I am going to imagine your job shop designs dies for specific parts.
Your work has two essential components:
One is the design cycle, and
two is the production of the die cycle.
Both cycles are deeply interlinked, but typically, the flow will be broken down between specialists (the engineer, the miller, the grinder, etc.).
Flow integration is typically done through an ERP that mixes and matches information about customer demands, component availability, standard times and machine capacity to come up with job orders and a schedule.
And then people do the work as best they can, following production orders produced by the computer system.
What makes sense for job-shop flow-shop choices?
In a retrospective: ❶ The argument of physical transport in administrative/cyber is not valid. ❷ The argument of physical operator actions in administrative/cyber is not valid. ❸ Two cycles: one for the operational activities, another for changing operations, is valid. ❹ In the physical world engineers building machines are not also operators. ❺ In the physical world operators of complex machines are highly skilled.
Managing the organisation is balancing act in a hierarchical command and a network shared interests approach.
⚖ B.3.1.1 Functional missions visions of an organisation
Out of scope.
⚖ B.3.1.2 Competition in visions goals by forces
Framework are not the silver bullet solution.
Made simple by seen remarks: ❶
Solve the organization. Agility will happen.
Push agility frameworks on an organization, you will fail ❷
The biggest source of waste is not low performers or having too many employees.
The biggest source of waste is untapped skilled pragmatists.
The number of skilled pragmatists in any given company is much larger than people realize and, therefore, represents a HUGE opportunity.
But almost by definition, they are less visible. ❸ the-problem-with-agile-transformation (failfastmoveon 2019)
An agile framework transformation program, conceptualized, planned and executed by people who do not exhibit an agile mindset and who do not practice agile organizational development - is going to produce a politically motivated, insignificant success story.
Stop thinking frameworks, stop thinking programs.
Start thinking agile, and embark the agile journey in an agile way.
Competition 5 forces
In a mature market with an existing market competition:
It draws from industrial organization (IO) economics to derive five forces that determine the competitive intensity and, therefore, the attractiveness (or lack thereof) of an industry in terms of its profitability.
An "unattractive" industry is one in which the effect of these five forces reduces overall profitability.
What is missing: Porters 5 forces
The cost factor with scale tends to natural formed monopolies.
Monopolies can be formed by mergers and integrations, form naturally, or be established by a government.
In many jurisdictions, competition laws restrict monopolies due to government concerns over potential adverse effects.
Holding a dominant position or a monopoly in a market is often not illegal in itself;
however, certain categories of behavior can be considered abusive and therefore incur legal sanctions when business is dominant.
in a figure:
Choosing a business model: Porter´s generic strategies
In general:
❶ If a firm is targeting customers in most or all segments of an industry based on offering the lowest price, it is following a cost leadership strategy;
❷ If it targets customers in most or all segments based on attributes other than price (e.g., via higher product quality or service) to command a higher price, it is pursuing a differentiation strategy.
It is attempting to differentiate itself along these dimensions favorably relative to its competition. It seeks to minimize costs in areas that do not differentiate it, to remain cost competitive; or
❸ If it is focusing on one or a few segments, it is following a focus strategy.
A firm may be attempting to offer a lower cost in that scope (cost focus) or differentiate itself in that scope (differentiation focus).
in a figure:
⚖ B.3.1.3 Vision for Organisations: Leaders
There are a lot of management advisories. is a lean approach something peculiar?
Not really. for example PwC, the following visual:
PwC (2019)
1 Put customer value first
Although any number of factors may trigger a decision to modernize IT, one explicit goal is paramount: to deliver value.
Every investment in technology should amplify the benefits for end customers, whether through better experiences, higher product quality, or operating efficiencies that reduce prices and add value.
2 Simplify your architecture
... Instead of assuming a trade-off between simplicity and the features you need, look for systems that give you both.
Many modern systems can combine simplicity at the back end with enhanced functionality at the front end. ...
