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Designing Shape Organisations

🎭 Concerns & Indices Elucidation 👁 Summary Vitae 🎭

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🔰 Contents OR Forest Methods Metrics DO LSS CMM3-4OO 🔰
🚧  TIP Risk O-ALC Gemba Stations DO PDCA CMM4-4OO 🚧
🎯 101-IS VM-VMs Ideate-EE Plan-EE DO-4OO CMM5-4OO 🎯

A-1 Basics optimizing processes, lean

A-1.1 Contents

A-1.1.1 Global content
BI life devops bianl design sdlc design data devops bpm devops sdlc The world of BI and Analytics is challenging. It is not the long-used methodology of producing reports.
A lot needs to get solved:
❶ ⚙ Operational Lean processing, design thinking
❷ 📚 doing the right things, organisation & public.
❸ 🎭 help in underpinning decisions boardroom usage.
❹ ⚖ Being in control, being compliant in missions.
It is about shaping change.

When wanting going logical backward:
🔰 Too fast .. previous.
A-1.1.2 Guide reading this page
This page is about Optimizing. Operations research is the enabler by advising responsible and accountable persons in the organisation. When a holistic approach for organisational missions and organisational improvements is wanted, starting at the technology pillar is sensible. Knowing what is going on on the shop-floor (Gemba).
👁 💡 Working into an approach for optimized business and technology situation, there is a gap in knowledge and tools. The proposal to solve those gaps is "Jabes".

⚒ Three Pillars as an organizational structure
The organisation powered by technology in a ship like constellation. The engines (data centre) out of sight below visibility. Serving multiple customers (multi tenancy) for the best performance and the best profits on all layers.
There are six pillars in a functional and technical layer. A futuristic vision is a positive attitude but can easily become negative when too far from reality.
The three internal lines: Triangle BPM SDLC BIANL - unequal improvement lines

NDMA five organizational systems
⚙ How organizations should work
Aligning to organsitional processes requires understanding those basics. Management books are a big market, usefull fundamental insights scarce.
NDMA Dean Meyer Your organizational operating model sends signals that guide people day by day. Organizational transformation is a matter of "reprogramming" these signals. So, where do those signals come from, and what can executives "program" in organizations?
A-1.1.3 Local content
Reference Squad Abbrevation
A-1 Basics optimizing processes, lean
A-1.1 Contents contents Contents
A-1.1.1 Global content
A-1.1.2 Guide reading this page
A-1.1.3 Local content
A-1.1.4 Progress
A-1.2 Question: How to improve? combase_02 OR Forest
A-1.2.1 What is operations research (OR)?
A-1.2.2 OR Position in the organisation
A-1.3 Methodologies for improvements combase_03 Methods
A-1.3.1 Going for lean
A-1.3.2 Getting metrics using sensors (Gemba)
A-1.3.3 Getting metrics in administrative/cyber processes
A-1.4 Operational Improvements combase_04 Metrics
A-1.4.1 Controls metrics lines in functions
A-1.4.2 ALC-V3 model, sensors metrics - controls
A-1.5 Shape: (Information) Technology combase_05 DO LSS
A-1.5.1 ALC-V2 BI&A Analytical plane
A-1.5.2 Delivering data products in a cycle
A-1.5.3 Document Information retrieval & delivery
A-1.5.4 Document functional accountabilities
A-1.6 Maturity 3: Operational Improvements in control combase_06 CMM3-4OO
A-1.6.1 Regulations: technicals & functionals
A-1.6.2 Incentives, Culture, Structure, Resources
A-1.6.3 Maturity fundaments optimizing "Cyber/administrative"
A-1.6.4 Other values for process improvement to consider
A-2 Improving value streams
A-2.1 Feed-back loop - Risk Management comline_01 TIP Risk
A-2.2.1 What knowledge to use for projects?
A-2.2.2 Risk management - Uncertainties
A-2.2.3 Cubicles - Processes
A-2.2 Feed-back loop - Process results comline_02 O-ALC
A-2.2.1 Question: how to do projects?
A-2.2.2 Influence to: technology & organisation
A-2.2.3 What to change in project management for change
A-2.3 Understanding the shopfloor comline_03 Gemba
A-2.3.1 Process mining
A-2.3.2 Business processes modelling
A-2.3.3 Business processes Administrative/cyber
A-2.4 Enabling aligned lean process cycles comline_04 Stations
A-2.4.1 closed loops, feed back: organisational
A-2.4.2 closed loops, feed back: technical, functional
A-2.4.3 Cubicles - Gemba
A-2.5 Realizing Aligned lean process cycles comline_05 DO PDCA
A-2.5.1 PDCA cycle administrative support
A-2.5.2 Working Cell Goal: Aligned Operations
A-2.5.3 Document Information retrieval & delivery
A-2.6 Maturity 4: Change Processes in control comline_06 CMM4-4OO
A-2.6.1 Understanding Why How What
A-2.6.2 Deep dives BiAnl
A-2.6.3 Maturity Tactical Shape Planes: People, Processes, Machines
A-2.6.4 External references
A-2.6.5 Jabes usage advice
A-3 Encourage the enterprise by decisions in wisdom
A-3.1 Simple information & services comtdss_01 101-IS
A-3.1.1 Simple Aligned data management - Process management
A-3.1.2 Simple Organising Enterprise Services
A-3.2 Vision & mission for Visions & Missions comtdss_02 VM-VMs
A-3.2.1 Strategy Visions
A-3.2.2 Wishful thinking: in control with missions
A-3.3 Ideate Enterprise Enablement comtdss_03 Ideate-EE
A-3.3.1 Enterprise Culture vision
A-3.3.2 Workforce enablement, structured approaches
A-3.4 Planning optimised lean organisations comtdss_04 Plan-EE
A-3.4.1 Do optimize the planner, the decision maker
A-3.4.2 The closed loop control
A-3.4.2 Translation missions visions into change
A-3.5 Realizing optimised lean organisations comtdss_05 DO-4OO
A-3.5.1 PDCA cycle administrative support
A-3.5.2 PDCA organise the enterprise in the nine-plane
A-3.5.3 PDCA changing the enterprise: processes missions
A-3.6 Maturity 5: Controlled Enterprise Changes comtdss_06 CMM5-4OO
A-3.6.1 Maturity tools "Cyber/administrative"
A-3.6.2 Summary Advice organisational leaders
A-3.6.3 3M retrospective CMM-4IT - CMM-4AS - CMM-4OO
A-3.6.4 Following steps

A-1.1.4 Progress
done and currently working on:
  • 2024 week 13
    1. Draft version finished including part 2.
    2. Stakeholder owner to be found at""Shape" - Tactical.

  • Planning, to do:

    Organisation accountabilities

    A-1.2 Question: How to improve?

    Searching for an understandable workable definition of "operations research". There has been a lot of attention for this approach. for some reason it is not being what it has meant to be.
    What could be the problem?
    A-1.2.1 What is operations research (OR)?
    ⚒ Technology Source
    A good source for technology did mention a definition. This is usable understandable, it could be not a fit for promoting technology. 🤔 What is: OR
    Operations research (OR) is an analytical method of problem-solving and decision-making that is useful in the management of organizations. In operations research, problems are broken down into basic components and then solved in defined steps by mathematical analysis. The process of operations research can be broadly broken down into the following steps:
    1. Identifying a problem that needs to be solved.
    2. Constructing a model around the problem that resembles the real world and variables.
    3. Using the model to derive solutions to the problem.
    4. Testing each solution on the model and analyzing its success.
    5. Implementing the solution to the actual problem.
    Disciplines that are similar to, or overlap with, operations research include: All of these techniques have the goal of solving complex problems and improving quantitative decisions. The concept of operations research arose during World War II by military planners. After the war, the techniques used in their operations research were applied to addressing problems in business, the government and society.
    Characteristics of operations research
    There are three primary characteristics of all operations research efforts:
    Importance of operations research
    The field of operations research provides a more powerful approach to decision making than ordinary software and data analytics tools. Employing operations research professionals can help companies achieve more complete datasets, consider all available options, predict all possible outcomes and estimate risk. Additionally, operations research can be tailored to specific business processes or use cases to determine which techniques are most appropriate to solve the problem.
    Uses of operations research
    Operations research can be applied to a variety of use cases, including:

    ⚖ Generic Source
    This is understandable but hardy usable. It mentions little parts of lean but is miising the concept and missing US well known names. 🤔 Looks to be an island bias approach although what is mentioned is correct. OR (Brittanica)
    In the 1970s several Japanese firms, led by the Toyota Motor Corporation, developed radically different approaches to the management of inventories. Coined the “just-in-time” approach, the basic element of the new systems was the dramatic reduction of inventories throughout the total production system.
    By relying on careful scheduling and the coordination of supplies, the Japanese ensured that parts and supplies were available in the right quantity, with proper quality, at the exact time they were needed in the manufacturing or assembly process.
    .... A second Japanese technique, called kanban (“card”), also permits Japanese firms to schedule production and manage inventories more effectively. In the kanban system, cards or tickets are attached to batches, racks, or pallet loads of parts in the manufacturing process.

    ⚙ Scholar Source
    This well usable maybe understandable, it is overwhelming by its size and number in topics. OR: Methods and Applications (2023)
    The year 2024 marks the 75th anniversary of the Journal of the Operational Research Society. On this occasion, my colleague Fotios Petropoulos from University of Bath proposed to the editors of the journal to edit an encyclopedic article on the state of the art in OR. .... Interestingly, while many recent advances in OR are rooted in theoretical or algorithmic concepts, we are now witnessing a return to the practical roots of OR through the development of new disciplines such as business analytics.
    The public sector and service industries also benefit greatly from OR. Healthcare is the first area that comes to mind because of its very large scale and complexity. Decision making in healthcare is more decentralised than in transportation and manufacturing, for example, and the human issues involved in this sector add a layer of complexity. OR methodologies have also been applied to diverse areas such as education, sports management, natural resources, environment and sustainability, political districting, safety and security, energy, finance and insurance, revenue management, auctions and bidding, and disaster relief, most of which are covered in this article.
    Over time, linear programming has branched out into several fields such as nonlinear programming, mixed integer programming, network optimisation, combinatorial optimisation, and stochastic programming. The techniques most frequently employed for the exact solution of mathematical programs are based on branch-and-bound, branch-andcut, branch-and-price (column generation), and dynamic programming.
    Game theory and data envelopment analysis are firmly rooted in mathematical programming.
    Control theory is also part of continuous mathematical optimisation and relies heavily on differential equations.
    Complexity theory is fundamental in optimisation. Most problems arising in combinatorial optimisation are NP-hard and typically require the application of heuristics for their solution.
    In 1979, he published in this journal two articles (Ackoff, 1979a,b) that presented a rather pessimistic view of our discipline. The author complained about the lack of communications between academics and practitioners, and about the fact that some OR curricula in universities did not sufficiently prepare students for practice, which is still true to some extent. ....