3 Design for flexibility and speed
... Develop your own capabilities for the design and deployment of future-ready IT systems that can flex as needed for innovation.
Learn to use them to quickly reorient your operations while retaining the quality of user experience that your customers and staff expect. ...
4 Engage with your workforce and culture
... An evolution in technology architecture may well involve a significant cultural shift, with a new structure and new competencies.
Consider where the stumbling blocks may be.
For example,
do employees understand how to analyze the data your company collects while protecting your privacy?
Do they have the operational skills to coordinate with external partners?
Do they have concerns or qualms that have not been addressed?
5 Adopt a services mindset
... Questions for adopting a services mind-set:
What are the essential technology services we provide to our organization?
Are we organized and funded according to the outcomes we provide rather than the assets we manage?
What other services could we offer in a cost-effective way if we were better organized to do so?
6 Plot the journey before starting
... Having set a direction based on customer value (as in principle number 1), you now plot a systems modernization road map, that is, a sequence of milestones and markers that you can expect along the way.
7 Organize by capabilities
... What if you organized by capabilities instead? Your organization´s most distinctive capabilities are the combinations of systems, processes, and functions that deliver value in a way that no other enterprise can match.
Think of your systems modernization initiative as an opportunity to energetically improve these capabilities, drawing on your digital expertise.
... When you organize by capabilities, you don´t have to worry about the different layers of the technology stack. They´re all in scope.
Your IT organization is no longer wedded to legacy concept. ...
8 Be agile and user-centric
... Questions for taking an agile and user-centric approach:
Who will benefit most from the changes, and how are they engaged?
How do our analytics improve our knowledge of their experiences?
How do we pivot and change our approach when we need to?
9 Invest in resources that make the change stick
Before commencing modernization, perform a careful analysis of the breadth and diversity of resources needed for a successful outcome. Project management and transformational leadership capabilities are as important as technical capabilities.
Be highly selective in forming the team that oversees the effort.
Choose people with a strong bias for change, a strong desire and ability to learn, a high tolerance for complex and uncertain situations, and a solid reputation for collaboration and teamwork.
10 Partner based on shared values and trust
... Questions for selecting a trustworthy partner with shared values:
What are we looking for in a partner? What values are important to us?
What criteria will we use to ensure that our partner has similar values?
In committing fully to a partner, how can we build mutual trust?
B-3.2 Visions translations into missions
Before a mission can be started equipment must be in order:
trained staff
possible activities
available equipment
Without authority, a leader cannot direct and guide their followers towards a common goal.
Without accountability, a leader cannot be held responsible for their performance and outcomes.
⚙ B-3.2.1 Imbalance: Steer Shape Serve
⚙ Operational governance
T-2.4.3 Serve: Operational information process
When running information in a values stream it is weird the authority an accountability for: "what is run", "when is run", is not within the organisation (Steer).
T-1.4.1 On Prem Infrastructure - T-1.4.2 On Prem Platform
T-1.5.1 IAAS, Infrastructure as a Service - T-1.5.2 PAAS, Platform as a Service
Needing to recover from a storage corruption is a technical implementation.
The functional requirements are set by the organisation.
what to archive: location integrity actuality
retention period: how long, optional prolongation
segregation level: from what kind of events
🕳👁❗ Reorganize: Authority, accountability for planning operations at the shop floor 🕳👁❗ Alignment: Authority, accountability for recovery planning at the shop floor
⚙ Security governance
T-2.5.2 Security Monitoring & Analysing
When having a security operations center monitoring information flows in the value stream, it is weird the authority an accountability for stopping the line is not within the organisation (Steer).
T-2.5.3 Identity Access
When there is a value stream it is weird the authority an accountability is not within the organisation (Steer).
This is very complicated topic because there are multiple stakeholder in all pillars. An advice by the CSO solving the different aspects is a solution.
Humans need access according to a role at a moment
Processes, platforms, are needing access according to their designed function.