    A-1.2.2 OR Position in the organisation
    ⚙ Forces in the organsisation abstraction:
    From the overhauled strategy alignment model (SAMO) a result is:
    three pillars for every type of activities. dtap layers application
    In a figure:
    See right side

    ⚖ Abstraction forces in the organsisation:
    There are more lines of power in an organisation. Some of those:
    1. Financial based management. Goal: profits at least enough budget for tasks.
    2. Core business. Goal: Fullfilling the operations for tasks of the organisation.
    3. Green fields. Goal: Improvement, product research, customer relations.
    💣 The powers are not equally balanced The core business (operations) is the line having commonly the least influence at strategic level. The result of that could be (risk) a total loss of all tasks the business was positioned to do.

    A proposal for a generic approach for balancing powers. CEO The responsibilities of an organization´s CEO are set by the organization´s board of directors or other authority, depending on the organization´s structure. They can be far-reaching or quite limited, and are typically enshrined in a formal delegation of authority regarding business administration. Typically, responsibilities include being an active decision-maker on business strategy and other key policy issues, leader, manager, and executor. The communicator role can involve speaking to the press and to the public, as well as to the organization´s management and employees; the decision-making role involves high-level decisions about policy and strategy. The CEO is tasked with implementing the goals, targets and strategic objectives as determined by the board of directors.
    ⚒ Feedback loop, PDCA
    The highest maturity level is aligning the vision mission with what is happening. The feedback, verification of results with intentions, goals, is the beating heart of real lean using PDCA. (Plan-Do-Check-Act).
    BI analytics is integrated or not in the business process can strongly affect the decision making process. Hence, we consider this category to be a very important one when delimiting a maturity stage
    1. initiation (user driven - activity initiated by the user, process driven - activity initiated by a process)
    2. process integration (data centric - BI analytics is usually supported by a data warehouse, process centric - BI analytics is integrated in the business processes)
    3. processing model (store and analyze; analyze and store)
    4. event stream processing
    5. "closed-loop" environment
    Business Intelligence Development Model

    Although having the mindset set for BI (Business Intelligence) it is very generic.
    😲 Asthonising, the missing relationship between: real lean - operations research.
    🕳👁❗ How to connect operations research to real lean?
    🕳👁❗ How to get to real lean, how to achieve real support?
    💡❗✅ For processes, functional algorithms: use Jabes to collect all information.

    Organisation accountabilities

    A-1.3 Methodologies for improvement.

    Understanding Business & Technology Operational is a prerequisite. There has been a lot of attention for this approach. for some reason it is not being what it has meant to be.
    What could be the problem?
    A-1.3.1 Going for lean
    What is lean?
    💣 Most of us have experiences with incorrect lean. These are usually very negative. Try to forget those bad experiences and do a restart. The lessons learned of what has failed to be taken with us to avoid repetition of those. Going back to find the "value stream" or by other words "back to core business". This is about the PDCA - DMAIC approach.
    Why Lean - what is lean
    What is lean
    Many People Incorrectly Define Lean As....

    Situation Input Actions Results, SIAR lean structured processing
    Promoting real lean, the Siar model
    covers all of:
    The model mindset is used over and over again.
    Going for real lean
    Real lean is a complete mindset switch for all being committed or involved. There are many references made all over these""documetn" to details for a topic.
    A-1.3.2 Getting metrics using sensors (Gemba)
    The shop floor, getting data
    Different Aspects of Seeing a Shop Floor—Data
    shop-floor data
    In this series on how to understand a shop floor, I talked a lot about the physical shop floor—which in my view is the more important part. However, as mentioned in my last post, looking at already collected data also gives a lot of insight into the shop floor.

    Depending on the aspect you are interested in, data may be the only way to grasp the situation.

    Hence, this post will look deeper into how to work with data to understand the shop floor.

    As mentioned in my previous post, using collected data can have a few advantages: On the other hand, data has also a few disadvantages: Hence, using data requires a bit of precaution. ....
    Only when you have understood the data, believe it, and have it cleaned up can you finally start to analyze the data. With a bit of luck, you may even get to the point where you improve something on the shop floor with the help of the data. Now, go out, understand, verify, and clean your data to understand your shop floor, and organize your industry!

    Lean: physical - administrative/cyber (differences)
    The Toyota Production System (TPS) is a well known example of lean manufacturing that many want to copy as their lean process. Toyota Production System
    is an integrated socio-technical system, developed by Toyota, that comprises its management philosophy and practices. The TPS is a management system that organizes manufacturing and logistics for the automobile manufacturer, including interaction with suppliers and customers. The system is a major precursor of the more generic "lean manufacturing". Taiichi Ohno and Eiji Toyoda, Japanese industrial engineers, developed the system between 1948 and 1975.
    Originally called "just-in-time production", it builds on the approach created by the founder of Toyota, Sakichi Toyoda, his son Kiichiro Toyoda, and the engineer Taiichi Ohno. The principles underlying the TPS are embodied in The Toyota Way.

    ❹ ❸ The Pull request marketing, sales and the administration is not the product.
    ❶ ❷ The Push delivery a car, is what the car manufacturing TPS is about.

    What do you see for the product flow? Administration is done in virtual cyber world. There is a 👓 link for details. See figures:
    Cyber Virtual: Pull request -> push delivery Physical: Pull request -> push delivery
    More links associated - entry/exit 💣 The result is a risk challenge by vagueness, to differentiate:
    ❶ ➡ Information (data) as product: operational plane,
    ❷ ➡ Information as metric: analytical plane.
    💣 Technically running BI & Analytics are using ICT processes very similar to product processes when the core product process is administrative/cyber. Everything is code logic and everything is data, but not all are equal for business value.
    A-1.3.3 Getting metrics in administrative/cyber processes
    What are interactions in managing operations?
    Every process being core business brings value, values stream. in a figure: bianl valuestream

    Situation: ⚖ Identify customer value.
    Input: 📚 Map the value stream.
    Action: ⚒ Design logical Flow.
    Result: Improve: 🎭 Seek Perfection.
    Follow the link 👓 at the figure for elaboration.

    Information is not equal by type, it can be:
    Process oriented, value stream
    Looking at what needs to be done, the focus only on the information for an administrative/cyber product for the value stream. The mindset for a transformation process "code" "application", in a figure:
    lean process transformations by tools
    The focus in the value stream is a duality: Both viewpoints need a holistic approach because they are highly related and depended.
    Follow the link 👓 at the figure for elaboration.

    Using Sensors Metrics, events, data, information
    Metrics are needed for: There are several kind of metrics, they can describe: These are basic requirements for understanding processes.
    ❓A question: where are the accountable, responsible, informed persons?
    😲 Asthonising, the missing culture on well defined metrics. See also: B-1.3.4, B-3.2.2
    🕳👁❗ What operational metrics are available and what is needed?
    🕳👁❗ What analytical metrics are available and what is needed?
    🕳👁❗ How to analyse and use operational & analytical metrics?
    💡❗✅ For processes, functional algorithms: use Jabes to collect all information.

    Ancient automatization

    A-1.4 Operational Improvements

    Connecting Business & Technology (operational).
    There has been a lot of attention for this approach. For some reason it is not being what it has meant to be.
    What could be the problem?
    A-1.4.1 Controls metrics lines in functions
    ⚖ System, organisation design
    The need for controls and metrics is not a surprising one neither a new modern insight.
    In the physical technical engineering world it is cornerstone for automation. For only managing the control - measure feedback there is a theory with many practical realisations. PID controller

    ❓A question: what happened to the control and metrics in the administrative/cyber world? Already an old but still valid modelling approach:
    idef0 (process model) IDEFØ is a method designed to model the decisions, actions, and activities of an organization or system. IDEFØ was derived from a well-established graphical language, the Structured Analysis and Design Technique (SADT). ...
    Effective IDEFØ models help to organize the analysis of a system and to promote good communication between the analyst and the customer. IDEFØ is useful in establishing the scope of an analysis, especially for a functional analysis. As a communication tool, IDEFØ enhances domain expert involvement and consensus decision-making through simplified graphical devices. As an analysis tool, IDEFØ assists the modeler in identifying what functions are performed, what is needed to perform those functions, what the current system does right, and what the current system does wrong. ....
    DEFØ concepts designed to enhance communication include the following:
    idef0 process model
    in a figure:
    ⚒ Administrative/cyber: Data Mesh, data product quantum
    Not knowing what is going on is bad. The huge build environment for BI&A reporting: DWH, Data warehouse, Data Lake, Data Lake House with ETL ELT. This is a bizar approach not known, not seen in lean agile.
    💡❗✅ Simplify operational monitoring in the analytical plane.
    From: "Data Mesh Delivering Data-Driven Value at Scale" (book), the data (product) quantum.

    The idea: BI&A analytical plane:
    🎯 Add a control connection at transformation process. (control: speed, safety)
    A moment in time for a change in approach:
    Data mesh- data product
    A figure:
    See right side

    ⚙ Administrative/cyber: Data Mesh, Experience plane
    Not using available information on what is going on is bad. The huge build environment for BI&A reporting: DWH, Data warehouse, Data Lake, Data Lake House with ETL ELT. This is a bizar approach not known, not seen in lean agile.
    💡❗✅ Simplify operational dashboarding & feedback controls using the analytical plane.
    From: "Data Mesh Delivering Data-Driven Value at Scale" (book), the mesh experience.

    The idea: BI&A analytical plane:
    🎯 Add dashboarding, mesh experience, for the process (speed, safety, capacity)
    A moment in time for a change in approach:
    Data mesh- data policies
    A figure:
    See left side

    🕳👁❗ How to analyse and use operational & analytical metrics?
    💡❗✅ For processes, functional algorithms: use Jabes to collect all information.

    A-1.4.2 ALC-V3 model, sensors metrics - controls
    ⚖ feed back & control loops
    The ALC-V3 model is the most sophisticated approach for processes, value streams. The differences with the other two more simple process models are: Human control and human accountabality is for all process model the same.
    Follow the link at the figure for elaboration 👓.
    In a figure:
    See right side

    ⚒ ALC-V3 process line.
    There are at least two lines. The development line has:
    1. Retrieval and preparation of information. The structure is logically a star schema.
    2. Reducing the prepared information in an renormalised format.
    3. Developping and a first verification of the code "model" by analysing the results.
    4. Doing a continous verification of the "model" by analysing the results.
    The operational line has:
    1. Retrieval and preparation of information. The structure is logically a star schema.
    2. Reducing the prepared information in an renormalised format.
    3. Executing using the code "model - scoring".
    4. Distributing the results "model - scoring".
    Follow the link at the figure for elaboration 👓.
    analytics proces
    ⚙ managing the ALC-V3 line
    The quality of the process line is more complex to manage.
    🕳👁❗ How to analyse and use operational & analytical metrics?
    💡❗✅ For processes, functional algorithms: use Jabes to collect all information.


    A-1.5 Shape: (Information) Technology.

    Optimising technology service is a start for lean "processes: cyber/adminstrative". Although the focus should be on the value stream processes it starts by the technology connection.
    Where to pay attention on:
    A-1.5.1 ALC-V2 BI&A Analytical plane
    As long there is no mesh experience but an classic DWh is in place that one should be used for the needed analyses, reporting. Manual adjustment of reports and advice are the usual approach. An improvement to do is improving analytical metrics using sensors.
    Follow the link at the figure for elaboration 👓:
    Business Intelligence Process
    What to note:
    🕳👁❗ How to analyse and use existing operational & analytical metrics?
    🕳👁❗ What analytical metrics are more easily done by dedicated sensors?

    A-1.5.2 Delivering data products in a cycle
    When you want to process information in a value stream, going for the best quality best performance, the following is a good approach.
    Data driven processing in a figure:
    Jabes generic process
    A figure:
    See right side

    Typical characteristics:
    What to note:
    🕳👁❗ How to analyse and use existing operational & analytical metrics?
    🕳👁❗ What analytical metrics are more easilyt by dedicated sensors?

    A-1.5.3 Document Information retrieval & delivery
    There are three levels to orchestrate for the realisation:
    There are three area´s of interest to orchestrate for the realisation:

    Mind set change
    Don´t micro manage everything. Have the requirements for adequate tooling in place an let the workforce do their work.
    Data contracts, knowing the goals of value streams
    There are two moment in the value stream with a "customer" contact:

    ❶ The goal with the material retrieval: Jabes process Assurance
    A figure:
    See left side

    ❷ The goal with the delivery: , agreed quality of information.
  • Know for who the processing is done
  • Know who is accountable for the delivered information
  • to correct agreed locations
  • agreed quality of information
  • Jabes process Assurance
    A figure:
    See right side

    What to take into account:
    🕳👁❗ Well documented knowledge of accountable & responsible persons
    🕳👁❗ What the level of information quality are
    💡❗✅ Use Jabes to collect information quality aspects and who are accountable, responible.

    A-1.5.4 Document functional accountabilities
    To get covered by documented knowledge in a portfolio are risk assessments:
    This is a process in his own with the goal. This should have been done during architecting engineering - development and operations. By not having a generic tool covering this, it is mostly either: ignored, forgotten or lost in the portfolio connection. During reviews what is going on there is a moment for corrections.
    Jabes process Assurance
    In a figure:
    See left side
    What to take into account:
    🕳👁❗ Well documented knowledge of accountable & responsible persons
    💡❗✅ Use Jabes to collect compliancy aspects for information and processes.


    A-1.6 Maturity 3: Controlled Operational Revisions

    "Managing technology service" is a prerequisite for "processes: cyber/adminstrative". Although the focus should be on the value stream processes it starts by the technology connection.
    From the three TIP, Bianl interrelated scopes:
    A-1.6.1 Regulations: technicals & functionals
    Although there are no direct regulations on the technology at this moment, there are many regulations to comply by organisations. The topics for those regulations are mostly similar Confidentiality Integrity Availability (CIA). The result of a BIA analyses for CIA levels should be verifiable.
    💡❗✅ For process requirements & design use Jabes to collect all information:

    Cerberos dog three heads
    A-1.6.2 Incentives, Culture, Structure, Resources
    Work to do: solving process improvement issues by their root-causes.
    (N.Dean Meyer) The right way to build high-performance, cross-boundary teamwork is to get to fundamentals. Find out why the nice people in your organization don't team, and then address the root causes of incentives, culture, structure, and the internal economy. See also: "E-1.3.1 Recognizing the 3M evils"
    Maturity id SubId Source Context
    ORRM-1 A-1.2 Promote get strategical support for feed-back loops OR Conceptual
    ORRM-2 A-1.2 Get support & implement operational feed-back loops Conceptual
    ORRM-3 A-1.2 Get support & implement tactical feed-back loop Conceptual
    ORRM-3 A-1.2 Get support & implement strategical feed-back loop Conceptual
    MCRM-1 A-1.3.1 Avoid micro management Conceptual
    MCRM-2 A-1.3.1 Empower staff using real Lean Conceptual
    CYBR-1 A-1.4 A-1.5 Cyber mindset staff, no physical artefacts Conceptual
    CYBR-2 A-1.4 A-1.5 Cyber mindset to value streams Conceptual
    STRC-1 A-1.3.3 A-1.4 Functional Sensors information value stream Structural
    STRC-2 A-1.3.3 A-1.4 Technical Sensors information value stream Structural
    STRC-3 A-1.3.3 A-1.4 Functional Metrics information value stream Structural
    STRC-4 A-1.3.3 A-1.4 Technical Metrics information value stream Structural
    RACI-1 A-1.5 Clear accountabilities responsibilities value stream Conceptual
    RACI-2 A-1.2.2 Tasks, roles, aligned to accountabilities. Conceptual
    ORRM-1 A-1.2 Promote get strategical support for feed-back loops OR Conceptual
    ORRM-2 A-1.2 Get support & implement operational feed-back loops Conceptual
    ORRM-3 A-1.2 Get support & implement tactical feed-back loop Conceptual
    ORRM-3 A-1.2 Get support & implement strategical feed-back loop Conceptual
    MCRM-1 A-1.3.1 Avoid micro management Conceptual
    MCRM-2 A-1.3.1 Empower staff using real Lean Conceptual
    CYBR-1 A-1.4 A-1.5 Cyber mindset staff, no physical artefacts Conceptual
    CYBR-2 A-1.4 A-1.5 Cyber mindset to value streams Conceptual
    STRC-1 A-1.3.3 A-1.4 Functional Sensors information value stream Structural
    STRC-2 A-1.3.3 A-1.4 Technical Sensors information value stream Structural
    STRC-3 A-1.3.3 A-1.4 Functional Metrics information value stream Structural
    STRC-4 A-1.3.3 A-1.4 Technical Metrics information value stream Structural
    RACI-1 A-1.5 Clear accountabilities responsibilities value stream Conceptual
    RACI-2 A-1.2.2 Tasks, roles, aligned to accountabilities. Conceptual
    ORRM-1 A-1.2 Promote get strategical support for feed-back loops OR Conceptual
    ORRM-2 A-1.2 Get support & implement operational feed-back loops Conceptual
    ORRM-3 A-1.2 Get support & implement tactical feed-back loop Conceptual
    ORRM-3 A-1.2 Get support & implement strategical feed-back loop Conceptual
    MCRM-1 A-1.3.1 Avoid micro management Conceptual
    MCRM-2 A-1.3.1 Empower staff using real Lean Conceptual
    CYBR-1 A-1.4 A-1.5 Cyber mindset staff, no physical artefacts Conceptual
    CYBR-2 A-1.4 A-1.5 Cyber mindset to value streams Conceptual
    STRC-1 A-1.3.3 A-1.4 Functional Sensors information value stream Structural
    STRC-2 A-1.3.3 A-1.4 Technical Sensors information value stream Structural
    STRC-3 A-1.3.3 A-1.4 Functional Metrics information value stream Structural
    STRC-4 A-1.3.3 A-1.4 Technical Metrics information value stream Structural
    RACI-1 A-1.5 Clear accountabilities responsibilities value stream Conceptual
    RACI-2 A-1.2.2 Tasks, roles, aligned to accountabilities. Conceptual

    A-1.6.3 Maturity fundaments optimizing "Cyber/administrative"
    Maturity Basic organisation
    BPM approaches maturity in distinct layers for:
    Improvement aspects

    👓 click on the figure for Jabes maturity organisation.

    Deviation to Classic BPM. Not going for a siloed BPM approach but:
    Maturity Attention Points
    Attention points for maturity level considerations & evaluations:
    Maturity id SubId Source Context
    CMM-4OO-1 OR Enable
    I01 A-1.2 Operations Research into Information processing Process
    I02 A-1.3 Lean Processing into Information technology Process
    P01 A-1.4 Goal technical metrics in ALC-V* streams Process
    P02 A-1.4 Goal functional metrics in ALC-V* streams Process
    P03 A-1.4 Applicable technical sensors in ALC-V* streams Process
    P04 A-1.4 Applicable functional sensors in ALC-V* streams Process
    CMM-4OO-2 Technology
    I03 A-1.2 Understanding of information security Process
    I04 A-1.3 Understanding applicable risk objectives Process
    I05 A-1.2 Understanding impact of decsisons on persons Process
    I06 A-1.3 Understanding of applicable business rules Process
    T01 A-1.4 ALC-V1 serviced by technology understood Technology
    T02 A-1.4 ALC-V2 serviced by technology understood Technology
    T03 A-1.4 ALC-V3 serviced by technology understood Technology
    T04 A-1.4 ALC-V1 functional instructions understood Integrity
    T05 A-1.4 ALC-V2 functional instructions understood Integrity
    T06 A-1.4 ALC-V3 functional instructions understood Integrity
    T07 A-1.4 ALC-V1 information security understood Security
    T08 A-1.4 ALC-V2 information security understood Security
    T09 A-1.4 ALC-V3 information security understood Security
    CMM-4OO-3 Operational
    P05 A-1.4 Using technical metrics in ALC-V* streams Process
    P06 A-1.4 Using functional metrics in ALC-V* streams Process
    I11 A-1.5.3 Data retrieval process known Integrity
    I12 A-1.5.3 Data sources locations known Technology
    I13 A-1.5.3 Data sources accountability known Integrity
    I14 A-1.5.3 Data sources content quality known Reliability
    I15 A-1.5.3 Data transformation process known Integrity
    I16 A-1.5.3 Data transformation accountability Integrity
    I17 A-1.5.3 Data destinations locations known Technology
    I18 A-1.5.3 Data destinations accountability known Security
    I19 A-1.5.3 Data destinations content quality known Reliability
    I20 A-1.5.3 Data delivery process known Integrity