Processes, machines, are needing access according to their designed function.
🕳👁❗Reorganize: have the CSO in a position for coordinated advice. 🕳👁❗Define: When it is necessary to stop the line. 🕳👁❗Reorganize: Define a direct point of communication within the supervising (organisation) that will stop the line in case of an event seen by the SOC.
⚒ B-3.2.2 Functional management
⚙ First line, second line supervisors
Looking for the cyber/admiministrative physical equivalent of who accountable for the value stream flow.
The hierarchical implementation is easily missed. Training Within Industry—Second-Line Supervisor Job Instructions
Training Within Industry and its modules Job Instructions, Job Relations, and Job Methods are well known. ...
Job Instructions for Second-Line Supervisors (nowadays called managers).
This is a hierarchy level higher, and the goal is to support and guide the shop floor supervisors on how to use job instructions.
The point-of-use provider takes care of the "last mile" (or more precisely last few meters) of the material transport.
This is often for assembly lines, as there is a lot of material arriving.
do not create an additional kanban loop between the supermarket and the assembly line.
The effort would heavily outweigh the benefit, making the whole idea pointless.
Instead, the point-of-use provider is close enough to the line to keep an overview about what is needed.
There are a number of benefits to creating a lean water spider position; however, it can also come with some downsides if they are not utilized properly.
Some benefits of the position include the following:
reduces wasted time spent by floor workers;
makes tasks easier to standardize;
helps enable lean manufacturing;
optimizes complex production processes; and
decreases variations.
Some potential downsides to water spiders, however, may include the following:
Managers, if not properly informed, may see the role as less important than it is. If they see it as secondary to production, then additional tasks may be added to their process. This will make for a less productive output.
In addition, with less time to dedicate to their main tasks, the productivity of other workers will be affected.
Water spiders may also sometimes make empty rounds. This could be due to unseen production inefficiencies.
Larger operations may be more difficult to support if a water spider has to maintain multiple work areas.
Lean water spider job responsibilities
When looking for a lean water spider position, job seekers may see postings that express specific responsibilities and look for certain characteristics. For example, a company looking for a lean water spider may seek someone who will carry out the following tasks:
Take various materials, parts and assemblies from a warehouse or staging location to production.
Prepare those materials for proper use.
Use enterprise resource planning (ERP) software.
Use continuous improvement methods to decrease any errors.
Replenish materials and tools as needed or if found defective.
Manage kanbans.
Ensure proper communication among teams.
Employers may also look for key characteristics, including the following:
The water spider must be knowledgeable of specific processes.
The water spider needs to be process-driven and take a systematic approach in completing their rounds and processes.
The water spider also needs to be perpetually on the move, as they have to move materials from one place to another and travel between workstations.
Lean water spider position growth
While the water spider position may sometimes be seen as less important than it really is, the position does also hold a lot of potential for growth.
An individual in this position will learn much about the production floor and how the organization they're working for operates.
Ideally, they will get to know the people there and the individual challenges in day-to-day work.
This role is a good experience to have in order to become a future manager, supervisor or team leader.
Knowing what work is like on the floor before moving into a leadership role gives previous lean water spiders an appreciation for the work process everyone needs to go through, what the workflow is currently like and how it can be kept lean
🕳👁❗Alignment: Align Authority, accountability: value stream Cyber/administrative 🕳👁❗Alignment: Use the waterstrider for information source Cyber/administrative
In the physcial world anybody can see what is going on. In the Cyber/administrative world we need a tapping point.
⚖ B-3.2.3 C-roles ambiguities
CIO Chief Information officer
CIO (techtarget)
The responsibilities of CIOs vary according to the organization, industry and region in which they work.
The chief information officer at one organization could have an entirely different set of responsibilities from the CIO down the street.
CIOs in most organizations are responsible for the IT and computer systems that support enterprise goals.
It is the CIO´s job to innovate, collaborate, balance the IT budget and motivate IT staff. ...