    💣 The assumption is made task & roles are organized according capabilities in a: hierarchy. Organizing the organisation is a hierarchical top-down responsibility with the ultimate accountability at the top of pyramid.
    A-1.6.4 Other values for process improvement to consider
    The words "Shape" "Serve" are clear in their intention. The word "Steer" didn´t have an immediate association. Steer synonyms alternatives:
    Financial enablement and financial planning:
    Projects Sponsorship Enabling budgets for run, change & innovation
    Financial insight Accounting, Operational & Analytical plane usage
    Financial foresight Forecasting, analytical plane predictive usage

    Ethical and social values:
    Employment Income, Education, Equality, Morality, Assurance, Safety
    Local governments Alignment to local environments social life circumstances
    Public culture, media Alignment global social awareness, beliefs welfare

    Shaping and environment:
    Pervasive PDCA , DMAIC Holistic involment for improvements & innovations
    co-adaptive 4IT Improvements chain management, operational value stream
    Prescriptive analytics Holistic involment for improvements & innovations

    🔰 Contents OR Forest Methods Metrics DO LSS CMM3-4OO 🔰
    🚧  TIP Risk O-ALC Gemba Stations DO PDCA CMM4-4OO 🚧
    🎯 101-IS VM-VMs Ideate-EE Plan-EE DO-4OO CMM5-4OO 🎯

    A-2 Improving value streams

    dual feeling

    A-2.1 Feed-back loop - Risk Management

    Connecting Business & Risk management
    There is ❌ not a lot of attention for this kind of knowledge. There is a desire for absolute certainties, the reality is full with uncertainties.
    Problems in organisations:
    A-2.1.1 ❓ What knowledge to use for projects?
    DIKW - data, information, knowledge, wisdom
    ❓ How to manage something where the knowledge of what when by who is unknown? DIKW_pyramid (wiki)
    The DIKW pyramid, also known variously as the DIKW hierarchy, wisdom hierarchy, knowledge hierarchy, information hierarchy, information pyramid, and the data pyramid, refers loosely to a class of models for representing purported structural and/or functional relationships between data, information, knowledge, and wisdom.
    vmap sdlc Typically: The DIKW acronym has worked into the rotation from knowledge management.

    It demonstrates how the deep understanding of the subject emerges, passing through four qualitative stages:
    The DIKW model is often quoted, or used implicitly, in definitions of data, information and knowledge in the information management, information systems and knowledge management literatures, but there has been limited direct discussion of the hierarchy.
    Reviews of textbooks and a survey of scholars in relevant fields indicate that there is not a consensus as to definitions used in the model, and even less in the description of the processes that transform elements lower in the hierarchy into those above them.

    By the introduction of a common operational picture, data are put into context, which leads to information instead of data. The next step, which is enabled by service-oriented web-based infrastructures (but not yet operationally used), is the use of models and simulations for decision support. Simulation systems are the prototype for procedural knowledge, which is the basis for knowledge quality. Finally, using intelligent software agents to continually observe the battle sphere, apply models and simulations to analyse what is going on, to monitor the execution of a plan, and to do all the tasks necessary to make the decision maker aware of what is going on, command and control systems could even support situational awareness, the level in the value chain traditionally limited to pure cognitive methods.

    David Weinberger argues that although the DIKW pyramid appears to be a logical and straight-forward progression, this is incorrect. "What looks like a logical progression is actually a desperate cry for help." He points out there is a discontinuity between Data and Information (which are stored in computers), versus Knowledge and Wisdom (which are human endeavours). This suggests that the DIKW pyramid is too simplistic in representing how these concepts interact. ...
    👉🏾 "Knowledge is not determined by information, for it is the knowing process that first decides which information is relevant, and how it is to be used."

    Uncertainties: Epistemic or Reducible - Aleatory or Irreducible
    ❓ How to manage something where the knowledge of what when by who to do is unknown? Agile is Not Risk Management (Alone) (Herding Cats, Actionable information for decision-makers .. ) ....
    ❶ Managing in the presence of uncertainty and the resulting risk means making estimates of the outcomes that will appear in the future from the decisions made today, in the presence of naturally occurring variances, and in probabilistic events during the period over which the decision is applicable. Without these estimates, there is no means of assessing a decision for its effectiveness in keeping the project on track for success.
    ❷ There is a connection between uncertainty and risk. This distinction is important for modeling the future performance of a project´s cost, schedule, and technical outcomes in the presence of reducible and irreducible risks.

    👉🏾 Uncertainties that can be reduced with more knowledge are called – Epistemic or Reducible.
    Epistemic (subjective or probabilistic) uncertainties are event-based, knowledge-based probabilities and are reducible by further knowledge gathering.
    Epistemic uncertainty pertains to the degree of knowledge about models and their parameters. This term comes from the Greek episteme (knowledge). Epistemic uncertainties,
    👉🏾 Uncertainties that cannot be reduced with knowledge are called - Aleatory or Irreducible
    Aleatory uncertainties pertain to stochastic (non-deterministic) events, the outcome of which is described using a probability distribution function(PDF).
    The term aleatory comes from the Latin alea. For example in a game of chance stochastic variability's are the natural randomness of the process and are characterized by a probability density function (PDF) for their range and frequency. Since these variability's are natural they are therefore irreducible.

    🕳👁❗Capable in managing: by uncertainties where certaintity is a desire.
    🕳👁❗Capable in managing: with all unknown knowledge where knowledge is wanted.
    🕳👁❗Capable in support to reduce complex questions into smaller simplistic ones.

    A-2.1.2 Risk management - Uncertainties
    Article 21: Cybersecurity risk-management measures
    ❓ How to manage something complex like cyber security?
    At least there are high level guidelines. Nis2
    The complexity is the translation into verifiable understandable realisations.
    Risk management Agile Process development, critics
    ❓ How to manage uncertainties, unknowns when going for running a project?
    Agile is Not Risk Management (Alone) (Herding Cats, ...) In a figure:
    Glen risklist
    When it is suggested that projects can be managed without estimating the impact of any decisions, probabilistic events, or underlying statistical processes - ... think ... - and proceed at your own risk. The term Risk Management for projects means something beyond agile concepts. Let´s look at each of these suggestions that Agile is Risk Management.
    First, look at the risk management processes and what they entail in practice.
    PP&C, Program Planning and Control, is facing a lot of challenges. The mentioned gaps are not that complex but should get managed.
    🕳👁❗Capable to manage the cyber security risk appropiate
    🕳👁❗Capable to understand and manage generic risks
    💡❗✅ For cyber security and generic risks: use Jabes to collect all information.

    Cubicles office
    A-2.1.3 Cubicles - Processes
    ❓ How to manage processes for values streams when there is hardly anything for them documented?

    🕳👁❗Capable of recognizing organisational issues.
    🕳👁❗Capable of escalating organisational issues that result in change.

    dual feeling

    A-2.2 Feed-back loop - Process results

    Connecting Business & Project management
    There is ❌ not a lot of attention for this kind of knowledge. There is a desire for absolute certainties, the reality is full with uncertainties.
    Problems in organisations:
    A-2.2.1 ❓ Question: how to do projects?
    Project management, a brief history
    There is long history doing projects in the administrative/cyber world. Administrative/cyber projects still have no solid foundation.
    Agile, disappointments
    Learning from experiences. This should no discussion topic, but it is. Bad experiences are not used to analyse and solved. Instead the whole approach is getting blamed and replaces with a new one with similar shortcomings.
    A review on what is going in at Agile: what root causes agile disappointments (jim-highsmith)
    For this article, I´ll focus on agile disappointments, but skip over the rhetoric. .. 👉🏾 So, I offer six candidates for the root cause of disappointments with agile that hopefully embody this constructive debate sentiment:
    In wrapping up this nuanced landscape of agile disappointments, let´s remember that the journey toward agility is as diverse as the individuals and organizations embarking on it. The challenges range from spreading capabilities too thin to navigating the tricky balance between performance and people. Yet, amidst these trials, the underlying message is clear, learning from our setbacks, rather than labeling them as failures.
    Agile is not a one-size-fits-all solution but a mindset that encourages adapting and evolving. It invites us to embrace change, question our assumptions, and continuously seek improvement. So, as we reflect on our agile experiences, let's hold onto the notion that every disappointment carries the seeds of knowledge and growth. After all, in the grand tapestry of our agile journeys, each thread of challenge is interwoven with opportunities for learning, innovation, and, ultimately, transformation.

    In the irony of the blame debate, this is nice sum-up to learn from.
    🕳👁❗Open for adapt how to change the change process

    A-2.2.2 Influence to: technology & organisation
    Technology: Getting rid of a waterfall dogma
    The statement: "all actions have to be finished before proceeding to the next stage", is not ❌ valid. A personal experience, a very long time ago, the project manager did claim this.
    The root cause was: incentives, culture, structure, resources. Indeed: all of those.

    vmap sdlc Reducing Lead Time 4 - Development" Development also has options to reduce the lead time that production does not have, namely concurrent engineering (also known as simultaneous engineering).
    👉🏾 In manufacturing, the part can be only in one process at a time. In development, multiple people can work on the same project.
    Similar at: Concurrent_engineering (wikipedia) .

    Technology: V-Model, non linearity.
    vmap sdlc (wikipedia)" The V-model is a graphical representation of a systems development lifecycle. It is used to produce rigorous development lifecycle models and project management models. The V-model falls into three broad categories, the German V-Modell, a general testing model, and the US government standard.
    In the visualisation the sequential order of the SIAR-model is included. There are many loopbacks to enable to react and apply change as soon as possible.
    Is There an Underlying Theory of Software Project Management (2023 Glen B. Alleman and AnnMarie Oien, PhD) Abstract: Traditional project management methods are based on scientific principles considered “normal science” but lack a theoretical basis for this approach. ...
    This paper suggests that when managing in the presence of uncertainties that create a risk to project success, adaptive control theory may be better suited as a model for project management in a rapidly changing, dynamically evolving network of statistical processes than traditional linear approaches.

    dual feeling thousand cuts
    Organisation goal: avoiding hidden costs.
    Ethical strategy, not that obivous. Lean: How to Look Good (An unusual post series)
    Managing is not easy. Making the right decisions and improving your company is difficult, especially if the available information is uncertain and incomplete. Sometimes, managers find it easier to simply pretend to do good and fudge the numbers instead of improving the bottom line. ...
    This post looks at another shady trick, where you save money now at the expense of the future of your company.
    👉🏾 For continuing success, you need to invest into the future of the company. Failure to do so will save you money now, but will damage or even destroy the company later. Unfortunately, some managers are more interested in their career than in their company. To be fair, some companies are also more interested in their company than in their people, hence often this is also a case of mutual disrespect. ...

    👉🏾 A list of evils collected out of the series:
    🕳👁❗Open to adapt and use the knowledge of engineer specialists.
    🕳👁❗Ethical mind to avoid the evils as much as possible, at least open in it.