Regardless of their educational background, CIOs must be able to monitor and understand technology trends and tap the knowledge of technology experts.
Other skills and expertise that can be useful in the top tech job include the following:
legal expertise
corporate finance
data management
vendor and partner management
project management
As their jobs evolve and require disparate skillsets, CIOs must be flexible.
They will have to draw on their own diverse strengths and those of their colleagues, teams and partners.
Collaboration will be key, and duties and job titles will overlap.
When working with their teams, CIOs may have to shift their focus from talent acquisition to talent development on the job and through training programs.
CSO Chief Security officer
CISO, CSO (techtarget)
When the CISO is also responsible for the overall corporate security of the company -- which includes its employees and facilities -- they might simply be called the chief security officer.
The functions of the CSO role can be broken down into three main subcategories: prevention, governance and investigation.
Prevention -
The CSO leads security initiatives and heads the overall security strategy of the company.
This includes performing security risk assessments and implementing security policies that prevent data loss and fraud.
Responding to new threats and upgrading security systems regularly are key aspects of this role.
Governance -
The CSO is responsible for the day-to-day governance of corporate security.
This includes access Authorization, identity checks and information systems protection.
Managing data security during internal transitions is crucial for business continuity planning.
Investigation -
The CSO manages the corporate security response to incidents -- this includes investigation, crisis management, disaster recovery and dealing with external security agencies.
Strong research competencies are required for risk mitigation and regulatory compliance.
Analytical thinking and problem-solving skills are necessary for incident response and crisis management.
Strong communication skills are essential to deal effectively with a variety of stakeholders, both internal and external.
These include law enforcement agencies, homeland security, internal management and employees of different departments.
There are a lot of special capabilities. The CSO is a strange interaction when placed in some pillar or above all of them.
Stakeholder are in all pillars, another line authority where someone else is in lead is a conflict. 🕳👁❗Reorganize: have the CSO in a position for coordinated advice.
B-3.3 Regulations, compliant processes
During performing a mission, equipment must be in order:
trained staff
possible activities
available equipment
Without authority, a leader cannot direct and guide their followers towards a common goal.
Without accountability, a leader cannot be held responsible for their performance and outcomes.
This is a growing list. Many are for a particular segment in the market, others are generic.
For administrative/cyber there are frameworks but what is applicable by regulations is by a segment in the market.
An example, PCI security standards: PCI SSC Overview
PCI Security Standards are developed specifically to protect payment account data throughout the payment lifecycle and to enable technology solutions that devalue this data and remove the incentive for criminals to steal it.
They include standards for merchants,service providers, and financial institutions on security practices technologies and processes, and standards for developers and vendors for creating secure payment products and solutions.
See figure:
⚙ Cyber/administrative product line
Before requesting to build a product line, the strategical requirements must be clear enough for design, architecting. What to deliver:
Which regulations are applicable, these are: mandatory must have.
Which additonal qualities: must have, should have, could have, nice to have.
How the results will be evaluated, validated.
It is the first step controlling the product line.
A figure:
See right side
Having enough details and a starting budget, work can get initiated.
A decision to made and communicate.
⚙ Cyber/administrative life cycle
The architectin & building process is a continous cycle, progress feed-back part of the cycle.
The goal, "Jabes", is having a solid fundament for what is agreed and what is going on.
The product process line:
Well defined: what expected for input (I) and what the results will be (R).
What and How the controls (S) are as result of strategic requirements.
A figure:
See right side 🕳👁❗ How to get an overview, how to document, how to manage?
💡❗✅ For processes, functional algorithms: use Jabes to collect all information.
Technical and functional validations are part of the line solution, it is well possible aspects have been missed.
⚙ Cyber/administrative product line
Just before or immediate after deployment of the process line, it is the moment for affirmation on a holistic validation for the compliancy requirements.
The goal with independetn reviews:
Avoiding, decreasing bias in interprataions
Being preapred for audits
Being prepared for public explanations: what is done, what has happend.
Not being prepared for unknown events is detrimental to the image.
A figure:
See right side
⚖ B-3.3.4 Retrospective relationships
⚒ regulations requirements - validated compliancy
⚙ Cyber/administrative processing processes
The "processing processes" is a process. In the abstraction of processes there shoud be a fit with the more easy understandable ones (operational tactical). ❶ There are three sever type of missions: ALC-V1, ALC-V2, ALC-V3. ❷ There are three steps in processing: Annual Objectives, Top Priorities, Improvement Targets.
❓ Would there be mission goals?
Hopefully there are mission goals for processes, when not there is work to do.
❓ What would the relation be between missions and changes?
Putting them in a mindmap, a nine plane:
(Top priorities)
(Improvement targets)
Demand requirements
long term optimized
Intermediate term controlled
Short term executing
Process - Transform
long term optimized
Intermediate term controlled
Short term executing
Delivery Compliant
long term optimized
Intermediate term controlled
Short term executing
B-3.4 Public culture alignment
After a mission results are evaluated for:
staff healthiness
executed activities
equipment condition
Without authority, a leader cannot direct and guide their followers towards a common goal.
Without accountability, a leader cannot be held responsible for their performance and outcomes.
⟲ B-3.4.1 Public obligations
⚒ Annual financial
The yearly mandatory annual reports based on financial obligations should be well known. 🤔 ❓ Are financial profits the only goal?
To be honest, not❗. Budgets are enabling activities whether the are personal or for an organisation.
There should be no shortage but being overflooded with finance is 😉 waste.
⚒ mission values
Hoshin Kanri:
There should be only three to six main points
these items should be based on a process, not on a target
... you will sooner or later come across an X-Matrix. It is a visually very impressive tool, but I am in serious doubt about its usefulness. It focuses on the creation of the Hoshin items, but to me this approach is overkill, and – even worse – may distract the user from actually following the PDCA, especially the Check and Act parts. ...
Setting the right goals and filtering them through the organization is important in Hoshin Kanri. In my first post I talked in detail about this as the "to-do list."
Like the “normal” Hoshin Kanri, this document is done at different levels in the hierarchy, starting with the top executive. These are named rather straightforward as top-level matrix, second-level matrix, and third-level matrix.
A figure:
See right side
Long-term goals not long-term enough
Often redundant focus on numeric goals
Diluting responsibilities
Where´s the PDCA?
Most Hoshin Kanri documents that I know cover one year. This is usually a good duration, since one year allows for quite a bit of improvement activity.
This duration is also long enough to see the results and review the outcome.
The fit with the SIAR model and PDCA DMAIC is far to nice.
It solves: "who and why" going from "knowledge" (Jabes stage proposals backlog) into initiating activities. 🕳👁❗Hoshin Kanri maturity evaluation.
⚖ News in the media
Positive news is hardly memorized, negative news is harmful, memorized for a long time.
Better to avoid negative news and when bad things happen not worsening by acting by more bad things for the media.
⚙ Internal communication
The attitude can be with e negative sentiment, harming the organisation, or motivational.
For example: Telling staff they are just simple replaceable resources is not motivating.
From strategic planning to policy evaluation to process modeling, your choices are often complex and have a direct impact on the business.
With so much at stake (and so many factors to consider), how can you know if you’re making the best choice?
A decision matrix can help.
The nice thing about the decision matrix is that it can apply to many different types of decisions.
However, it is most effective when you or your team is comparing multiple options or criteria that need to be narrowed down to one final choice.
A figure:
See right side
This example of team building is an automatic scoring model with an possible high impact on a person revealing sensitive personal details.
Confusing text on this decision matrix, the language is incomprehensible:
In the field of machine learning and specifically the problem of statistical classification,
a confusion matrix, also known as error matrix, is a specific table layout that allows visualization of the performance of an algorithm,
typically a supervised learning one; in unsupervised learning it is usually called a matching matrix.