    A-2.2.3 What to change in project management for change
    Software crisis a brief history
    For managing software: What did change since those years?
    NN 0097, Unmanaged - Jack Skeels - Murray Robinson - Shane Gibson
    Following agile product development: unmanaged with jack skeels critics on what is not going as promised ...
    Unmanaged: A Deep Dive into Agile Mismanagement
    (JS) Unmanaged is a book that comes from my biggest observation, which is Agile is getting applied everywhere. And the single common denominator that I could see through all the failed Agile implementations, ... 👉🏾 but they wouldn´t change anything about the way they manage the organization. ...
    (MR)I've been on both sides of the fence, client side and service provider side. And my observation is that most clients these days are saying they want to be agile, but 90 percent of clients that claim to be agile are far from it. And all of the service providers are saying that they are agile. And 99 percent of service providers are far from it.
    (SG) ... as soon as you hear somebody says we´re implementing Agile, that for me is a warning sign. ... it´s a culture ...
    Misconceptions and Misapplications of Agile
    (JS) A hundred years ago: We would have a department, say an assembly line, one manager and maybe eight people, and they're making ... . So make 200 widgets a week, the manager, make sure that happened. Now, There are really clean measures in place. ...
    today, our environments are largely "multi manager environments". Whatever happens to the loss in productivity can´t be attributed to any manager. 👉🏾 What we end up doing is we start hiring more managers to ... inversely proportional to productivity. ...
    (MR) There has been a big movement over the last few years away from speed and productivity towards focusing on business outcomes and products because you can deliver the wrong things faster. That´s not going to help you.
    The Struggles of Fixed Price, Fixed Scope Projects
    (JS) 👉🏾 By nature, the work we're doing in a project driven organization is: uncertain. We don´t do the same thing twice. We only do projects for things that haven´t been done before. ... the more innovative you´re trying to be, the more complex the problem, the more creative you´re trying to be, the more uncertainty there is. Uncertainty means ignorance. We don´t know what it is, and it´s actually a good situation to be agile around. This is the ultimate expression of the Problem software Agile was trying to solve. ...
    💣 ... want you to be told exactly how long it will take and how much exactly it will cost. ...
    👉🏾 What happens is companies answer that question. They say, sure, we'll have it by ... . It´s only a cost this much. And though we can´t even describe it all, you´ll be happy when you get it. That's what the marketplace sells and buys right now. it´s hard to get out of that. ...
    (MR) It´s completely normal for projects on the client side, to be done ... that same thing happens. ... 👉🏾 it´s got to be done no matter what now. We can´t afford to fire them anymore. ...
    The Importance of Scope in Project Management
    (JS) You can actually drive the uncertainty of the scope, but it takes technique to do that. ...
    It´s just that people don't understand how to do that well. So the first thing you implement is a process, which is, let´s make sure we really understand what the client´s asking for. ...
    👉🏾 But poorly defined scope and the ignoring of the fact that scope is poorly defined is the biggest problem in almost every digital agency today.
    (MR) But the scope is pretty unclear even from the client's side. ... If you do your scoping exercise, you spend a couple of weeks all working together defining it. ...

    🕳👁❗Acknowledge predictability demand: product Q&Q, delivery moment, cost.

    dual feeling

    A-2.3 Understanding the shopfloor

    There is a distraction from the real business goal that information processing should solve. A desire for easy solutions without management impact. The reality is a needed culture change in management.
    What to look at for the why:
    A-2.3.1 Process mining
    Value streams, processes
    A value stream is the set of actions that take place to add value to a customer from the initial request through realization of value by the customer. ❗ Just focus on the external customer
    Understanding the Fundamentals of Value-Stream Mapping Value-stream mapping (VSM) is a fundamental lean practice that involves diagraming a value stream, which includes all the actions (value-creating and nonvalue-creating) needed to move a product or service from raw material to the arms of the customer, including the material and information flow. That is rather straightforward, weel tot understand.

    Too complicated: starting with mining without understanding the VSM. From: "Want to do a process mining project" slides and videos (vdaalst). Many people and organizations contact me to apply process mining. They all have data and processes. However, often the prerequisites of process mining are unclear. On the one hand, process mining is super generic and can be applied in any domain, just like spreadsheets are used in any organization. Spreadsheets can do anything with numbers. Process mining can do anything with events. On the other hand, event data are not just any type of data and the notion of process is very broad. These slides aim to clarify this. You need to check: It is very naïve to replace existing software with something "fresh". The process mining process in a figure:
    Process mining W.vanAalst, the flow

    How to position process mining in a figure:
    Process mining W.vanAalst, data science - process science

    🕳👁❗Open for adapt how to use VSM and process mining for change processes.

    A-2.3.2 Business processes modelling
    VSM, process mining, processes
    The idea of using data, transformed into information for seeing what is going on the shop floor.
    Process mining W.vanAalst
    In a figure:
    See right side

    Not all process events will follow the expectation form the VSM map.
    Process mining W.vanAalst
    In a figure:
    See right side
    VSM, processes, architectural decisions
    Decisions in processes are classifies as architectural. The problem is there are applicable layers for this in the change process or in the specficiations.
    ISO/IEC 42010 defines requirements on the description of system, software and enterprise architectures. It aims to standardise the practice of architecture description by defining standard terms, presenting a conceptual foundation for expressing, communicating and reviewing architectures and specifying requirements that apply to architecture descriptions, architecture frameworks and architecture description languages.
    Architecting model
    In a figure:
    See right side

    🕳👁❗Open to adapt how to manage variations in the VSM processes
    🕳👁❗Open to architectural decisions at different layers: strategic, tactical, operational.

    A-2.3.3 Business processes Administrative/cyber
    Data driven - process driven
    There is strong relationship between two approaches, data-driven, process-driven they can´t exist without the other. fluxicon disco manual (vdaalst)
    Data science is the profession of the future. However, it is not sufficient to focus on data storage and data analysis. The data scientist also needs to relate data to processes. At the same time, process analysis professionals need to learn how to incorporate data from the IT systems into their work.
    Process mining W.vanAalst
    In a figure:
    See left side
    Assumed processes - reality
    When you ask someone about how their process is being performed, or look how it is documented, the structure is typically relatively simple (“First we do X, then, we do Y, etc.”). However, in reality processes are much more complex.
    👉🏾 There is rework: Steps have to be done again, because they were not right the first time.
    👉🏾 Exceptions need to made to deal with special situations, different people perform the same process in different ways, and so on.
    👉🏾 So, there is a discrepancy between how people assume that processes are performed and how they are actually executed.
    ... But looking further, this discrepancy is not even the biggest problem. After all, to a certain extent it can be expected that not everything is always going according to plan.
    💣 The much bigger problem is that in most situations nobody has an overview about how the real process looks like in the first place.
    Process mining W.vanAalst
    In a figure:
    See left side
    Why is it so difficult to have an overview about how the processes are actually performed?
    🕳👁❗Mindset acknowledging the duality data-driven process driven.
    🕳👁❗Mindset acknowledging the difference in assumption on processes and reality.
    🕳👁❗Capable of prioritising understanding the VSM of processes and changes.


    A-2.4 Enabling aligned lean process cycles

    There is a distraction from the real business goal that information processing should solve. A desire for easy solutions without management impact. The reality is a needed culture change in management.
    What to look at for the why:
    A-2.4.1 closed loops, feed back: organisational
    A closed loop in software-intensive system Is There an Underlying Theory of Software Project Management (2023 Glen B. Alleman and AnnMarie Oien, PhD)
    A Focus on Information Technology Project Management
    Software Intensive Systems (SIS) projects traditionally use formal management processes for the system's acquisition or development, deployment, and operation that emphasize in-depth planning. This approach organizes work into phases separated by decision points. Supporters of this approach emphasize that changes made early in the project can be less expensive than changes made late in the project. SIS can be found in a variety of business and technical domains ...
    GLNAL open - closed loops
    A Focus on Information Technology Project Management
    "To adapt" means to change a behavior to conform to new circumstances. Intuitively, an adaptive controller is a control system that can modify its behavior in response to changes in the dynamics of the process and the character of the disturbances. ...
    Even agile processes are driven by linear, non-statistical algorithms and need the statistical aspects of the underlying processes. To be adaptive, the control loop needs to:
    This is nice, these are:
    GLNAL closed loop adaptive Before establishing this context, agile methods include four significant attributes. They are:
    GLNAL PMBok gap loop
    Gaps In Traditional Project Management
    look at the control block picture of the PMBOK´s functions:
    A question for more advances closed loops. A complete approach:
    🕳👁❗ Awareness of the importance of closed loops, PDCA.
    🕳👁❗ Goal: implementing understandable controllable closed loops.
    💡❗✅ Use Jabes to collect Closed loop aspects for information and processes.

    A-2.4.2 closed loops, feed back: technical, functional
    ALC-V3 process line, closed loops - linear
    The line is visualised lineair another option is a circular one. There are at least two lines, a development line and an operational lines. The operational line has two closed loops control points indicated by wages.
    The goal of these closes loops: Follow the link at the figure for elaboration 👓.
    analytics proces
    ALC-V3 process line, closed loops - circular operational
    Having a defined value stream the step of prepartion and delivery are logically segregated.
    The goal of that segregation: Jabes generic process
    A figure:
    See left side

    ALC-V3 process line, closed loops - circular change
    When the need for change in information processing is high a devops perspective using several closed loops gives other attention points:

    The data driven process in a figure:

    👓 Click figure for context.

    🕳👁❗ Awareness of the sheer number of different closed loops.
    🕳👁❗ Goal use all of the controllable closed loops wisely.
    💡❗✅ Use Jabes to collect Closed loop aspects for information and processes.

    Cubicles office
    A-2.4.3 Cubicles - Gemba
    Process Management, getting to the shopfloor. Enterprise engineering (J.Dietz) is one of the oldest going into service management with processes. It went into business process management.
    💣 To solve: there is no physical shop-floor, how to get the information describing the processes?
    Reference: "Want to do a process mining project" slides and videos (WvdAalst).
    Historical development: Process mining, four types of basic proces models:
    🕳👁❗ Well documented knowledge of processes and the information value streams.
    💡❗✅ Use Jabes to collect compliancy aspects for information and processes.


    A-2.5 Realizing Aligned lean process cycles

    Optimising lean "processes: cyber/adminstrative" is the goal Jabes is helping to focus on. Value stream processes are core business lines. These are dependent on the quality & quantity of a technology connection.
    Where to pay attention on:
    A-2.5.1 PDCA cycle administrative support
    Agile value stream changes - execute
    Assume all the specifications are physical stored artifacts in a standard meta model. When going for change the goal is an adjustment of specifications by the change. That adjustment is describing new version of the product in the portfolio.

    For every activity there is a planning and logging control dataset. The meta model conforms to the layering in the nine-plane with some differences:
    ❶ The suggestion box, backlog, known issues, innovation proposals (down left)
    ❷ design & building the process or components (top left)
    ❸ validations of the process the process, is at the II (top right)
    ❹ the specifications with, known issues, is at the IV (down right)
    Once a change has been started there is continuous activity for "design/build" and "product validation". This stops at the moment the enablement is blocked or the new specifications are accepted to be of high quality where no need for change is requested.
    Jabes product
    A figure:
    See left side

    Agile value streams change - closed loop
    Going for a closed loop control the first actions is a structured registration of activities and results. For every activity there is a planning and logging control dataset. All of these control datasets are sources for reporting and analytics. A standardised centralised approach enables standard reporting solutions. More important it is an opening to advanced analytics giving more insight more knowledge more wisdom on changes.
    The four control datasets:
    Jabes product
    A figure:
    See left side

    🕳👁❗ A change in changes: document, log, the activities actions and results.
    🕳👁❗ Use this journal for: reporting what has happened, predictive expectations.
    💡❗✅ Use Jabes to collect compliancy aspects for information and processes.

    A-2.5.2 Working Cell Goal: Aligned Operations
    The transformation unit - technology
    There are three levels to orchestrate for the transformation:
    There are three area´s of interest to orchestrate for the transformation:
    The goal with the transformation: transform the retrieved source materials of information into a new product of information. Use the conforming assembly instructions and validate the expectations of levels of quality are met.
    Jabes process Assurance
    A figure:
    See right side

    The transformation unit - Compliancy
    To get covered by documented knowledge in a portfolio are risk assessments: This is a process in his own with the goal getting the correct requirements. When a requirement is incorrect, assumptions about wat the transformation unit should be capable of, the change could become worthless.
    Some examples: This can be solved partially during architecting, engineering with validations being involved. When impossible impediments arise there must be a review on the change at high level.
    There is wish for continous feedback, closed loops.
    The compliancy part:
    Jabes process Assurance
    In a figure:
    See right side
    ❓ What is expected for a transformation?
    The transformation unit - Technical, operational:
    ❶ A transformation unit should be delivered complying the requirements.
    ❷ A transformation unit should be delivered with technical maintenance instructions.

    The transformation unit - Functional, operational:
    ❸ A transformation unit should be delivered with operational usage guidelines.
    ❹ A transformation unit should have safeguards when operational usage guidelines are violated.

    🕳👁❗ Well documented compliancy aspects of the transformation unit.
    🕳👁❗ Well documented technical maintenance aspects of the transformation unit.
    🕳👁❗ Well documented functional usage aspects of the transformation unit.
    💡❗✅ Use Jabes to collect compliancy aspects for information and processes.

    A-2.5.3 Document Information retrieval & delivery
    Data contracts, transformations
    There are several attention point to review:

    Data contracts, transformations, input
    Needed defined qualities of information:
    Jabes process Assurance
    A figure:
    See left side

    Data contracts, transformations, result
    Needed defined qualities of information:
    Jabes process Assurance
    A figure:
    See left side

    🕳👁❗ Well documented aspects of the information, input & delivery.
    🕳👁❗ Well documented aspects of the transformation funtional business rules.


    A-2.6 Maturity 4: Change Processes in control

    "Managing technology service" is a prerequisite for "processes: cyber/adminstrative". Although the focus should be on the value stream processes it starts by the technology connection.
    From the three TIP, Bianl interrelated scopes:
    A-2.6.1 Understanding Why How What
    Intermediate, zachman surprise
    Start with Why (Simon Sinek, 2009) Sinek says people are inspired by a sense of purpose (or "Why"), and that this should come first when communicating, before "How" and "What"
    The difference between architecting (representation) and engineering (specification) is solved by an additional level, six levels instead of the original five. The ordering of "6W 1h" in the horizontal classifications is not aligned for multiple dimensional relationships. That is the part where I do it here a little bit different: Lucid Zachman
    "Enterprise architecture defined" (lucid))
    Named for its creator, John Zachman, this framework uses a structured matrix as a means to view and categorize an enterprise. The framework consists of a 36-cell matrix, with each cell focusing on a different perspective (such as business owner, planner, designer, and so on).
    This matrix gives EA professional insights into the company's assets and how various components of the enterprise are related. This information can help companies be more agile and help to make better decisions.

    A-2.6.2 Deep dives BiAnl
    Intra References
    BiAnl, OR, is applicable to almost anything in an environment.
    The following is about what was doen before in understanding BiAnl:
    Reference Topic <|> Topic Reference
    👓 info types different types of information (data) 👓
    👓 Value Stream Value Stream, working cell shop floor 👓
    👓 transform information The Transformation job in details 👓
    👓 bi tech deep dive technology usage 👓

    More links associated - entry/exit
    Intra References by topics
    Shaping a cylce is touching almost anything in an environment.
    The following relationships are here in the mindmap approach:
    Details at:
    👓 Details multiple layers (SDLC sub-page)
    👓 The full ICT Business Pyramid. (SDLC sub-page)
    👓 threats for data & tools Proces Life Cycle. (BPM sub-page)
    👓 Machine supported develop Change ML AI. (BPM sub-page)
    👓 threats for data & tools Proces Life Cycle. (BPM sub-page)
    👓 resulting Life Cycle ALM, business Life Cycle. (BPM sub-page)
    More need to know:
    👓 Data Standards, patterns Information Flow. (to do)
    👓 Meta data Jabes framework.
    👓 DSS Decision support systems (Math sub-page)

    A-2.6.3 Maturity Tactical Shape Planes: People, Processes, Machines
    VSM learingtosee
    Maturity standard organisation
    "Managing technology service" is a prerequisite for "processes: cyber/adminstrative". Although the focus should be on the value stream processes it starts by the technology connection.
    From the three TIP, Bianl interrelated scopes:
    Maturity Attention Points
    Attention points for maturity level considerations & evaluations:
    Maturity id SubId Source Context
    CMM-4OO-4 Change staff
    AH1-1 A-2.1.1 Manage in uncertainties presenting for certainties Skills
    AH1-2 A-2.1.1 Manage to unknowns expecting them got known in time Skills
    AH1-3 A-2.1.1 Support reduce complex question into smaller ones Skills
    AH2-1 A-2.1.2 Understanding the Cyber Security gap, helping to close Skills
    AH2-2 A-2.1.2 Understanding: gap plant management, helping to close Skills
    AH3-1 A-2.1.3 Understanding the goal of closed loops Skills
    AH3-2 A-2.1.3 Helping, going for closed loops operational planes Skills
    AH3-3 A-2.1.3 Helping, going for closed loops analytical planes Skills
    AH3-4 A-2.1.3 Helping, going for closed loops change processes Skills
    AH4-1 A-2.2.1 Willing to adapt changes in the change process Skills
    AH5-1 A-2.2.2 Support better engineering options during changes Skills
    AH5-2 A-2.2.2 Be ethical as far as possible in constraint setting Skills
    AH6-1 A-2.2.3 Acknowledge predictability: VSM Quality & quantity Skills
    CMM-4OO-5 Change Processes
    BH1-1 A-2.3.1 Value stream (VSM) Understanding processes related Knowledge
    BH2-1 A-2.3.2 Understanding business value streams variations Knowledge
    BH2-2 A-2.3.2 Alignment business VSM questions to technology Communication
    BH2-3 A-2.3.2 Improvements business VSM aligned to technology Communication
    BH2-4 A-2.3.2 Understanding the role of decisions, architecture Knowledge
    BH2-5 A-2.3.2 Layers decision alignment: business VSM & technology Communication
    BH2-6 A-2.3.2 Alignment business VSM to technology for all decisions Communication
    BH3-1 A-2.3.3 Understanding duality: process-centric ⇄ data-driven Knowledge
    BH3-2 A-2.3.3 Alignment duality: process ⇄ data business, technology Communication
    BH3-3 A-2.3.3 Understanding deviance Ideal process, process reality Curiosity
    BH3-4 A-2.3.3 Improvements business VSM aligned for priories Communication
    BH4-1 A-2.4.1 Understanding closed loops in VSM processes Knowledge
    BH4-2 A-2.4.1 Improvements using closed loops in VSM processes Communication
    BH5-1 A-2.4.2 Understanding closed loops: functional, technical Knowledge
    BH5-2 A-2.4.2 Improvements using all kind of closed loops Communication
    BH6-1 A-2.4.3 Understanding theh shop floor by .. Curiosity
    BH6-2 A-2.4.3 Structuring what should be known of processes by .. Curiosity
    CMM-4OO-6 Tools Process
    JW1-1 A-2.5.1 Change culture change: standardised journal activities Structure
    JW1-2 A-2.5.1 Use standardised journals for reporting & analytics Structure
    JW2-1 A-2.5.2 Document information for the implementations T-Units Structure
    JW2-2 A-2.5.2 Document maintenance specifications T-Units Structure
    JW2-3 A-2.5.2 Document functionality operations T-Units Structure
    JW3-1 A-2.5.3 Document data contracts input & delivery Structure
    JW3-1 A-2.5.3 Document Functional transformations business rules Structure

    📚 A-2.6.4 External references
    Global compliancy
    These references are at the index, they are a shared interest.

    Local "Shape" OR
    A limited OR (Operations research) & risk list:
    link , newstopic interest who, source date
    operations research (OR)
    (Sarah Lewis) Techtarget 2019
    BIDM - The Business Intelligence Development Model
    Catalina Sacu, Marco Spruit 2010-06
    Agile is Not Risk Management (Alone)
    Glen Alleman 2024-03
    Is There an Underlying Theory of Software Project Management
    Glen B. Alleman, AnnMarie Oien 2023
    "Data Mesh, Delivering Data-Driven Value at Scale" (book O´Reilly)
    Zhamak Deghani 2022
    What is risk management?
    IBM (corp) retrieved 2024
    What is risk management & why is it important?
    Kate Gibson (HBR) 2023-10
    Operational Research: Methods and Applications
    (*) 2024

    For "Operational Research: Methods and Applications", it is a collection of the whole area:
    The year 2024 marks the 75th anniversary of the Journal of the Operational Research Society. On this occasion, my colleague Fotios Petropoulos from University of Bath proposed to the editors of the journal to edit an encyclopedic article on the state of the art in OR.
    A-2.6.5 Jabes Usage advice
    Sponsor, Owner: Jabes
    Building up the maturity level questions in the A-2.* series resulted in a logical fit for ownership sponsorship:
    That there should be a fit for a Sponsor, ownership for Jabes somewhere was evident. The idea emerged from a technical challenge "Serve" but belong to the "Shape" domain. Solving compliancy challenges for "Steer" the organisation made them a customer for the tool not the owner.