A figure:
See right side
This is a simple binary decision matrix.
❓ 💣 Wat is missing? Expected profit game theory, pay off matrix.
Although game theory can be and has been used to analyze parlour games, its applications are much broader.
In fact, game theory was originally developed by the Hungarian-born American mathematician John von Neumann and his Princeton University colleague Oskar Morgenstern, a German-born American economist, to solve problems in economics. ...
In stressing the strategic aspects of decision making, or aspects controlled by the players rather than by pure chance, the theory both supplements and goes beyond the classical theory of probability. It has been used, for example, to determine what political coalitions or business conglomerates are likely to form,
the optimal price at which to sell products or services in the face of competition, the power of a voter or a bloc of voters, whom to select for a jury, the best site for a manufacturing plant, and the behaviour of certain animals and plants in their struggle for survival.
It has even been used to challenge the legality of certain voting systems. ...
The theory of rational choice advises deciders among risky alternatives on how to keep their decisions consistent with one another and with their values.
It says one should choose the option with the greatest expected utility: the sum of the values of all the possible outcomes of that choice, each weighted by its probability.
People may flout it by taking steps to avoid an imaginable outcome while ignoring its probability, ...that they pay more ... than they would, over the long run, for the repairs.
So, why do people so often make irrational judgments and decisions? It´s not that we´re an inherently irrational species.
Rationality is always bounded.
Human rationality is optimized for natural contexts.
Rationality is always deployed in pursuit of a goal, and that goal is not always objective truth.
Many of our rational beliefs are not grounded in arguments or data that we establish ourselves but are based on trusting institutions that were established to pursue truth, such as science, journalism, and government agencies. (negative/positive)
With this big gap and the resulting high impacts it should get solved. The theoretical topic is that complicated specialists are needed.
Operations research , application of scientific methods to the management and administration of organized military, governmental, commercial, and industrial processes.
.... it focuses on the performance of organized systems taken as a whole rather than on their parts taken separately.
See also Abraham Wald, survivorship bias. 🕳👁❗Rational decision underpinning.
Purpose: Problem formulation. a suitable measure of performance must be devised, various possible courses of action defined
Model construction A model is a simplified representation of the real world and, as such, includes only those variables relevant to the problem at hand.
When the symbols in a model are defined, the model is given content or meaning. This has important consequences. Symbolic models of systems of very different content often reveal similar structure.
Algorithm: An explicit analytical procedure for finding the solution is called an algorithm.
Even if a model cannot be solved, and many are too complex for solution, it can be used to compare alternative solutions.
It is sometimes possible to conduct a sequence of comparisons,
each suggested by the previous one and each likely to contain a better alternative than was contained in any previous comparison.
Such a solution-seeking procedure is called heuristic.
Testing the model and the solution Tests for deficiencies of a model are statistical in nature; their use requires knowledge of sampling and estimation theory, experimental designs,
and the theory of hypothesis testing (see also statistics).
Execute: Implementing and controlling the solution
The acceptance of a recommended solution by the responsible manager depends on the extent to which he believes the solution to be superior to alternatives.
This in turn depends on his faith in the researchers involved and their methods.
Hence, participation by managers in the research process is essential for success.
Actual performance of the solution is compared with expectations and, where divergence is significant, the reasons for it are determined and appropriate adjustments made.
The solution may fail to yield expected performance for one or a combination of reasons:
the model may be wrongly constructed or used;
the data used in making the model may be incorrect;
the solution may be incorrectly carried out;
the system or its environment may have changed in unexpected ways after the solution was applied.
Corrective action is required in each case.
With this big gap and the resulting high impacts it should get solved. The theoretical topic is that complicated specialists are needed. 🕳👁❗Process Purpose, solution reasoning , formula usage.