    A recap: several sever impediments to solve:
    What about Risk management (I)?
    "MS Co pilot" (chatgpt: IBM HBR Techtarget Wikipedia ,,):
    Risk management is the systematic process of identifying, assessing, and mitigating threats or uncertainties that can affect an organization. It involves analyzing the likelihood and impact of risks, developing strategies to minimize harm, and monitoring the effectiveness of these measures123. Key steps in the risk management process: A successful risk management program helps protect an organization from uncertainty, reduces costs, and increases the likelihood of business continuity and success. By committing necessary resources to control and mitigate risk, businesses safeguard their reputation, minimize losses, encourage innovation, and support growth.

    What about Risk management (II)?
    DoD Risk, Issue, and Opportunity Management Guide (2017 Preface):
    Risk management is an endeavor that begins with requirements formulation and assessment, includes the planning and conducting of a technical risk reduction phase if needed, and strongly influences the structure of the development and test activities.
    DoD risk mangement Active risk management requires investment based on identification of where to best deploy scarce resources for the greatest impact on the program’s risk profile.
    PMs and staff should shape and control risk, not just observe progress and react to risks that are realized.
    Anticipating possible adverse events, evaluating probabilities of occurrence, understanding cost and schedule impacts, and deciding to take cost effective steps ahead of time to limit their impact if they occur is the essence of effective risk management.
    Risk management should occur throughout the lifecycle of the program and strategies should be adjusted as the risk profile changes.

    🎯 101-IS VM-VMs Ideate-EE Plan-EE DO-4OO CMM5-4OO 🎯
    🚧  TIP Risk O-ALC Gemba Stations DO PDCA CMM4-4OO 🚧
    🔰 Contents OR Forest Methods Metrics DO LSS CMM3-4OO 🔰

    A-3 Encourage the enterprise by decisions in wisdom

    dual feeling

    A-3.1 Simple information & services

    Running an organisation is a special job without a clear define craftmanship. The variety volatility is too big in the very diverse number of circumstances. Decision makers are needing information, using other persons skills to help in underpinned decisions.
    General focus areas:
    A-3.1.1 Simple Aligned data management - Process management
    ⚖ Data Governance - organise
    Simple data management (Robert Borkes)
    The 9-Square Data Management Model offers a robust framework tailored to foster strategic alignment across diverse facets of business operations. Specifically crafted to address the challenges faced by executives grappling with data-related issues, this model provides targeted solutions and guidance. By serving as a guiding principle, it facilitates the synchronization of business and data strategies, leading to enhanced efficiency in organizational decision-making processes.
    With strategic goals centered around maximizing “return on data”, and clear objectives aimed at improving decision-making, optimizing organizational structure, and delivering exceptional services, this model empowers organizations to harness the full potential of their data assets.
    R.Borkes 9-plane
    in a figure:
    See left side

    JwvAalst duality
    😉 At this high level, the complementary artifact:
      👁 process
    is an alternative column topic for:
      👁 data.
    Data artifacts are materialised the processes are imaginair, only by observation of activities to see.

    Using other words, other order:
    ⚙ Data Governance - understanding
    Understanding the logic concept context on data, information requires a shared vocabulary.
    Organisation Information Data
    Serve Usable accessible services Operational information Data catalog
    Shape Optimised organisation Tactical information Data dictionary
    Steer Improved decision making Strategical information Glossary business

    ⚙ Service, product Governance - understanding
    Understanding the missions (what), how to product is made, logic business rules (what), requires a shared product knowledge with applicable capabilities.
    Organisation Information Process
    Serve Usable accessible services Operational transformations Specifications products
    Shape Optimised organisation Tactical alignments adjustments Verifications products
    Steer Improved visions on missions Strategical plans for change Product Portfolio

    🕳👁❗Hoshin Kanri, the playing field.

    A-3.1.2 Simple Organising Enterprise Services
    ⚖ Lean PDCA
    The PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) has a long history but at some moment when going to another culture came back with changed concept, context. The check instead of sell tells having gone in a closed loop. 25 Years after W. Edwards Deming
    Allaboutlean deming pdca
    in a figure:
    See right side
    japan japan Context Deming
    Plan Yotei pre- act of decide or define. Make - refine - schedule/plan - execute design
    Do Suru versatile: "to do", "to perform", also "add" (pull-push)produce
    Check chekku examine in order to determine its accuracy, quality, or condition sell
    Act akushon the fact or process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim redesign

    ⚖ Feedback, closed loop
    The highest maturity level is aligning the vision mission with what is happening. The feedback, verification of results with intentions, goals, is the beating heart of real lean (PDCA).
    BI analytics is integrated or not in the business process can strongly affect the decision making process. Hence, we consider this category to be a very important one when delimiting a maturity stage.
    Business Intelligence Development Model
    in a figure:

    All levels strategy, tactical, operational have their closed loop.

    Although having the mindset set for BI (Business Intelligence) in the document, the concept is very generic.
    🕳👁❗Hoshin Kanri, closed loop.

    dual feeling

    A-3.2 Vision & mission for Visions & Missions

    Running an organisation is a special job without a clear define craftmanship. The variety volatility is too big in the very diverse number of circumstances. Decision makers are needing information, using other persons skills to help in underpinned decisions.
    General focus areas:
    A-3.2.1 Strategy Visions
    ⚖ mission values
    Hoshin Kanri:
    Part 1: The To-Do List x-matrix 4 seasons
    ... you will sooner or later come across an X-Matrix. It is a visually very impressive tool, but I am in serious doubt about its usefulness. It focuses on the creation of the Hoshin items, but to me this approach is overkill, and – even worse – may distract the user from actually following the PDCA, especially the Check and Act parts. ...
    Setting the right goals and filtering them through the organization is important in Hoshin Kanri. In my first post I talked in detail about this as the "to-do list." ...
    Like the “normal” Hoshin Kanri, this document is done at different levels in the hierarchy, starting with the top executive. These are named rather straightforward as top-level matrix, second-level matrix, and third-level matrix.

    Hoshin Kanri X-matrix
    A figure:
    See right side

    Most Hoshin Kanri documents that I know cover one year. This is usually a good duration, since one year allows for quite a bit of improvement activity. This duration is also long enough to see the results and review the outcome.
    The fit with the SIAR model and PDCA DMAIC is far to nice. It solves the "closed loop" question. The template Hoshin Kanri template needs a closing arrow. The information could be included in Jabes.

    ⚙ Annual financial
    The yearly mandatory annual reports based on financial obligations should be well known.
    🤔 ❓ Are financial profits the only goal? To be honest, not❗ budgets are enabling activities whether they are personal or for an organisation.
    There should be no shortage but being overflooded with finance is 😉 waste.
    🕳👁❗Hoshin Kanri maturity evaluation.

    A-3.2.2 Wishful thinking: in control with missions
    ⚒ The proces life cycle
    Product lifecycle (wikipedia)
    In industry, product lifecycle management (PLM) is the process of managing the entire lifecycle of a product from inception, through engineering design and manufacture, to service and disposal of manufactured products. PLM integrates people, data, processes and business systems and provides a product information backbone for companies and their extended enterprise.
    ❓Why should PLM be reserved for industry of physical artefacts.?
    Situation Input Actions Results, SIAR lean structured processing
    ⚖ Mindset prerequisites: Siar model - static
    The model covers all of:
    A third dimension, hierarchy in similar structures, a cubic:
  • strategy, tactical, operational- the foundation
  • Accountabilities, responsibilities, roles
  • enterprise4

    A-3.3 Ideate Enterprise Enablement

    It turns out to be better, easier, describing what successful leaders do than teaching all leaders how to succeed. A story of the future, broad enough to adapt to change, accurate enough for competitive advantage. They called this skill "vision".
    Four challenges:
    A-3.3.1 Enterprise Culture vision
    Demings legacy and the Toyota way
    25 Years after W. Edwards Deming
    He greatly influenced the management of quality in Japan, where he is still revered as one of the great gurus in manufacturing.
    Through his influence on Toyota, his ideas are now common in the lean world.

    ⚖ Lean culture, PDCA
    ❓ what is real lean about?
    1. Create constancy of purpose toward improvement of product and service, with the aim to become competitive, to stay in business and to provide jobs.
    2. Adopt the new philosophy. We are in a new economic age.
      Western management must awaken to the challenge, must learn their responsibilities, and take on leadership for change.
    3. Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality. Eliminate the need for massive inspection by building quality into the product in the first place.
    4. End the practice of awarding business on the basis of a price tag.
      Instead, minimize total cost. Move towards a single supplier for any one item, on a long-term relationship of loyalty and trust.
    5. Improve constantly and forever the system of production and service, to improve quality and productivity, and thus constantly decrease costs.
    6. Institute training on the job.
    7. Institute leadership . The aim of supervision should be to help people and machines and gadgets do a better job. Supervision of management is in need of overhaul, as well as supervision of production workers.
      (see Point 12 and Ch. 8 of Out of the Crisis).
    8. Drive out fear, so that everyone may work effectively for the company.
      (See Ch. 3 of Out of the Crisis)
    9. Break down barriers between departments.
      People in research, design, sales, and production must work as a team, to foresee problems of production and usage that may be encountered with the product or service.
    10. Eliminate slogans, exhortations, and targets for the work force asking for zero defects and new levels of productivity. Such exhortations only create adversarial relationships, as the bulk of the causes of low quality and low productivity belong to the system and thus lie beyond the power of the work force.
      1. Eliminate work standards (quotas) on the factory floor. Substitute with leadership.
      2. Eliminate management by objective. Eliminate management by numbers and numerical goals. Instead substitute with leadership.
    11. Remove barriers that rob the hourly worker of his right to pride of workmanship. The responsibility of supervisors must be changed from sheer numbers to quality.
    12. Remove barriers that rob people in management and in engineering of their right to pride of workmanship. This means, inter alia, abolishment of the annual or merit rating and of management by objectives (See Ch. 3 of Out of the Crisis).
    13. Institute a vigorous program of education and self-improvement.
    14. Put everybody in the company to work to accomplish the transformation. The transformation is everybody´s job.
    ⚖ Lean, Deadly Diseases
    Well that is real lean, very sensible, far more than that PDCA cycle.
    ❓ What should be avoided whith real lean?
    He also created a list of the “Seven Deadly Diseases,” which are also sensible.
    1. Lack of constancy of purpose
    2. Emphasis on short-term profits
    3. Evaluation by performance, merit rating, or annual review of performance
    4. Mobility of management
    5. Running a company on visible figures alone
    6. Excessive medical costs
    7. Excessive costs of warranty, fueled by lawyers who work for contingency fees

    🕳👁❗Go for real lean.

    A-3.3.2 Workforce enablement, structured approaches
    ⚙ The break-up of: 6W-1H
    provides some guidance for categorization of content.
    In the scope of processes: 6w 1 how Don´t force this into a fixed hierarchy role.
    Using the V-model for change and improvements is a lean approach for controlled closed loops. The A3 lean approach for solving issues in existing streams, process lines and, ideate Empathize for defining new designs.
    🕳👁❗Using real lean, do the needed planning and administration.

    ⚒ Context confusing: business - cyber technology
    There is a lot of misunderstanding between normal humans and their cyber colleagues.
    That culture is not necessary, should be eliminated. A translation of words to start:
    ICT Business ICT Business ICT Business
    Strategy Control - Functional Target-Value - Confidentiality People
    Tactical Orchestration - Compliancy Communication - Integrity Processes
    Operational Realization - Technical Information - Availability Machines

    Note that the asset "Information" is a business asset not something to be pushed off as something incomprehensible "cyber".
    Confusing: ICT Business
    A figure:
    See right side

    🕳👁❗Have a shared vocabulary at each layer for each domain.


    A-3.4 Planning optimised lean organisations

    Optimising lean "processes: cyber/adminstrative" is the goal Jabes is helping to focus on. Value stream processes are core business lines. These are dependent on the quality & quantity of a technology connection.
    Where to pay attention on:
    A-3.4.1 Do optimize the planner, the decision maker
    🎭 Decision-Making doesn´t always improve with more data
    ❓ The hype is: getting more data would give better decisions, is that true? How to Be a Better Leader Amid Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity
    The key to intelligent leadership in VUCA is low-data decision making.
    Low-data decision making is impossible for computers, which is why volatility causes AI to become brittle and prone to catastrophic error. But low-data decision making is an inherent power of the brain, which evolved to thrive in unpredictable environments. ...
    Prompted your brain to imagine: What if?
    To return to that earlier mindset, exit your adult brain´s bias toward abstract reasoning. Focus instead on identifying what’s unique about every person you meet and every place you visit. ... You´l know you´re picking up on the exceptional if you find yourself experiencing that childlike power to dream new tomorrows, imagining what could happen next.

    📚 Financial gaps to structured approaches
    What to evaluate at decisions:
    ❶ 💰 Not knowing a financial value possible ignores the real value.
    ❷ 💰 Executing by financial key performance indicators distract from real values.
    ❸ 💰 OpEx, CapEx are financial accounting choices not based on real values.
    Choices made on only financial profits can have big impact on the organisation long term life expectations. Examples:
    🕳👁❗Accept a level of uncertainties, the future is not known yet.
    🕳👁❗Don´t rely solely on financial values. Add other values preferable with metrics.

    A-3.4.2 The closed loop control
    When there is a measurement control adjustment becomes a known theory. However this theory is not simple at all. PID control (wikipedia) PID control In theory, a controller can be used to control any process that has a measurable output (PV), a known ideal value for that output (SP), and an input to the process (MV) that will affect the relevant PV.
    There is an effect: in the beginning things are going worse then expected, worse than before improvements were done. Why would the reason for that be?
    Options: Bad scenarios (continuity of the organisation becoming disputable):
    💣changing that fast, improvement moments never happen
    💣no change at all. Technical and functional debt pillowing up

    🕳👁❗Understand and manage the impact of changes.

    A-3.4.3 Translation missions visions into change
    🎭 Commnication of visions, missions
    The vision and missions should be clear defined to enable clear understanding of the intentions. An interesting name:
    Hoshin Kanri X-matrix
    ➡ Hoshin Kanri
    A figure:
    See right side

    It is possible to connect to this using the Jabes administrative options.
    📚 Define changes by undesrtanding vision & missions
    Going for change either using DMAIC (redesign) or PDCA (design) A pull - push flow acting on the values stream are resulting activities.
    Starting at the right bottom side, there are four stages in two lines:
    IV Ideate - Asses (pull) III Enable - Plan (pull)
    I Demand - Backend (push) II Frontend - Delivery (push)
    Jabes generic process
    A figure:
    See right side

    🕳👁❗Have changes improvements planned aligned to visions missions.
    🕳👁❗Execute changes improvements aligned to visions missions.


    A-3.5 Realizing optimised lean organisations

    Optimising lean "processes: cyber/adminstrative" is the goal Jabes is helping to focus on. Value stream processes are core business lines. These are dependent on the quality & quantity of a technology connection.
    Where to pay attention on:
    A-3.5.1 PDCA cycle administrative/cyber support
    There are many frameworks, tools that support them in a userfriendly way are hard to find for administrative/cyber processes.
    A proposal, Jabes:
    All the specifications are physical stored artifacts in a standard meta model. It is possible to export and import all specifications into another owner or onather identification.
    The meta model conforms to the layering in the nine-plane with some little differences: For every activity there is a planning and logging control dataset.
    Jabes product
    🕳👁❗Have toolings in place that really support frameworks for real lean.

    A-3.5.2 PDCA organise the enterprise in the nine-plane
    value stream
    Having all activities for a process in the nine plane, the question is what happened with the value stream for missions? The result delivery is going out at the bottom when the visualisation is having "Strategic" at the top.
    🤔 Turn the visualisation 90° counter clockwise ⟲.
    Jabes within the 9plane
    Lean - pull push
    The three "Shape" planes are the "pull" line, shaping the organisation. 🤔 Where is the "push"? Good alignment by all three lines is needed.
    Both are "push": 🕳👁❗Have a shared vocabulary at each layer for each domain.

    A-3.5.3 PDCA changing the way of change the enterprise
    Using the Jabes framework with a Jabes tooling gives a remarkable visualisation. Instead of missions - visions or organisation value streams the process of change processes is the change. devops Jabes
    🕳👁❗Be open for how to change the change process


    A-3.6 Maturity 5: Controlled Enterprise Changes

    "Managing technology service" is a prerequisite for "processes: cyber/adminstrative". Although the focus should be on the value stream processes it starts by the technology connection.
    From the three TIP, Bianl interrelated scopes:
    A-3.6.1 Maturity tools "Cyber/administrative"
    A gap to a structured approach
    There is a lot of management jargon hiding the real goals with all uncertainties.
    ❓ Would it possible to improve and change in a more structured approach?
    pioneering 💡 Building Jabes The building of Jabes will be a lot of pioneering. A bootstrap approach while developing the product is possible. The whole of Jabes is needing several persons to realize for the magnitude and scope. Needed is a team with more competencies I have.
    Idea for composing a team:
    A-3.6.2 Summary Advice organisational leaders
    Maturity Basic & advanced changing the organisation. The aim, goal, to "act" is the overacrhing elementary element that also is subject to change.
    Short Context
    Plan Structure Plan decide or define. Make - refine - schedule/plan for execute
    Let it happen Do versatile: "to do", "to perform", also "add" (pull-push)
    Closed Loop Check examine in order to determine its accuracy, quality, or condition

    The points for tasks:
    Maturity id SubId Source Context
    CMM-4OO-7 Plan Structure
    RACI-1 A-2.4.3 VSM Clear accountabilities responsibilities Conceptual
    RACI-2 A-2.4.3 VSM Tasks, roles, aligned to accountabilities Conceptual
    RACI-3 A-3.5.2 Advisory Tasks, roles, aligned to accountabilities Contextual
    RACI-4 A-3.1.1 Advisory knowledge in improving the organisations Contextual
    O1 A-3.1 Hoshin Kanri basics, check act Process
    O2 A-3.2 Hoshin Kanri planning to do and do Process
    P1 A-3.3 Real lean understanding, aligning, promoting Integrity
    P2 A-3.4 Rational decision underpinning Integrity
    T1 A-3.5 Rational decision underpinning Capability
    T2 A-3.6 Rational decision underpinning Capability
    CMM-4OO-8 Let it happen
    RACI-1 A-2.4.3 VSM Clear accountabilities responsibilities Conceptual
    RACI-2 A-2.4.3 VSM Tasks, roles, aligned to accountabilities Conceptual
    RACI-3 A-3.5.2 Advisory Tasks, roles, aligned to accountabilities Contextual
    RACI-4 A-3.1.1 Advisory knowledge in improving the organisations Contextual
    O1 A-3.1 Hoshin Kanri basics, check act Process
    O2 A-3.2 Hoshin Kanri planning to do and do Process
    P1 A-3.3 Real lean understanding, aligning, promoting Integrity
    P2 A-3.4 Rational decision underpinning Integrity
    T1 A-3.5 Rational decision underpinning Capability
    T2 A-3.6 Rational decision underpinning Capability
    CMM-4OO-9 Closed loop
    RACI-1 A-2.4.3 VSM Clear accountabilities responsibilities Conceptual
    RACI-2 A-2.4.3 VSM Tasks, roles, aligned to accountabilities Conceptual
    RACI-3 A-3.5.2 Advisory Tasks, roles, aligned to accountabilities Contextual
    RACI-4 A-3.1.1 Advisory knowledge in improving the organisations Contextual
    O1 A-3.1 Hoshin Kanri basics, check act Process
    O2 A-3.2 Hoshin Kanri planning to do and do Process
    P1 A-3.3 Real lean understanding, aligning, promoting Integrity
    P2 A-3.4 Rational decision underpinning Integrity
    T1 A-3.5 Rational decision underpinning Capability
    T2 A-3.6 Rational decision underpinning Capability

    This sums up to six metrics. Half of the total number of metrics in direct influence sphere by organisational leaders.

    A-3.6.3 3M retrospective CMM-4IT - CMM-4AS - CMM-4OO
    ⚒ Trying to understand the "where to start" question
    It almost impossible to touch an improve a single stations in a line without touching and impacting others. Trying to do the maturity paragraph for Jabes with only the technology (SLDC) page in draft ready, I got blocked at the end. A swithc in priority, reordering to do the other two in draft also. The reason is simple: the perspectives in each pillar are different although it is the same topic, same concepts same context.
    Surprising: aligning optimising (bianl) is the most complex topic:
    A-3.6.4 Following steps
    Going trough all this again, some experience from the past are resurrected: The switch to how to improve something is a np-hard problem.

    other pages
    Missing link devops bpmc design_sdlc devops bpm devops sdlc devops bianl
    These are design sdlc concepts, others:

    The ready to use technology available in the market.

    Serve previous,
    Technology SDLC Development Life cycle (next)

    Steer previous,
    Business organisation value streams

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