B-3.5 BPM Technology Change alignment
Product data management (PDM) is focused on capturing and maintaining information on products and/or services through their development and useful life.
Change management is an important part of PDM/PLM.
⚖ Legal:
Contracts, negotations are left out of scope although important.
⟳ B-3.5.1 Wish: In control with processes
The proces life cycle
Product lifecycle (wikipedia)
In industry, product lifecycle management (PLM) is the process of managing the entire lifecycle of a product from inception, through engineering design and manufacture, to service and disposal of manufactured products.
PLM integrates people, data, processes and business systems and provides a product information backbone for companies and their extended enterprise.
❓Why should PLM be reserved for industry of physical artefacts.?
Mindset prerequisites: Siar model - static
The model covers all of:
simple processes: 0 - 9
The duality between processes, transformations, and information, data
four quadrants:
Push Pull,
lean agile requests deliveries
realistic human interaction & communication. nine plane:
Steer Shape Serve
Strategy, Tactics, Operational
Accountabilities, responsibilities, roles
Data driven mindset from the Siar model
value stream: left to right
PDCA, DMAIC, lean agile improvements
The mindset by this model is used over and over again.
Mindset prerequisites: Siar model - dynamic
The cubicle representation of the model did show a lot.
The static element information is well to place.
Processing, transforming, is a dynamic process.
A circular representation is a better fit.
The cycle:
Ideate - Asses
Plan - Enable
Demand, Backend
Frontend , Delivery
Customer interaction: bottom right side.
Supply chain interaction: bottom left side.
⚙ B-3.5.2 Control: Manage relationships
⚖ Strategic alignment - Overhauled
Organizing the task and roles, reuse of the nine-plane. This nine plane is an overhauled version intended for for strategy alignment.
Following the required match of accountability and authority there are no diagonal interactions.
Axiom: Accountability information processing is within the organisation.
Having no diagonal interactions solve a lot of issues but introduces new ones.
A figure,
See right side:
Simple clear Roles, tasks:
Steer pillar: basic core competencies (holistic)
Strategy Why processes are executed, purpose - profit values.
Tactical What the defined processing specifications are: quality Quantity
Operational How it is processed by who, when.
Serve pillar: technology and other generic resources for processes
Strategy Why specific technologies are available y/n for processes.
Tactical What the capability of available technology tools are.
Operational How technology tools are used.
Shape pillar: assures future fitness of the organisation
Strategy Why specific technologies are used in processes.
Tactical What technology is used in a processes.
Operational How the performance of a process line is.
Following horizontals, verticals several PDCA / DMAIC manageable cycles are visible.
⚒ Crossing lines communication issues
Seeking symbols for tasks-roles resulted in the visual, showing new issues :
Steer - strategy is not attached to: tactical - shape, tactical - server
although accountable feeling to not having influence
Steer - shape sees direct inluence options at: operational -steer, operational - serve
The easy quick escape is harming autority and accountabilities
Steer - serve isolated from what is going on at: tactical -steer, operational - shape
⚒ B-3.5.3 Control: Process Purpose
⚖ processes line supervisor
Assumption to verify: There is role task defined for the line supervisor.
⚠❓ When this is not in place how would it be possible to manage a process line?
see: B-3.2.2 Functional management.
⚙ solution reasoning
The public discussion on algorithms is vague full of ambiguity. More understandable is:
Strategy: There is a defined purpose.
Tactical: A solution by reasoning is offered. algorithm,heuristic
Operational: The formula of the solution is applied. execution
⚠❓ What is going wrong by misunderstanding, framing undesires outcomes?
😱 classifying the execution as the "algorithm"
Problem: The strategical purpose is under attack.
see: B-3.4.3 Uncertainties in processes - algorithms.
❗📚 Actions are needed to overcome this fundamental problem.
What is needed to set by guidelines:
clear defined purpose - goals
Not only covering expected usual cases, but also all kind of exceptions in the solution.
A proactive compensation for cases that are:
not correct executed by mistakes following the formula of the solution.
correct executed conform the formula of the solution, but: unacceptable result.
⚒ formula usage
The public discussion on algorithms is vague full of ambiguity.
⚠ 😱 The impact of wrong outcomes is a problem that should have been mitigated in the solution.
❗📚 Actions are needed to overcome this fundamental problem.
Understandable to set by guidelines is:
When there is an imbalance in the impact there should an imbalance in probabilities.
When there is an operational failure the alternative outcome should be with minimised impact not going into a running away out of control situation.
⚖ B-3.5.4 Control: Manage hierarchy
Strategic alignment - Overhauled
Organizing the task and roles, reuse of the nine-plane, taks roles are simple and clear.
A figure,
See right side:
An organisation is hierarchical organised, reason: authority - accountability.
There is obvious no easy match with the nine-plane layout.
A figure,
See right side:
❗📚 Actions are needed to overcome this.
There is no generic advice for this, everybody has to solve that by themself.
There are challences:
Personal interests are a driver for climbing the pyramid.
There are regulations for human capital, human resources.
B-3.6 Maturity 5: PDCA business processes
"Managing technology service" is a prerequisite for "processes: cyber/adminstrative".
Although the focus should be on the value stream processes it starts by the technology connection.
From the three PTO, BPM interrelated scopes:
❶ 💰 Not knowing a financial value possible ignores the real value.
❷ 💰 Executing by financial key performance indicators distract from real values.
❸ 💰 OpEx, CapEx are financial accounting choices not based on real values.
Choices made on only financial profits can have big impact on the organisation long term life expectations.
Quality of a product has no value at financial reports. Decreasing quality below acceptable level 👉🏾 customers leaving.
Process process reliability has no value at financial reports. Decreasing process reliability. 👉🏾 costly breakdowns, scandals.
Optimizing for short term financial profits. Long term financial inconsistency. 👉🏾 collapsing profitability.
The break-up of: 6W-1H
provides some guidance for categorization of content.
In the scope of processes:
❶ Which goals are in scope
❷ Where are processes: scoped goals
❸ When there is an action
❹ Who will develop an action
❺ What to measure for maturity
❻ How to measure for maturity
Don´t force this into a fixed hierarchy role.
The same approach can be used over and over again in any more detailed situation.
This categorization is for the intended "why" content in the different pillars.
There is a lot of misunderstanding between normal humans and their cyber colleagues.
That culture is not necessary, should be eliminated. A translation of words to start:
Note that the asset "Information" is a business asset not something to be pushed off as something incomprehensible "cyber".
A figure:
See right side
A gap to a structured approach
There is a lot of management jargon hiding the real goals with all uncertainties.
❓ Would it possible to improve and change in a more structured approach? 💡 Building Jabes
The building of Jabes will be a lot of pioneering. A bootstrap approach while developing the product is possible.
The whole of Jabes is needing several persons to realize for the magnitude and scope.
Needed is a team with more competencies I have.
Idea for composing a team:
An enthusiastic performer understanding Jabes able to promote the product to prospects.
A data enthusiast helping in selecting and configuring the backend database.
An agile / lean person translating what is currently done into Jabes.
Data scientist defining and using the information that is generated into stories that are predictive prescriptive.
Designer front end user interface.
Legal support for running a business.
Financial administration also doing support in choices.
...(what we will hit during the adventure)...
⚙ B-3.6.3 Summary Advice organisational leaders
At a high level: ❶ Culture : Go for real lean. ❷ Administrative/Cyber : Use a holistic approach for the portfolio. ❸ Organisation : Align roles taks according accountability without running into 3M evils.
Maturity Basic & advanced organisation
❶ Basic at:
"B-1.6.2 Incentives, Culture, Structure, Resources" the culture metrics are categorised.
Culture is created and maintained by organisational leaders they are the first ones to be good enough to enable the working staff.
❷ Advanced: