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Devops - Business Proces Management

🎭 Concerns & Indices Elucidation 👁 Summary Vitae 🎭

👐 C-Steer C-Serve C-Shape 👁 I-C6isr I-Jabes I-Know👐
👐 r-steer r-serve r-shape 👁 r-c6isr r-jabes r-know👐

🔰 Contents Cascade V-Model Assess Run CMM3-4AS 🔰
🚧  Missions Processes F-ALC Gold T-ALC CMM4-4AS 🚧
🎯 Visions Mutate Legal Public T-*AAS CMM5-4AS 🎯

P-1 Basics, Logic BPM, life cycle processes

P-1.1 Contents

P-1.1.1 Global content
Transforming proces design math devops sdlc design bpm design sdlc design bianl Transforming the way of working is a goal on its own. At least that is my personal experiences.

I don´t believe that it is the intention, only not knowing better options to achieve change eliminating unsatisfying dillemma´s.
The one that is dropped first is: "Business"

🔰 Too fast .. previous.
Mindmap start
🎭 P-1.1.2 Guide reading this page
The silver bullet
There is a desire for simple fast solutions for the incomprehensible challenges needing a solution. The circular walk through clockwise staring at bpm (Steer) this site by topics is broken at the edges.
Diagonal connections replaces the normal vertical Zachman lines. When you are hitting this page (r-steer) from C-Know you followed that tempting path.
The negative sentiment for related organisational issues:
6w 1 how
Practising knowledge on technology
The positive approach for organisational issues: Although the positive approach is the one that is needed for achieving results & goals, the threats and challenges are also needed to know.
The gap Business - ICT is mentioned, well known. The gap business strategy -theory vs running operations is overlooked. Trying the Zachman vertical lines, many are found broken.

The White-collar Blue-collar gap revived in administrative/cyber, SWOT:
Reference C-Steer (strategy - theory) r-steer (practical executing)
👁 Setting influence circle for missions
missing: practical operations alignment
Quest for Servant leadership
Quest: being centric for executing
👁 focus to missions
missing: practical operations alignment
running value streams,
guidance gap 👉🏾ad hoc
👁 Quest: regulations fulfilments
but missing feedback control
❌ awareness for regulations
without awareness no hope for service
👁 focus to visions, Hoshin Kanri
missing: feedback closed loop
managing value streams,
guidance gap 👉🏾ad hoc
👁 focus to hierarchy
missing: technology compliancy
❓ doing as always has been done
quest: technology embedded safety CIA
👁 The goals - kpi, okr to achieve No influence on a given situation

Needed knowledge to read this
Basic knowledge: This page is the realisation area, there are refences to Jabes for enabling work.
P-1.1.3 Local content
Reference Squad Abbrevation
P-1 Basics, Logic BPM, life cycle processes
P-1.1 Contents contents Contents
P-1.1.1 Global content
P-1.1.2 Guide reading this page
P-1.1.3 Local content
P-1.1.4 Progress
P-1.1.5 Jabes relationship
P-1.2 Question how to change? bpmpf_02 Cascade
P-1.2.1 Lean thinking, lean planning
P-1.2.2 Lean thinking, knowledge assurance, documenting
P-1.2.3 Lean thinking, organizing work, project management
P-1.3 BPM: Process Life Cycle bpmpf_03 V-Model
P-1.3.1 Processes - enterprise engineering
P-1.3.2 Processes - engineering control managing
P-1.3.3 Value Streams - Control management
P-1.3.4 Abstraction figures process models
P-1.4 BPM: Value stream simplistic bpmpf_04 Assess
P-1.4.1 Managing Poduct flows using processes
P-1.4.2 Business processes modelling
P-1.4.3 Process cycle: Data model, Architect: value stream
P-1.4.4 Data model, Architect: functional accountabilities
P-1.5 Serve: (Information) Technology bpmpf_05 Run
P-1.5.1 The Product Management role
P-1.5.2 A tool supporting Product management
P-1.5.3 Supporting Product management Projects
P-1.5.4 Wish: Data driven processes
P-1.6 Maturity 3: fundaments processes bpmpf_06 CMM3-4AS
P-1.6.1 Floor Impediments
P-1.6.2 Organisation of work
P-1.6.3 Understanding information "Cyber/administrative"
P-1.6.4 Security processes - Identities access
P-1.6.5 Business processes Administrative/cyber
P-1.6.6 Short checklist floor impediments
P-2 Maintainance Business Processes
P-2.1 Missions - Goals bpmmf_01 Missions
P-2.1.1 Mindset for divide & conquer work
P-2.1.1 Details Failing by accountability responsibility
P-2.2 Missions into processes bpmmf_02 Processes
P-2.2.1 Operational flow, value stream
P-2.2.2 Changing flow, value stream
P-2.2.3 Distractor: Business Intelligence
P-2.3 BPM - realisations bpmmf_03 F-ALC
P-2.3.1 Processes Cycle Abstraction
P-2.3.2 Controls metrics lines in functions
P-2.3.3 Controls & metrics Data Mesh
P-2.4 BPM - using Jabes bpmmf_04 Gold
P-2.4.1 Managing Poduct flows using processes
P-2.4.2 ALC-V1 model
P-2.4.3 ALC-V2 model
P-2.4.4 ALC-V3 model
P-2.4.5 Data - Information Quality
P-2.5 BPM - Processes Technology alignment bpmmf_05 T-ALC
P-2.5.1 The Product Management role
P-2.5.2 9-plane - Ordering quest (I)
P-2.5.3 9-plane - Ordering quest (II)
P-2.5.4 9-plane - Ordering quest (III)
P-2.5.5 Naming Conventions, Glossary
P-2.6 Maturity 4: business processes in control bpmmf_06 CMM4-4AS
P-2.6.1 Floor experiences
P-2.6.2 Control wish, floor result
P-2.6.3 Wish: In control with processes
P-2.6.4 External references
P-2.6.5 Short checklist floor impediments
P-3 Running Business Missions
P-3.1 Missions - Goals bpmaf_01 Visions
P-3.1.1 Mindset prerequisites
P-3.1.2 Separation of concerns
P-3.1.3 People Position quest at the organisation
P-3.2 Missions translations into realisations bpmaf_02 Mutate
P-3.2.1 Managing, controlling ALC-V3
P-3.2.2 Managing partial processes ALC-V3
P-3.2.3 Managing Operational Streams ALC-V3
P-3.3 Regulations, compliant processes bpmaf_03 Legal
P-3.3.1 Requirements Regulations, catgorisation
P-3.3.2 Safety, Information Security
P-3.3.3 Data, Information Quality
P-3.3.4 Privacy, Explainable Pii usage
P-3.3.5 Business Rules, Explainable Algorithms, Diamonds
P-3.4 Information culture alignment bpmaf_04 Public
P-3.4.1 Product control managing Planning flows
P-3.4.2 Value streams - Product Plan Control
P-3.4.3 Add the PDCA to Enterprise Ontology
P-3.4.4 Goal: Data driven processes
P-3.5 BPM Technology Change alignment bpmaf_05 T-*AAS
P-3.5.1 Wish: In control with processes
P-3.5.2 A Safe environment quest (I)
P-3.5.3 A Safe environment quest (II)
P-3.5.4 A Safe environment quest (III)
P-3.6 Maturity 5: PDCA business processes bpmaf_06 CMM5-4AS
P-3.6.1 Maturity fundaments organisation
P-3.6.2 Maturity fundaments processes
P-3.6.3 Maturity fundaments missions
P-3.6.4 Maturity of journeys
P-3.6.5 Short checklist floor impediments
P-3.6.6 No Following steps

P-1.1.4 Progress
done and currently working on:

Planning, to do:

P-1.1.5 Jabes Relationship
The Jabes idea
Automating optimizing administrative work for enabling, servicing information processing.
Jabes Sponsor Stakeholder Supplier
A bottleneck for realisations is:
Hiearchy strategy, tactics, operations

P-1.2 Question how to change?

Hierarchy in a pyramide.
Segregation in responsibilities in roles:
  1. Strategy,
  2. Tactics,
  3. Operational
Working culture is set by the hierarchical top:
  1. Hierarchy dictate details 👉🏾 micromanagement
  2. Micromanagement 👉🏾 siloed organisations
  3. Shared abstract goals.
    Siloed organisations 👉🏾 replacing for other goals

P-1.2.1 Lean thinking, lean planning
The real lean approach
The real lean approach is what is build up by Deming and all others by Toyoata, see: A Brief History of Lean It is much and overwhelming in details and relations. There are distractors falling back in old approaches.
The idea is coming back using other words, but not recognized it is the basically the same.
Design Thinking
What is Design Thinking? (Hasso Platner)
The Design Thinking process first defines the problem and then implements the solutions, always with the needs of the user demographic at the core of concept development. This process focuses on needfinding, understanding, creating, thinking, and doing. At the core of this process is a bias towards action and creation: by creating and testing something, you can continue to learn and improve upon your initial ideas. The design thinking process consists of these 5 steps:
  1. EMPATHIZE: Work to fully understand the experience of the user for whom you are designing. Do this through observation, interaction, and immersing yourself in their experiences.
  2. DEFINE: Process and synthesize the findings from your empathy work in order to form a user point of view that you will address with your design.
  3. IDEATE: Explore a wide variety of possible solutions through generating a large quantity of diverse possible solutions, allowing you to step beyond the obvious and explore a range of ideas.
  4. PROTOTYPE: Transform your ideas into a physical form so that you can experience and interact with them and, in the process, learn and develop more empathy.
  5. TEST: Try out high-resolution products and use observations and feedback to refine prototypes, learn more about the user, and refine your original point of view.

This was what promoted in 2020, in 2024 is changed
  1. UNDERSTAND: Conducts research and collects relevant aspects of the project as well as general assumptions and knowledge to develop a collective perspective.
  2. OBSERVE: analyze human-centered stories and anecdotes and summarizes the results in so-called “insights”.
  3. DEFINE POINT VIEW: focuses on its most promising insights from the research phase and decides in what direction and for which user group it wants to develop solutions.
  4. IDEATE: ...
In a figure:
P-1.2.2 Lean thinking, knowledge assurance, documenting
Design realization
Agile Modeling (Scott Ambler)
What is Agile Modeling?
Agile Modeling (AM) is a practice-based methodology for effective modeling and documentation. Some important concepts:

Agile Modeling Documentation
If your goal is to have potentially shippable software every sprint as they say in Scrum, or better yet to have a potentially consumable solution every iteration as they say in Disciplined Agile (DA), then you will need to keep your deliverable documentation in sync with your software/solution – in other words, write deliverable documentation continuously throughout your initiative. ... Furthermore, for the sake of discussion the term documentation includes both documents and comments in source code. Regardless of what some people will tell you, documentation can in fact be quite effective.
When is a document agile? When it meets the following criteria:
  1. Agile documents maximize stakeholder ROI. The benefit provided by an agile document is greater than the investment in its creation and maintenance, and ideally the investment made in that documentation was the best option available for those resources.
  2. Stakeholders know the TCO of the document. Stakeholders must understand the total cost of ownership (TCO) of the document and be willing to invest in the creation and maintenance of that document.
  3. Agile documents are “lean and sufficient”. An agile document contains just enough information to fulfill its purpose, in other words it is as simple as it can possibly be.
  4. Agile documents fulfill a purpose. Agile documents are cohesive, they fulfill a single defined purpose.
  5. Agile documents describe “good things to know”. Agile documents capture critical information, information that is not readily obvious such as design rationale, requirements, usage procedures, or operational procedures.
  6. Agile documents have a specific customer and facilitate the work efforts of that customer. System documentation is typically written for maintenance developers, providing an overview of the system’s architecture and potentially summarizing critical requirements and design decisions. User documentation often includes tutorials for using a system written in language that your users understand whereas operations documentation describes how to run your system and is written in language that operations staff can understand. Different customers, different types of documents, and very likely different writing styles.
  7. Agile documents are sufficiently accurate, consistent, and detailed. Agile documents do not need to be perfect, they just need to be good enough. .. The key issue being to identify how much ambiguity can the customers of the document accept and still be effective at their jobs.
Document process during dev
Agile developers recognize that documentation is an intrinsic part of any system, the creation and maintenance of which is a “necessary evil” to some and an enjoyable task for others, an aspect of software development that can be made agile when you choose to do so.

There are several valid reasons to create documentation:
  1. Your stakeholders require it. You will need to work closely with them to determine what they actually need, someone is going to have to decide to pay for the development and subsequent maintenance of the documentation, and you may even need to explain the implications of what is being requested, but this is doable.
  2. To define a contract model. SContract models define how your system and an external one interacts with one another, some interactions are bi-directional whereas others are uni-directional, making the interaction(s) explicitly to everyone involved.
  3. To support communication with an external group. shared documentation is often part of the solution in combination with occasional face-to-face discussions, teleconferencing, email, and collaborative tools.
  4. To support organizational memory. One of the principles of Agile Modeling is Enabling the Next Effort is Your Secondary Goal which is meant as a counter-balance to the principle Working Software is Your Primary Goal. An important implication is that we not only need to develop software, but we also need to develop the supporting documentation required to use, operate, support, and maintain the software over time.
  5. For audit purposes. Follow a defined process and capture proof, resulting in more documentation than normally written. ... Read the appropriate guidelines yourself, because they rarely require what the bureaucrats think they require.
  6. To think something through. The act of writing, of putting your ideas down on paper, can help you to solidify them and discover problems with your thinking.

P-1.2.3 Lean thinking, organizing work, project management
PMI PMbok logo
PMI - Project Management Institute
There is A market for management advice, PMI talent triangle
The ideal skill set, the Talent Triangle, is a combination of technical, leadership, and strategic and business management expertise. Update: The sides of the PMI Talent Triangle now focus on: An interesting part is: PMI What Is Disciplined Agile?
Agile frameworks can be a good starting point, but they’re keeping many organizations from the improvement they expect. This is because business agility comes from freedom, not frameworks.
SDM2 (wikipedia)
SDM - System Development Methodology
There is a long history of attempt to improve the way of working. Cap Gemini SDM, or SDM2 is a software development method developed by the software company PANDATA in the Netherlands in 1970.
The method is a waterfall model divided in seven phases that have a clear start and end. Each phase delivers (sub)products, called milestones.

The strict phases tempted to get strict bureaucratic control by management. This strict control resulted in use aversion.
Prince2 Project Management
Frameworks, way of working
Axelos - PeopleCert Set up in 2014 as a joint venture between the UK Government and outsourcing giant Capita, Axelos was acquired by PeopleCert in July 2021.
AXELOS: We’re the people behind world-renowned best practice methods, frameworks and certifications including ITIL© 4, PRINCE2© and MSP©.

There is awareness and attenion for the portfolio and maturity.
P3M3 analyses the balance between an organization’s processes, the competencies of the people involved, the tools that are deployed to support them, and the management information used to manage delivery and improvements. Comprises three different options, portfolio management, programme management, and project management, which are structured into five maturity levels.
Project management Generic
The objective of project management is to produce a complete project which complies with the client's objectives. In many cases, the objective of project management is also to shape or reform the client's brief to feasibly address the client's objectives. Once the client's objectives are established, they should influence all decisions made by other people involved in the project– for example, project managers, designers, contractors, and subcontractors. Ill-defined or too tightly prescribed project management objectives are detrimental to decision-making.
In a figure:
Project management
Ancient automatization

P-1.3 BPM: Process Life Cycle

Humans are aversive for change.
Negative sentiment:
  1. Machines are taken over the world
  2. Any failure or mistake: "Computer says no"
  3. Dispose humans made obsolete by machines
Positive sentiment:
  1. Machines 👉🏾 monotonously hard labour
  2. Automatization 👉🏾 decrease failures, bias
  3. Machines 👉🏾 help humans, support at complex hard comprehensible algorithms.

P-1.3.1 Processes - enterprise engineering
Demo valuable processing flow.
Process abstraction is a mindset with the goal to see similarities. Call it demand/supply, Customer/Producer, requestor deliverer, there is a circle in the process.
demo 2016 handout presentation.
The producer is the one that is an contact with the customer / requestor.
transaction Dietz
In a figure:

product delivery is right to left.
O-phase 👉🏾 Pull.
R-phase 👉🏾 Push.
No clear PDCA cyle.

Processes, transactions oriënted.
Product lifecycle (wikipedia)
In industry, product lifecycle management (PLM) is the process of managing the entire lifecycle of a product from inception, through engineering design and manufacture, to service and disposal of manufactured products. PLM integrates people, data, processes and business systems and provides a product information backbone for companies and their extended enterprise.
Question: ❓ Why should PLM be reserved only for industry of physical artefacts ❓
Answer: 😉 Use the same approach for the administrative/cyber products❗
Question: 🤔 There is: Top-Down, Bottom-up, Both-Ends-Against-Middle, where Middle-Against-Both-Ends (MABE) ❓
Answer: 😉 IT is in the middle the context switch for functionality and technology happens. Details and abstractions to both ends are at both ends increasing❗

The value stream - flow similar to a factory
An organisation has four phases in activities. These are:
  1. IV - 0,1 a customer wit a demand / request / desired result
  2. III - 3 promise for a delivery, planning preparing needed input - materials
  3. I - 4,5 retrieving input a materials, producing the product
  4. II - 6,9 verifying the product and handing the result over to the customer
There are decision in this cycle, those are: In a figure:
Siar factory similarity simple detailed
A lot is combined in this figure, these are:

P-1.3.2 Processes - engineering control managing
Processes, transactions oriënted.
(Demo pub) 2015-07-17 Dietz, Jan L.G. - Concise Summary of DEMO-3
Focussing on the process with actions and their flow. This is very detailed on what is happening and whether that is what is required for the organisation by decompositions. The theory that underlies the notion of enterprise ontology as presented by Dietz is called the-theory. Design & Engineering Methodology for Organizations
DEMO assumes that an organization consists of three integrated layers: The main focus in DEMO is focused on the critical level, the other two are, therefore, less discussed in detail.
In a figure:

Just reversing the shape of triangle keeping the the colours similar.
Assuming the enterprise transactions to produce are all in the now biggest red part of the triangle.
The other colours - layers, have several options (multiple dimensions). The option for using layered coordination is the one that is a fit when a management information system is the question.

demo ducplicated to 4 sides
Replacing the noisy details in the previous figure with four phases in a circle results in a more abstract version.
Each triangle is representing one of the four phase of the product value stream.
The internal product flow and organisational silos are clearly visible. A lot of areas where gaps and miscommunications are to be found.

P-1.3.3 Value Streams - Control management
Inventory one of the options - Levelling (Heijunka)
Question: What is limiting efficiency ❓
Answer: 😉 What is not visible is the external product flow and how to solve fluctuations in customer demand. The Three Fundamental Ways to Decouple Fluctuations Generally, the less fluctuations you have, the more efficiently you can be. Three basic ways how you can decouple fluctuations: inventory, capacity, and time.

allaboutlean: The Three Fundamental Ways to Decouple Fluctuations
Inventory one of the options - Levelling (Heijunka)
The value stream with all transformations and interactions is not that predictable. Why Levelling (Heijunka) is important With the different sources of fluctuations, it is important to realize that they are connected.
You receive the fluctuations from your customer. You also receive fluctuations from your supplier. However, you are the customer of your supplier, and they also receive fluctuations from you! Hence the fluctuations on your shop floor are not only a result of others, but also by itself a source of fluctuation.

Using inventory is probably the easiest way to have a structured decoupling of fluctuations. You can add it pretty much between every process to buffer the fluctuations between the processes.
Another way to decouple fluctuation is by adjusting your capacity. - The problem with adjusting capacity is the delay between the decision to increase or reduce capacity, and the actual increased or reduced capacity.
💰 If you didn’t manage to decouple using buffer or capacity, eventually somebody has to wait.
Solving fluctations, waits: Structure for Reducing Fluctuations However, please note that due to the large number of possible reasons for fluctuations, this guide is only a rough outline. There are still plenty of things for you to analyze and decide on.
P-1.3.4 Abstraction figures process models
The proces life cycle
Situation Input Actions Results, SIAR lean structured processing Mindset prerequisites: Siar model - static
The model covers all of:
Less obvious ohers: The mindset by this model is used over and over again.
Ideate - Asses, Plan - Enable, Demand - backend, Frontend - Delivery
Mindset prerequisites: Siar model - dynamic
The cubicle representation of the model did show a lot. The static element information is well to place. Processing, transforming, is a dynamic process.
A circular representation is a better fit.
The cycle:
Customer interaction: bottom right side.
Supply chain interaction: bottom left side.

Ancient automatization

P-1.4 BPM: Value stream simplistic

There is a long history for executing processes. What are the steps in a value stream? Wat is to be done?
  1. Ideate Asses - Plan Enable
    🎭 These are pull actions
  2. Demand / push:
    👉🏾 Prepare, validate information input
  3. Process / push:
    👉🏾 Transform conform instructions
  4. Deliver / push:
    👉🏾 Validate results before handing over

🎭 P-1.4.1 Managing Poduct flows using processes
Not recognized 😱 being important
One would assume the working force for delivering the product servicing the product being seen as key assets for the product line. Strange enough this assumption is not true.
lost in meg A very normal seen situation: Product Management is not Project Management although they have both the letters PM.
The process flow
A Value stream is the set of actions that take place to add value to a customer from the initial request through realization of value by the customer. The value stream begins with the initial concept, moves through various stages of development and on through delivery and support. A value stream always begins and ends with a customer. Value stream is usually aligned with company processes.
Value streams are artifacts within business architecture that allow a business to specify the value proposition derived by an external (e.g., customer) or internal stakeholder from an organization. A value stream depicts the stakeholders initiating and involved in the value stream, the stages that create specific value items, and the value proposition derived from the value stream. he value stream is depicted as an end-to-end collection of value-adding activities that create an overall result for a customer, stakeholder, or end-user. ...

🎭 P-1.4.2 Business processes modelling
⚒ Physical:
Out of scope.
Business valuse stream scope
copied from: A-2.3.2 Business processes modelling. From: "Want to do a process mining project" slides and videos (vdaalst).
VSM, process mining, processes data
The idea of using data, transformed into information for seeing what is going on the shop floor is based on what information is avaliable. The dependency of what common commercial tools are by default offering is the limatation and unnecessary complexity.
Well known commercials: Process mining W.vanAalst
In a figure:
See right side

VSM, process mining, processes stream
A process stream is a simple flow of basic processing steps. Not all process events will follow the expectation from the VSM map design.
In the example (Source: WvAalst) the usual order is:
  1. place order
  2. send invoice
  3. pay
  4. prepare delivery
  5. make delivery
  6. conform payment
The there are cases not following that order or there execpetations in the duration. That should give questions to solve, questions whether improvements are possible or even necessary.
Process mining W.vanAalst
In a figure:
See right side
🎭 P-1.4.3 Process cycle: Data model, Architect: value stream
To get covered in knowledge by a portfolio: Jabes generic process
In a figure:
See right side.

All the necessary knowledge is impossible to fulfil by a single person. Cooperation is communicating with other persons.
In an incremental process: The whole of the new process is in scope for this. It is future promised outcome, expectations.

🎭 P-1.4.4 Data model, Architect: functional accountabilities
⚖ Obligations
It is not only blindly following instructions managing the product process flow. The value stream has mandatory requirements to be fulfilled to be shown for the products in the portfolio. During design and validation of the product they should get materialized. As long the product is relevant, that is customers are using it or are able to refer it, the information of the portfolio product for dedicated version should be at least retrievable.
To get covered by information knowledge by a portfolio: Jabes process Assurance
In a figure:
See right side.
⚙ Cooperation
All the necessary knowledge is impossible to fulfil by a single person. Cooperation is communicating with other persons. The communiction is by hierarchy line and by capabilites lines.
In an incremental process: This is a process in his own with the goal of only going that far in details others can start their work while covering at least known mandatory requirements.
⚒ Compliancy artifacts Accountability
Information quality (functional / technical ) is to be solved in cooperation with dedicated specialists. The lead for doing that at those side.
Explainable PII usage (functional / technical ) is to be solved in cooperation with dedicated specialists. The lead for doing that at those side.
Explainable Algorithms is to be solved in cooperation with dedicated specialists part of missions (C-Steer). The lead for doing that at those side.
Information Security for the service and having a portfolio for services is within the operational scope when change and support is also in scope. The lead for doing that in scope for responsibility of the practical organisation where accountability is a the strategic organisation.


P-1.5 Serve: (Information) Technology

Product data management (PDM) is focused on capturing and maintaining information on products and/or services through their development and useful life. Change management is an important part of PDM/PLM.
⚒ Physical:
Out of scope.
⚖ Legal:
Contracts, negotations are left out of scope although important.
🎭 P-1.5.1 The Product Management role
Not recognized 😱 being important
One would assume the working force for delivering the product servicing the product being seen as key assets for the product line. Strange enough this assumption is not true.
lost in meg A very normal seen situation: Product Management is not Project Mangement although they have both the letters PM.
The proces life cycle 👁
Going back to the basics where product management is the key player. Going into the core processes, value streams.
Product management is the process of planning, developing, launching, and managing a product or service. It includes the entire lifecycle of a product, from ideation to development to go to market. Product managers are responsible for ensuring that a product meets the needs of its target market and contributes to the business strategy, while managing a product or products at all stages of the product lifecycle. ...
Product managers are responsible for managing a company's product line on a day-to-day basis. As a result, product managers are critical in both driving a company's growth, margins, and revenue. They are responsible for the business case, conceptualizing, planning, product development, product marketing, and delivering products to their target market. ...
Product managers analyze information including customer research, competitive intelligence, industry analysis, trends, economic signals, and competitive activity, as well as documenting requirements, setting product strategy, and creating the roadmap.
Product managers align across departments within their company including product design and development, marketing, sales, customer support, and legal. ...

The holistic approach for Product management the full circle of the SIAR model, static & dynamic. The product is part of a portfolio having specifications. How the product is created is set by requirements. What are the steps in a value stream? Wat is to be done?
  1. IV Ideate - Asses / pull : 🎭 These are interactions with the customer
    Advice in options, Align customer - Monitor requests
  2. III Enable - Plan / pull: 📚 Prepare, validate information input
    Continuity & support- solve known issues, Escalate unknowns
  3. I Demand - Backend / push: ⟳ Transform conform instructions
    Service evaluation - Demand
  4. II Frontend - Delivery/ push: 👉🏾 Validate results before handing over
    Delivery - Customer after Care
Jabes pf_run
In a figure:
See right side
🎭 P-1.5.2 A tool supporting Product management
A toolset that is missing in administrative/cyber world
❓ Question what is missing aside the previous mentioned issues?
How about a portfolio management system: Copied from:
A toolset for the portfolio (static executing)
Jabes a proposal for the administrative/cyber product processes. The meta model conforms to the layers in the nine-plane with some differences. The information stores on processes have all three layers aligned to hierarchy and a topc.
The main information constructs:
The suggestion box, backlog, known issues, innovation proposals (down left)
design & building the process or components (top left)
validations of the process the process, is at the II (top right)
the specifications with, known issues, is at the IV (down right)
Jabes product
A figure:
See left side

Agile value stream changes - execute
Once a change has been started there is continuous activity for "design/build" and "product validation". This stops at the moment the enablement is blocked or the new specifications are accepted to be of high quality where no need for change is requested.

🎭 P-1.5.3 Supporting Product management Projects
A toolset that is missing in administrative/cyber world
❓ Question what is missing when there is a goode description of the portfolio?
How about changing content in the portfolio management system:
A tool for the portfolio (dynamic change)
For every activity there is a planning and logging control dataset. There are already a lot of tools in the market but there is no share managed data information system. The goal is to use this shared consolidated portfolio information system.
Managing updates content wiht monitoring and logging:
suggestion box, backlog, known issues, innovation proposals (down left)
design & building the process or components (top left)
validations of the process the process, is at the II (top right)
the specifications with, known issues, is at the IV (down right)
Jabes product
A figure:
See left side

🎭 P-1.5.4 Wish: Data driven processes
⚒ Managing changess
Knowing how the change process is evolving for what is done and what is planned is important information for feed-back. Registration actions, documenting progress is a requirement to do underpinned analyses and reporting.
Knowing the backlog, ideas and suggestions
💡 This collection is important input for: Monitoring the design process
🚧 Any design is not possible in a single cycle, many cycles will be needed.
Monitoring the validation process
🚧 Any validation can be designed during product design and many should be easily repeatable.
Planning - Monitoring the release of updated & new products
🎯 Achieving a goal goes along with validating and evaluating what has been done.

⚒ Using Jabes metadata context scopes
A values stream is a realisations of a service. A stream is build up by several steps each using tools platforms with engineered construction. The technical construction of a service is somehow different to the fucntional usage of the service.
❗ Recent regulationse are setting obligations to functional services (Nis2 Dora).
For Jabes there need to be metadata context split of:

P-1.6 Maturity 3: fundaments processes

"Managing technology service" is a prerequisite for "processes: cyber/adminstrative". Although the focus should be on the value stream processes it starts by the technology connection.
From the three PTO, BPM interrelated scopes:
P-1.6.1 Floor Impediments
Shop floor supervisor
Being in a role at floor there not really easy ways to get out of situations that are hampering and blocking the work to be done.
🤔 The hope for improvements is a route by Gemba (Shape).
In the following sections are common normal issues requiring attention. They are too often the root causes for not achieving real progress.
P-1.6.2 Organisation of work
🤔 Shop floor supervisor
Looking for who is doing and organising the work at the Shop-floor.
All attention is going to other topics: Better being good at is knowing and understanding the own organisation.
The "C-Steer" chapter is: B-3.2.2. 💣 Need having solved: Shop Floor accountabilities.

👁 First line, second line supervisors
Looking for the cyber/administrative physical equivalent of who accountable for the value stream flow. The hierarchical implementation is easily missed. These equivalent is missing. The awareness of a values stream is also missing.
Training Within Industry—Second-Line Supervisor Job Instructions Training Within Industry and its modules Job Instructions, Job Relations, and Job Methods are well known. ...
Job Instructions for Second-Line Supervisors (nowadays called managers). This is a hierarchy level higher, and the goal is to support and guide the shop floor supervisors on how to use job instructions.

Line management Lean
👁 Physical: Waterstrider, Scrum master, Product owner
Introduction to Point-of-Use Providers (or Mizusumashi)
The point-of-use provider takes care of the "last mile" (or more precisely last few meters) of the material transport. This is often for assembly lines, as there is a lot of material arriving.

P-1.6.3 Understanding information "Cyber/administrative"
🤔 Understanding & cooperating Technology
Looking for who is doing and organising the work at the Shop-floor.
All attention is going to other topics: Better being good at is knowing and understanding the own organisation.
The "C-Shape" chapter is: A-3.3.2. 💣 Need having solved: Shared glossary with cooperation.

Context confusing: business - cyber technology
There is a lot of misunderstanding between normal humans and their cyber colleagues. That culture is not necessary, should be eliminated. A translation of words to start:
ICT Business ICT Business ICT Business
Strategy Control - Functional Target-Value - Confidentiality People
Tactical Orchestration - Compliancy Communication - Integrity Processes
Operational Realization - Technical Information - Availability Machines

Note that the asset "Information" is a business asset not something to be pushed off as something incomprehensible "cyber".
Confusing: ICT Business
A figure:
See right side

P-1.6.4 Security processes - Identities access
🤔 Understanding & cooperating Technology
Looking for who is doing and organising the work at the Shop-floor.
All attention is going to other topics: Better being good at is knowing and understanding the own organisation.
The "C-Serve" chapter is: T-2.5.3. 💣 Need having solved: Responsibility for clear security.

generic securyt access
There is a "Devil´s Triangle" on its own wiht IAM. Conflicting types of interest:

secure_relate01.jpg A figure:
See right side

Who is the CSO?
Security of the assets owned by the organisation is too often seen as something technical.
💣 Actions by the ICT department pretending to be in security control
⚒ Make the business responsible for the security guideline.
See ICT staff as enablers data processor not as data controller (GDPR)
P.1.6.5 Business processes Administrative/cyber
🤔 Understanding & manging processes
Looking for who is doing and organising the work at the Shop-floor.
All attention is going to other topics: Better being good at is knowing and understanding the own organisation.
The "C-Shape" chapter is: A-2.3.3. 💣 Need having solved: Responsibility for managing processes.

Data driven - process driven
There is strong relationship between two approaches, data-driven, process-driven they can´t exist without the other. fluxicon disco manual (vdaalst)
Data science is the profession of the future. However, it is not sufficient to focus on data storage and data analysis. The data scientist also needs to relate data to processes. At the same time, process analysis professionals need to learn how to incorporate data from the IT systems into their work.
Assumed processes - reality:
When you ask someone about how their process is being performed, or look how it is documented, the structure is typically relatively simple (“First we do X, then, we do Y, etc.”). However, in reality processes are much more complex.
👉🏾 There is rework: Steps have to be done again, because they were not right the first time.
👉🏾 Exceptions need to made to deal with special situations, different people perform the same process in different ways, and so on.
👉🏾 So, there is a discrepancy between how people assume that processes are performed and how they are actually executed.
... But looking further, this discrepancy is not even the biggest problem. After all, to a certain extent it can be expected that not everything is always going according to plan.
💣 The much bigger problem is that in most situations nobody has an overview about how the real process looks like in the first place.
Process mining W.vanAalst
In a figure:
See left side
Why is it so difficult to have an overview about how the processes are actually performed?
P.1.6.6 Short checklist floor impediments
Need having solved: These are to be understood solved and managed by management at the high levels. This can be measured by maturity metrics. The usual situation is: none of them is in place. Worse, there is even no awareness, CMM level-0.

🔰 Contents Cascade V-Model Assess Run CMM3-4AS 🔰
🚧  Missions Processes F-ALC Gold T-ALC CMM4-4AS 🚧
🎯 Visions Mutate Legal Public T-*AAS CMM5-4AS 🎯

P-2 Maintainance Business Processes

Hierarchy feodal

P-2.1 Missions - Goals

The organisation structure is a hierarchical line of command. Group formations using leaders is human nature.
⚠ Challenges: avoiding leadership to micro details, bad goals.

A swarm organisation, self organisation, are networked structures without leaderships. Using some shared goal.
⚠ Challenges: have a shared goal, have a good shared goal.

👁 P-2.1.1 Mindset for divide & conquer work
The process Life Cycle
The hierarchical approach with: These involved parties are expected to cooperate well for achieving mission goals. In a figure:
AIM pyramid into a cycle

Failing by accountability responsibility
❓ Question: When is shared technical interest is data management, what is the best solutions for a hierarchical single line of control?
The problem for data information processing: What happens when there is no single line of control? To understand, position the activities & roles in a quadrant figure : Put in: In the middle of the quadrant there is the "wall of confusion".
The figure:

Innovation, research threats
Wat are the threats, risks:
  1. Getting request done and fullfilled by: DS Analytics, ICT Analytics.
    • Data, information Amp tools retrieved by analtyics teams.
    • Work of teams getting blocked by DW support, ICT tools.
    • What could bring value is dumped.
    • Getting Data, information & tools DW support, ICT tools.
    • Data, information & tools dictated by hierarchy to analtyics teams.
    • There is in reality no value for DS Analytics, ICT Analytics, dumped.
There many more ways to do it incorrect than to do it correct.

👁 P-2.1.2 Details Failing by accountability responsibility
Getting Data DS analytics - DW support
The =DW support= is managing data central using DBMS systems.
Issue: a clear proces having a single direct line in control is lacking.
Pitfalls neglecting =ICT Analytics=:
  1. Bad performance or even unworkable operationable processings.
  2. Not being aligned with business properties and/or legal requirements.
  3. Not suited for future changes by a technology lock-in.
Getting data direct request DS
in a figure:

Getting Data IC Analtyics- DW support
A direct request from =ICT Analytics= to =DW support= is neglecting =DS Analytics=
Issue: Handing over accountablity will fail by lack of involvment.
Pitfalls neglecting =DS Analytics=:
  1. Wrong data,information being retreived.
  2. Data, Information not in a state being needed, expected.
  3. Timing of delivery data, information not as needed.
    Model building and scoring have differences in requirements.
Getting data mediated request DS
in a figure:

Requesting tools DS analytics - ICT Tools
In this case =ICT Tools= managing servers and "the applications" (tools)
A clear proces having a single direct line in control is lacking.

Issue: a clear proces having a single direct line in control is lacking.
Pitfalls neglecting =ICT Analytics=:
  1. Unnecessary steps by crossing machine layers causing difficulties in data representation (encoding transcoding). Even not able to proces what has developed operationally.
  2. An one-off once analyse report dashboard is different to one that should be embbeded into to business operations.
  3. Not being aligned with generic business policies (eg security) and legal requirements.
  4. Not suited for future changes by a technology lock-in.
Getting tools direct request DS
in a figure:

Requesting tools ICT analytics - ICT Tools
A direct request from =IC Analytics= to =ICT tools= is
Pitfalls neglecting =Ds Analytics=:
  1. The requested state of the art tools as expectation is a mismatch.
  2. The delivery getting blocked for not clear reasons.

Getting tools mediated request DS
in a figure:

Hierarchy Confused

P-2.2 Missions into processes

A swarm organisation, self organisation, are networked structures without leaderships. Using some shared goal.
⚠ Challenges: have a shared goal, have a good shared goal.

The organisation structure is a hierarchical line of command. Group formations using leaders is human nature.
⚠ Challenges: avoiding leadership to micro details, bad goals.

P-2.2.1 Operational flow, value stream
Warehousing - Logistics
Every process line has a moment of: A data warehouse should be central of any information system, the operational system. Lean is not about eliminating the warehouse, minmizing waste.

Non shared flow, Shared flow
In administrative/cyber we have not the physical limitations that are most important ones.
❓ Question: How to organize the Datawarehouse?
Line Layout Strategies – Part 1: The Big Picture
allaboutlean: Line Layout Shared Shared:
For systems where the inbound and outbound warehouse is combined. In this case, a “loop” starting and ending near the warehouse would be best. Advantages Administration/Cyber: Disadvantages Administration/Cyber:
Note: No need for a single centralize warehouse.
allaboutlean: Line Layout Non-Shared:
A good line design would follow the overall material flow and go from the left to the right.
Administration/Cyber Advantages:
  1. If made, follows the busisess model.
  2. clear roles responsibilities.
  3. Easy to understand and implement for safety, security.
Disadvantages Administration/Cyber (-)
Administrative process, Information flow based.
How to Ramp Up a Kanban System – Part 1: Preparation
How to Ramp Up a Kanban System - Part 1: Preparation
Designing a kanban system on paper is much easier than implementing it on the shop floor.
Information-Flow-Arrow - request kanban
Any request starts (pull kanban).
The request with all necessary preparations and validations going through IV and III.

Material-Flow-Arrow - delivery
When ready the delivery can proceed (push).
The delivery with all necessary quality checks going through I and II.

How to Ramp Up a Kanban System – Part 2: The Switch
Overall, this debugging process will also help you with the "check" and "act" of the PDCA sequence. If you do this debugging, you will learn if the system actually works and if it is (hopefully) better than what you had before. Don´t take it for granted that just because you changed something, it must be better than before!

allaboutlean: Kanban Card Design ? Material Flow-Related Information
Transport in manufacturing.
Processing objects, information data is usually crossing many applications systems. This involves data transport data conversions and will require data validation.
There are different types of kanban. Most often you distinguish between a production kanban and a transport kanban (withdrawal kanban). A production kanban issues the reproduction of a new part. A transport kanban merely orders another part from a preceding supermarket or general inventory.
Any kind of transport that can be avoided of collected to be minimal will result in a lean process.

P-2.2.1 Changing flow, value stream
Presidion crisp-dm
Becoming data driven
There is a long history for building and deploying changes, the classic way of coding ALC-V2 and AlC-V3. The AlC-V3 is associated with crisp-dm. Presidion crisp-dm is showing this more advanced picture.
Notes for the figure: In the official Crisp-dm the monitoring phase is missing.
Aside the monitoring a lot more is missing.
Presidion, formerly SPSS Ireland, was set up in Dublin as a regional office of SPSS UK in 1994 to be the main partner office in Ireland.
Part of Version1 in 2020, since then references are lost. Presidion will today, June 17th 2019, operate under the new name Version 1 Analytics Limited trading as Version 1.

History Crisp-dm
Crip-dm is still valid when the scope is developping models, code. A recent combination is What is machine learning operations (MLOps)?
The MLOps development philosophy is relevant to IT pros who develop ML models, deploy the models and manage the infrastructure that supports them.
crisp-dm history Cross-industry standard process for data mining. CRISP-DM was conceived in 1996 and became a European Union project under the ESPRIT funding initiative in 1997. The project was led by five companies: Integral Solutions Ltd (ISL), Teradata, Daimler AG, NCR Corporation, and OHRA, an insurance company.
This core consortium brought different experiences to the project. ISL, was later acquired and merged into SPSS. The computer giant NCR Corporation produced the Teradata data warehouse and its own data mining software. Daimler-Benz had a significant data mining team. OHRA was starting to explore the potential use of data mining.
The first version of the methodology was presented at the 4th CRISP-DM SIG Workshop in Brussels in March 1999,[5] and published as a step-by-step data mining guide later that year.
The crisp-dm document is owned now by: IBM SPSS
Crisp-dm isolated to model building
Analtics life cycle Issues
Searching for crisp-dm challenges and data science.
The crisp-dm proces is problematic: fail crisp-dm -1- or fail crisp-dm -2- .
The Microsoft approach
Microsoft has bought "Revoltion Analytics" and is going for an important role at Analytics and BI. Azure cloud computing is the other part.
Although they are using the same step as Crisp_dm there are other issues: Nice is the following:
In this stage, you develop a solution architecture of the data pipeline. You develop the pipeline in parallel with the next stage of the data science project. Depending on your business needs and the constraints of your existing systems -//- ,
It is a best practice to build telemetry and monitoring into the production model and the data pipeline that you deploy. This practice helps with subsequent system status reporting and troubleshooting.
Their approach:
Crisp microsoft not pdca circular

P-2.2.3 Distractor: Business Intelligence
Evaluating, What others post
Data processing, data warehousing was for a long time isolated for Business Intelligence, analyical plane. No cooperation to operational processes, no alignment to value streams.

Xomnia M.Imrich
I to IV, Data delivery by =DW support= falls into "business as usual". LE post Imrich data to data-science

data quadrants
I to IV, Data delivery by =DW support= falls into "business as usual". data quadrants
four quadrants - data modelling

SIAR cycle

P-2.3 BPM - realisations

Business processes are abstract artifacts. It is information, not physical artifacts. All is existing in an imaginary cyber world. Results however can have physical instantiations.
Cycled Stages:
P-2.3.1 Processes Cycle Abstraction
⚙ adding PDCA to hierachical pyramid
The PDCA cycle is a standard approach. With DMAIC (Lean Six Sigma) there is an additional control step after an improvement to prevent falling back in old problems. The picture is getting too crowded, cleaning up the departments that are necessary in the holistic cycle but NOT within the continuously improvement of the business process.
From the hierarchical pyramid only "Business first level" "ICT Analytics" and "ICT Analytics" are used.
Adding the PDCA: There are multiple PDCA cycles shown. The size is not to associate with the duration. Act Study Plan should cover more than 80&percnt of the duration time.

⚙ Modifications responsibilities
Modifications on the AIM hierarchy:
The transformed figure: Getting data direct request DS

⚙ Elaboration vertical-horizontal and diagonals
The visible lines:
"ICT Analtyics" ⚙ and "DS Analtyics" are both having different tasks at each of their corners, depending on all the others being involved.
When doing work without any a interactions to the others the focus for each of all is getting the agreed work getting done within deadlines.

⚙ Modifications
Modifications on the AIM + PDCA:
The figure transforms into: Business Process Management Life Cycle
P-2.3.2 Controls metrics lines in functions
The need for controls and metrics is not a surprising one neither a new modern insight.
In the physical technical engineering world it is cornerstone for automation. For only managing the control - measure feedback there is a theory with many practical realisations. PID controller
❓A question: what happened to the control and metrics in the administrative/cyber world? Already an old but still valid modelling approach:
BPMN (process model) A standard Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) will provide businesses with the capability of understanding their internal business procedures in a graphical notation and will give organizations the ability to communicate these procedures in a standard manner. Furthermore, the graphical notation will facilitate the understanding of the performance collaborations and business transactions between the organizations.
This will ensure that businesses will understand themselves and participants in their business and will enable organizations to adjust to new internal and B2B business circumstances quickly. ...
Credentials are important in the BPM world, where practitioners may work on many projects for different clients or employers over time. The twenty-five experts from top BPM companies and well-known independent consultants who designed the OCEB 2 topical coverage.
A look inside real-life business processes (Camunda)
Most of these patterns involve reacting to events or handling complex business process logic across multiple endpoints. Process modeling standards like BPMN were created to design and execute these advanced workflows.
Modeling tools that support BPMN enable a much more effective collaboration between the different stakeholders of a process, such as business users and developers. In addition, execution tools that support BPMN ensure a reliable, scalable orchestration of the end-to-end process, despite its complexity.

Any actions are possible to model, interactions for monitoring analytics and control are too often missing. Searched for in examples, not found.
in a figure: BPMN Camunda

P-2.3.3 Controls & metrics Data Mesh
⚖ Administrative/cyber: Data Mesh, data product quantum
Not knowing what is going on is bad.
The common solition: a huge build environment for BI&A reporting: DWH, Data warehouse, Data Lake, Data Lake House with ETL ELT. This is a bizar approach not known, not seen in lean agile.
💡❗✅ Simplify operational monitoring in the analytical plane.
From: "Data Mesh Delivering Data-Driven Value at Scale" (book), the data (product) quantum.

The idea: BI&A analytical plane:
🎯 Add a control connection at transformation process. (control: speed, safety)
A moment in time for a change in approach:
Data mesh- data product
A figure:
See right side

⚙ Administrative/cyber: Data Mesh, Experience plane
Not using available information on what is going on is bad. The huge build environment for BI&A reporting: DWH, Data warehouse, Data Lake, Data Lake House with ETL ELT. This is a bizar approach not known, not seen in lean agile.
💡❗✅ Simplify operational dashboarding & feedback controls using the analytical plane.
From: "Data Mesh Delivering Data-Driven Value at Scale" (book), the mesh experience.

The idea: BI&A analytical plane:
🎯 Add dashboarding, mesh experience, for the process (speed, safety, capacity)
A moment in time for a change in approach:
Data mesh- data policies
A figure:
See left side

Enterprise platsform

P-2.4 BPM - using Jabes

The moment all effort for analysing design and build is getting to deliver possible value is when it gets deployed. The level of achieved success to measure from metrics.
How to change:
🎭 P-2.4.1 Managing Poduct flows using processes
Not recognized 😱 being important
One would assume the working force for delivering the product servicing the product being seen as key assets for the product line. Strange enough this assumption is not true.
lost in meg A very normal seen situation: Product Management is not Project Management although they have both the letters PM.
The process flow
A process administrative/cyber process flow has only a limited set of fixed patterns. These are:
ALC-V1: a pattern model with the intention of only running once.
The knowledge of the builder is decisive.
ALC-V2: a pattern model with the intention of running regular.
The building and valdiation is based on human decisions.
ALC-V3: a pattern model with the intention of running regular or once.
The building and valdiation is based on computer assisted human decisions (ML AI).

P-2.4.2 ALC-V1 model
The most simplistic approach. From human knowledge build a process.
⚒ Physical:

⚙ Cyber/administrative:

In a figure:

P-2.4.3 ALC-V2 model
A more advanced approach. Human knowledge, human decisions building and changing processes.
⚒ Physical:

⚙ Cyber/administrative:
😱 Functional value stream processing and their technical ICT realisations got confused.
This is caused by volatile uncertain complex ambigue regulations and fast changing technical realisation.
See also: "F-1.4 Misunderstanding: ICT - Business".

In a figure:
P-2.4.4 ALC-V3 model
A sophisticated approach. Machines are interacting on events themself, balancing by measurements into new situations. Algorithms for machines and sensors are improving fast using computers in their nice areas.
⚒ Physical:

⚙ Cyber / administrative:
An important difference is in understanding and using the feedback loops. 😱 The "physical" and "Cyber/administrative" approaches for processes are: bp_lifedev03.jpg
⚖ In a figure:

P-2.4.5 Data - Information Quality
Stop the line
You don't want to process garbage wrong incorrect information.
You don't want to deliver incorrect wrong information.
Safety measures should be in place for that verifying the functional level of correctness. Those validations can be logical simple: The challenge is that this knowledge is operatioal knowledge.
SDLC analytics - two lines an evaluations

P-2.5 BPM - Processes Technology alignment

Product data management (PDM) is focused on capturing and maintaining information on products and/or services through their development and useful life.
⚒ Physical:
Out of scope. The abstract virtual world is the challenging one.
⚖ Legal:
Contracts, negotations are left out of scope although important.
🎭 P-2.5.1 The Product Management role
Not recognized 😱 being important
One would assume the working force for delivering the product servicing the product being seen as key assets for the product line. Strange enough this assumption is not true.
lost in meg A very normal seen situation: Product Management is not Project Mangement although they have both the letters PM.
The proces life cycle 👁
Going back to the basics where product management is the key player. Going into the core processes, value streams. The focus in this one is not the operational aspect but changing the operations.
The holistic approach for Product management the full circle of the SIAR model, static & dynamic. The product is part of a portfolio having specifications. How the product is created is set by requirements.
Assumption: planning enabling with a management decision for the change is fulfilled
The normal operations gets a fork at the old delivery chagning it into an demand for change.
What are the steps in a change steps? Wat is to be done?
  1. IV Ideate - Asses / pull & maintenance: 🎭 These are interactions with the customer
    Initiation & maintenance: The customer in this case: the product manager
  2. III Enable - Plan / pull: 📚 Prepare, validate information input
    Product Design & Product Build
  3. I Demand - Backend / push: ⟳ Transform conform instructions
    Validation Design & Validation Execute
  4. II Frontend - Delivery/ push: 👉🏾 Validate results before handing over
    Service evaluation - Delivery: The customer in this case: the product manager
Agile, optimizing work is realised by doing in parallel what is possible to do so. In engineering there is a lot what has no fixed logical dependencies. This is different in a product assembly line.
having the customer being the product manager the SIAR model has 90° rotated.
Jabes pf_change
In a figure:
See right side

🎭 P-2.5.2 9-plane - Ordering quest (I)
Hierarchical silos
A figure says more than thousand words, but what when the figure is wrong?
Using Steer for the organisation, shape for what was information management, Serve for what was technology, the classic 9-plane places the tactical change activity in the centre.
Is that position of change really the main attribute for organisations?
What has happened with the value stream for missions?
Jabes within the 9plane
In a figure:
See left side

value stream
The result delivery is going out at the bottom when the visualisation is having "Strategic" at the top.
🤔 Turn the visualisation 90° counter clockwise ⟲ and move Shape to the bottom.
🎭 P-2.5.3 9-plane - Ordering quest (II)
A figure says more than thousand words, but what when the figure is wrong?
Using Basic for what was operational, Competent for what was tactical, Advanced for what was Strategic and moving shape out of middle, the modified 9-plane places the tactical technology activity in the centre.
Is that position of technology really the main attribute for organisations?
The value stream if going from right to left as the Basic Steer is the delivery. The flow is better to show left to right.
Jabes within the 9plane
In a figure:
See left side

🤔 Exchange Basic and Advance and exchange Serve and Steer.
🎭 P-2.5.4 9-plane - Ordering quest (III)
A figure says more than thousand words.
This one has: Jabes within the 9plane
In a figure:
See right side

🤔 There are several culture shocks:
🎭 P-2.5.5 Naming Conventions, Glossary
Communication for missions
Naming conentions are both for a technical solution and for the daily human communciation important. It is something I have never seen doing an attempt within with ICT and all their relationships.
📚 Document systems: Avoiding miscommunication is saving a lot. When the same word is used for "completion of work" and for "destroying the work" the problem starts with finish.

Technical using artifacts
Having well defined set of names associatied with their types and meaning (metadata) is making a technical realization easy. It would be even far better having a generic standard approach for that. As those namings conventions aren´t generic, porting the solution to another environment is almost impossible.
🎭 Changing a technology can be a business requirement.

Functional understanding
A naming standard like ibrarians have a succesfull approach. This should include for stages with versioning. Goal easy to find relevant information, easy to reuse for being common approach.
Library classification Library classification is meant to achieve these four purposes: ordering the fields of knowledge in a systematic way, bring related items together in the most helpful sequence, provide orderly access on the shelf, and provide a location for an item on the shelf.

P-2.6 Maturity 4: business processes in control

"Managing technology service" is a prerequisite for "processes: cyber/adminstrative". Although the focus should be on the value stream processes it starts by the technology connection.
From the three PTO, BPM interrelated scopes:
P-2.6.1 Floor experiences
Mythical man month
Underestimating the effort for change, ignoring the capabilities on the floor. F.Brooks Brooks observations are based on his experiences at IBM while managing the development of OS/360.
tree_swing_development_requirements He had added more programmers to a project falling behind schedule, a decision that he would later conclude had, counter-intuitively, delayed the project even further.
He also made the mistake of asserting that one project -involved in writing an ALGOL compiler- would require six months, regardless of the number of workers involved (it required longer).
The tendency for managers to repeat such errors in project development led Brooks to quip that his book is called "The Bible of Software Engineering", because "everybody quotes it, some people read it, and a few people go by it".

The book is widely regarded as a classic on the human elements of software engineering.

👁 First line, second line supervisors
Looking for the cyber/administrative physical equivalent of who accountable for the value stream flow. The hierarchical implementation is easily missed. These equivalent is missing. The awareness of a values stream is also missing.

Critism Project management.
What the frustrations are, the best is by infographics.:
Customer Journey.
What the frustrations are, is best shown by infographics. The metro line of London is an option for getting lost. Although Agile Waterfall is the work that is expected to do is not in this paragraph but in P-3.6 the micromanagement approach wit all nor realistic assumptions is the shared frustration and impediment for real lean real agile.
P-2.6.2 Control wish, floor result
👁 First line, second line supervisors
Looking for the cyber/administrative physical equivalent of who accountable for the value stream flow. The hierarchical implementation is easily missed. These equivalent is missing. The awareness of a values stream is also missing.

The result of strict control management.
What the frustrations are, is best shown by infographics.
Swing Tree project
A very old one showing the steps in a customer journey for delivery a toy, "swing tree". It is a classic. Having seen already in the 80´s and never got outdated as legacy.

  1. How the customer explained it
  2. How the Project Leader understood it
  3. How the Analyst designed it
  4. How the programmer wrote it
  5. How the Business Consultant described it
  6. How the project was documented
  7. What operations installed
  8. How the customer was billed
  9. How it was supported
  10. What the customer really needed

Dead Horse Theory
The Dead Horse Theory
  1. Buying a stronger whip.
  2. Changing riders.
  3. Threatening the horse with termination.
  4. Appointing a committee to study the horse.
  5. Arranging to visit other countries to see how others ride dead horses.
  6. Lowering the standars so that dead horses can be included.
  7. Re-classifying the dead horse as "living impaired".
  8. Hiring outside contractors to ride the dead horse.
  9. Harnessing several dead horses together to increase speed.
  10. Providing additional funding and/or training to increase the dead horse´s performance.
  11. Doing a productivity study to see of lighter riders would improve the dead horse´s performance.
  12. Declaring that as the dead horse does not have to be fed, it is less costly, carries lower overhead , and therefore contributes substantially more to the bottom line of the economy than doe some other horses.
  13. Rewwriting the expected performance requirements for all horses.
  14. Promoting the dead horse to a superviory position of hiring another horse.

Canoe Race...
Another famous one.
  1. A clear overkill by managers micromanagement.
  2. Blaming the worker not fullfilling unrealistic expectations.
  3. Rewarding managers for the excellent peformance.

Of course there are a lot more than those. What is not mentioned in these two infographics is:
  1. Lack of coöperation by not shared business goals (silo´s).
  2. Not willng to change with correct effective working innovations.

Agile Waterfall ...
comicagile Don´t take a waterfall approach to working agile; the DoR, A.C. and DoD are not gates, and even after starting development, you can refine your stories further, so don’t let the direction of your workflow, represented by the activities on your Kanban board, trick you into doing the activities only serially.
Agile waterfall

P-2.6.3 Wish: In control with processes
Putting the product process line in the middle allows to show acting on simple adjustments (Steer-Serve) and ones with more impact (Serve-Shape).
dtap layers application
The figure,
See right side:

📚 P.2.6.4 External references
Global compliancy
These references are at the index, they are a shared interest.

Local BPM
A limited BPM organisation list:
(process model)
link , newstopic interest who, source date
Academic DEMO Publications The Enterprise Engineering Institute J.Dietz 20--
BPMN (process model)
Slides and Videos Illustrating What We do
often called the Godfather of Process Mining
Wil van der Aalst 20--
What is servant leadership? A philosophy for people-first leadership Cio.com 2022
Cybersecurity Framework NIST US government 202-
The NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) 2.0 US government 2024

P.1.6.5 Short checklist floor impediments
Need having solved: These are to be understood solved and managed by management at the high levels. This can be measured by maturity metrics. The usual situation is: none of them is in place. Worse, there is even no awareness, CMM level-0.

🎯 Visions Mutate Legal Public T-*AAS CMM5-4AS 🎯
🚧  Missions Processes F-ALC Gold T-ALC CMM4-4AS 🚧
🔰 Contents Cascade V-Model Assess Run CMM3-4AS 🔰

P-3 Running Business Missions

P-3.1 Missions - Goals

Hierarchy feodal Hierarchy Confused Managing the organisation is balancing act in a hierarchical command and a network shared interests approach.
👁 P-3.1.1 Mindset prerequisites
Servant leader
What is servant leadership? A philosophy for people-first leadership
Servant leadership is a leadership style that prioritizes the growth, well-being, and empowerment of employees. It aims to foster an inclusive environment that enables everyone in the organization to thrive as their authentic self. Whereas traditional leadership focuses on the success of the company or organization, servant leadership puts employees first to grow the organization through their commitment and engagement. When implemented correctly, servant leadership can help foster trust, accountability, growth, and inclusion in the workplace.
master servant pyramid ....

The theory of servant leadership was started by Robert K. Greenleaf, who popularized the term in a 1970s essay titled “The Servant as Leader.” After reading the book Journey to the East, Greenleaf was inspired by the main character, Leo, a servant who disappears from work. After his disappearance, the productivity and effectiveness of the rest of the workers falls apart, revealing that Leo was in fact a leader all along. This led Greenleaf to believe that servant leadership is effective in its ability to allow workers to relate to leaders and vice versa, creating more trust and autonomy for workers. Greenleaf first put this theory to test while working as an executive at AT&T, and it’s gained traction over the years as an effective leadership style.

Inverted pyramid idea Robert Greanleaf.

The inverted hierarchical pyramid
Servant Leadership: Breakthrough Ideas on Customer Service (James MacLennan 2020 )
The traditional org chart is all wrong. It puts the people that work directly with your customer at the lowest position on the pyramid. This makes the customer the least important person in the picture. Servant Leadership will flip that pyramid. What if your leaders saw their primary mission as support for those closest to the customer? What kind of difference would that have on customer loyalty and satisfaction? ...
There is another important idea that we all grew up with – something that dominates how we see the world and our place in it. Organizations are strict hierarchies; CEO at the top, supported by a team of Execs, and a progression of managers below. This structure is always drawn as shown – CEO at the top, with the organization cascading down the page. ....
Here is the secret … this entire structure is upside down! Why? Because it puts the people on the front lines – the folks that work directly with your customers – at the lowest position in this pyramid. This point of view makes the customer the least important person in this entire picture.
But what if we flipped the pyramid? What if the folks [formerly] at the top considered “service and support for those closest to our customer” to be their primary mission?

Inverted Pyramid - Applications
ageyff_pyramid Using an inverted pyramid is not new.
This as a very old image, the origin is Ageyff 1969 Nato meeting for discussing the software crisis. Another wall known visitor was E.W.Dijkstra.
The layers top-down are:
Reusing this kind of separation of concerns gives another remark.

Innovation X Stable operations
👁 P-3.1.2 Separation of concerns
Conflict of interests
The dilemma is what is having the priority. Innovation vs Stable operations: That question is of getting answerers to business value and complexity - simplicity.
A start-up doesn´t need to get answer on that.

labeling the quadrant:
  1. Doing things as used to be (push)
    rigid but: predictable repeatable reliable.
  2. Ideal combination of new innovations and being trustworthy.
  3. Adhoc, nothing as should be operational or legal
    but maybe having the necesssary new opportunities.
  4. Innovation, changing the business by doing things different. (pull)
Obvious is "doing things different" is conflicting with "doing things as usual".

Attempts solving innovation vs operation
The challlenge to solve the conflict is an mission impossible.
The resulting issues are well known for a very long time. SukumarNayak (2015) has a nice presentation on all kind of organizational issues. He refers to Business–IT alignment. (what is devops)
Business-IT alignment is a process in which a business organization uses information technology (IT) to achieve business objectives - typically improved financial performance or marketplace competitiveness. Some definitions focus more on outcomes (the ability of IT to produce business value) than means (the harmony between IT and business decision-makers within the organizations).
going into What is IT-business alignment and why is it important?
CIOs and their IT teams must still deliver utilitarian technology services, Topham said. But they must also now have the capacity to strategize how technology can shape what the enterprise offers for products and services as well as how it delivers those offerings. "This is where alignment is manifested," he explained. "It's where everyone from both sides is bringing something to the table for communal benefits. There's no 'them' and 'us.'"
A figure showing the "wall of confusion":
confusion developement operations

👁 P-3.1.3 People Position quest at the organisation
Hierarchical top-down
This is the well known classic top-down hierachical control.
dtap layers application
A figure,
See right side:

Flow - values stream map
The Five Maps of Flow Engineering Adapted from the book Flow Engineering: From Value Stream Mapping to Effective Action by Steve Pereira and Andrew Davis. (2024)
Flow Engineering builds upon mapping’s benefits to go beyond engagement, alignment, and focus. It enables effective collective action.
Flow Engineering allows us to identify value by connecting current state context to a clear target outcome. It connects that outcome to specific benefits for customers and stakeholders. It keeps that value present as a north star so that contributors can make the best decisions about what will help boost and uncover value through their efforts.
Five key Flow Engineering maps enable the three elements of action: ...
This Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle is also known as the Deming or Shewhart cycle. The goal is to establish improvement as a habit. ...
One of the biggest risks in any improvement initiative is improving the wrong thing. It’s wasteful to improve part of the process that doesn’t have a significant impact on the whole. It’s also wasteful to gather more data than necessary to determine where improvements can be found.

Rotaded plane overhauled, Jabes
The hierarchical orientation does not match when working in flows, value streams. Repositioning planes that is does match with a flow left to right, the enterprise organisation in he centre:
dtap layers application
The figure,
See right side:

Enterprise platsform

P-3.2 Visions translations into missions

Before a mission can be started equipment must be in order: Without authority, a leader cannot direct and guide their followers towards a common goal.
Without accountability, a leader cannot be held responsible for their performance and outcomes.
P-3.2.1 Managing, controlling ALC-V3
ALC-V3 details, linear timelines
Instead of using a circle for the cycle a linear timeline help in understanding timing dependencies. What is in the figure::
  1. The vertical dashed green lines are the releases of code versions.
    There are at least three of them. The two code repositories "data information quality", the result archive and result copy are other ones.
    1. Data information Gathering (Extract), conform an agreed contract.
    2. Data processing to split in:
      • Data transformation into a usable setup (ABT Analytical Base Table).
      • rule based transformation (Process Score) into information results.
    3. Delivering, load, of the result (scoring) conform an agreed contract.
  2. A developing line where the code, model, is developed (the coloured hexagons).
  3. The operational line containing the business value, goal, controlled verifiable.
The full crowded picture "SDLC" without all possible DTAP layers: SDLC analytics - two lines an evaluations
P-3.2.2 Managing partial processes ALC-V3
SIAR process cycle focus simple
Simplified processing cycle
Defining a process in four phases is no classic culture. The Five Maps of Flow Engineering
Future State Mapping happens in four stages: The acceptance to do that is is steep because when visualised the starting & end point are not intuitive when the flow is leading.

Partial pattern inside data product quantum
How to Move Beyond a Monolithic Data Lake to a Distributed Data Mesh
For a distributed data platform to be successful, domain data teams must apply product thinking with similar rigor to the datasets that they provide; considering their data assets as their products and the rest of the organization's data scientists, ML and data engineers as their customers. ...
need to have the following basic qualities:
There is a figure for the data product qutum (A-1.4.1).
An alternative for this is the follow figure: Situation Input Actions Results, SIAR lean structured processing
The cycle: interaction with the customer
For any request - delivery there is cycle. Note the location of the custom.
See figure: SIAR labeled interactions with customer
Continuous: Working at Ideate Plan (WIP)
Developing building validating is done as much in parallel as possible. There is no need to have all details being clear as long there is a trust it can be solved fulfilling the goals. Even architecting and designing can be done while building and validating is work in progress.
Work in progress:
six W one H, center: Why
V-model closed loops
Any step: no need to complete finished, starting the next one ❗
P-3.2.3 Managing Operational Streams ALC-V3
Happy Flow
The operational pipeline has four dashed pink lines.
  1. Extracting, retrieving validating data - information.
  2. Loading, transforming data - information into an usable lay-out.
  3. Transformation, processing of the the data - information into new information products.
  4. Delivering the result or have it available when requested.
The picture in focus: Monitoring operations - Process Management Life Cycle
Watch dogs
The operational pipeline has controls, includes monitoring.
Watch dogs:
  1. Input validations, includes data quality with specfified profile levels.
  2. Output validations, includes data quality with specfified profile levels.
SDLC analytics - two lines an evaluations
Archiving Scoring Results - monitoring - closed loop
The monitoring of scoring results has two blue lines and two storage containers. The logic is archiving the scoring results for several goals:
  1. operational compliancy, what was delivered, ahata was used for the delivery.
    Knowing what is happening with scores might be very important information.
    An unstable profiling result will cause legal problems.
  2. Improvement, innovation, different retention policies enabling learning. Synthetic information is useless when wanting what is yet unknown.
For the business analyst, data scientist it is important to be able analyze production score results without having a connection into that operational processes possible harming it.
The picture for in focus is like: Evaluation Results scoring - Process Management Life Cycle
Attention points Score monitoring:
SIAR cycle

P-3.3 Regulations, compliant processes

During performing a mission, equipment must be in order: Without authority, a leader cannot direct and guide their followers towards a common goal.
Without accountability, a leader cannot be held responsible for their performance and outcomes.
P-3.3.1 Requirements Regulations, catgorisation
⚖ Obligations
It is not only blindly following instructions managing the product process flow. The value stream has mandatory requirements to be fulfilled to be shown for the products in the portfolio. During design and validation of the product they should get materialized. As long the product is relevant, that is customers are using it or are able to refer it, the information of the portfolio product for dedicated version should be at least retrievable.
To get covered by information knowledge by a portfolio: Jabes process Assurance
In a figure:
See right side.
⚒ Additional layers Jabes portfolio
The scope in information strategy is until now limited to what is happening in an organisation. Critical services int the social community are not bound anymore to a single organisation, it has become a chain of organizations with interactions and dependencies.
The service chain of layers layers: Extending to systems and services is just another new Jabes meta identification.
The classic layers are: 👉🏾 The description of Jabes (C-Jabes) was made with this classic in mind.
🤔 There is a resemblance: OSI model (Open Systems Interconnection) The osi model ends at the top with layer-7 "application".
The osi context for application is: The application layer enables the user -- human or software -- to interact with the application or network whenever the user elects to read messages, transfer files or perform other network-related tasks. Web browsers and other internet-connected apps use Layer 7 application protocols. That are service routines in the classic layers where the application is something interacting with an operator.

Information value chains is leading to connected systems and multi-stakeholder systems, making it difficult to untangle webs of information value chains. Additionally, standards organizations are emerging as information value chains, making money through consensus expertise and licensing fees. These organizations recruit volunteers, consultancy shops, and vendors to contribute to standards, aiming to minimize operational expenses and ensure feasibility. However, this proliferation of standards is leading to standards wars, making it challenging to achieve a consensus on security standards

Stand up - collaboration
⚙ Cooperation
All the necessary knowledge is impossible to fulfil by a single person. Cooperation is communicating with other persons. The communication is by hierarchy line and by capabilities lines.
In an incremental process: This is a process in his own with the goal of only going that far in details others can start their work while covering at least known mandatory requirements.
⚒ Applicable regulations
This is a growing list. Many are for a particular segment in the market, others are generic. For administrative/cyber there are frameworks but what is applicable by regulations is by a segment in the market. An example, PCI security standards:
PCI SSC Overview PCI Security Standards are developed specifically to protect payment account data throughout the payment lifecycle and to enable technology solutions that devalue this data and remove the incentive for criminals to steal it. They include standards for merchants,service providers, and financial institutions on security practices technologies and processes, and standards for developers and vendors for creating secure payment products and solutions. See figure:

A path to go
P-3.3.2 Safety, Information Security
Topics: P.Rus prus_secdomains.png
A path to go
P-3.3.3 Data, Information Quality
Data, information Quality is a well known challenge.
data quality
. Data quality is a measure of a data set's condition based on factors such as accuracy, completeness, consistency, reliability and validity. Measuring data quality can help organizations identify errors and inconsistencies in their data and assess whether the data fits its intended purpose.
Organizations have grown increasingly concerned about data quality as they've come to recognize the important role that data plays in business operations and advanced analytics, which are used to drive business decisions. Data quality management is a core component of an organization's overall data governance strategy.
Data governance ensures that the data is properly stored, managed, protected, and used consistently throughout an organization.
Various methodologies have been developed for assessing data quality. For example, data managers at UnitedHealth Group's Optum healthcare services subsidiary created the Data Quality Assessment Framework (DQAF) in 2009 to formalize a method for assessing its data quality. The DQAF provides guidelines for measuring data quality based on four dimensions: completeness, timeliness, validity and consistency. Optum publicized details about the framework as a possible model for other organizations.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF), which oversees the global monetary system and lends money to economically troubled nations, has also specified an assessment methodology with the same name as the Optum one. Its framework focuses on accuracy, reliability, consistency and other data quality attributes in the statistical data that member countries must submit to the IMF. In addition, the U.S. government's Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology has detailed a data quality framework for patient demographic data collected by healthcare organizations.
Work to do.
A path to go
P-3.3.4 Privacy, Explainable Pii usage
Generic, Social media
Privacy, Explainable Pii usage is getting a lot of attention.
There are not clear set guidelines for implementations on this moment.
In the hype and buzzing there is a lot of confusion.

There a lot of guidelines for using information in this area.
Work to do.
There a lot of guidelines for using information in this area.
Work to do.
A path to go
P-3.3.5 Business Rules, Explainable Algorithms, Diamonds
Generic, Social media
Algorithms, Artificial intelligence usage is getting a lot of attention.
There are not clear set guidelines for implementations on this moment.
In the hype and buzzing there is a lot of confusion.

Standard Information processing
There is long history for busienss rules, requirements logic. To be short the knowledge how something is working, programmed, what is should do, is not easy availabble.
Goal Jabes: 👉🏾 The idea of Jabes started by this gap.
Modern public

P-3.4 Information culture alignment

After a mission results are evaluated for: Without authority, a leader cannot direct and guide their followers towards a common goal.
Without accountability, a leader cannot be held responsible for their performance and outcomes.
P-3.4.1 Product control managing Planning flows
Not recognized 😱 being important
One would assume the working force for delivering the product servicing the product being seen as key assets for the product line. Strange enough this assumption is not true.
lost in meg A very normal seen situation: Product Management is core business. Product Plan control is core busisnnes, core of lean.
P-3.4.2 Values streams - Product Plan Control
Schedule in-out Product Plan Control
Human Plan Control
Blind executing is not very smart. This is another type of "request - input - process - output - result" cycles. How to approach and solve this is similar using SIAR PDCA DMAIC etc. only applied to this operational planning. To remember Lean PDCA has his origins in this operational plan.
Analysing, planning, predicting - forecasting, prescribing what is to be executed is the way to go.
Schedule hierarchical Product Plan Control
The layers involved for a planning has several inputs (features).
Figures are from "Analysis of production scheduling initiatives in the manufacturing systems".

Machine assisted Plan Control
Planning is complicated, not and easy algorithm.
The classic approach is having somebody doing it.
Schedule as-is Human  Product Plan Control
Gathering information from several sources opens an apporach having computers, machines support in the planning. The decision on what to do still by a human.
Schedule to-be ML-assisted Product Plan Control
Figures are from " Designing and developing smart production planning and control systems in the industry 4.0 era ".

P-3.4.3 Add the PDCA to Enterprise Ontology
ontological PDCA cycle
Enterprise engineering ontology in a cycle
In the business development area a full SDLC life cycle is described with many topics with three power lines of involved parties. In every area of the three colored segments a representation of the basic power lines is found.
The SDLC process life cycle is based on four quadrants, not three segments. This is not an easy fit tot align in visualisations. Two addition small representatives are needed in the upper quadrants (I,II) whereas the lower (III,IV) it is already shared.

Artifacts in the cycle are for SDLC and hidden ones for the enterprise.
Dietz-2006_ontology business__sdlc
Changing Services - Processes
It is far more difficult to adjust an existing process than just building a new one. The horizontal compliancy lines are adjusting what is in progrees.
The vertical alignment lines are for adjustments what is in progress.
The whole new process is in scope for this, a future promised outcome, expectation.
Jabes pf_consolidate
In a figure:
P-3.4.4 Goal: Data driven processes
Compliancy functional location Accountablity
The accountability and most of the responsibility for information (data / information) is at the "Data Controller" not at the "Data Processor". Outsourcing accountability is legally not possible although that mistake is too often attempted.
Compliancy regulations are set for "Data Controllers". Following regulations are "Data Processors" verified by the controllers to assure rules guidelines are met within boundaries.
❓ Question Who is managing information?
Managing information only can be solved within the organisation❗
This ascertainment is:
Data driven operational realisation
When you want to build much software doing many deployments using data as the source of information, the following is a good approach.
Typical characteristics: 👁 Fast changing available technology (hypes) is in scope, are an option.
Attention on aspects:

In a figure:


P-3.5 BPM Technology Change alignment

Product data management (PDM) is focused on capturing and maintaining information on products and/or services through their development and useful life. Change management is an important part of PDM/PLM.
⚖ Legal:
Contracts, negotations are left out of scope although important.
🎭 P-3.5.1 Wish: In control with processes
Recognized being important but 😱 lost in space
One would assume a safe working environment is a logical requirement that is in place. This assumption is not true for several reasons.
lost in meg A very normal seen situation: What is new: Existing security frameworks are not obsolete, they are the ones for appropriate measures.
A regulation is immediate active, a directive has an obligation to the member state.
Product Management is including a lot, aside line functionality also safety.
🎭 P-3.5.2 A Safe environment quest (I)
Stop the line, being lean, cost saving
Keep Calm and Stop the Line—Part 2
In manufacturing, a common sentiment is that the line (or generally the process) must run. There is some truth to that, but—counterintuitively—for a system to run well you need to know when to stop it too. This is my second post in a series giving you an overview on when it may be better to stop the line rather than keeping it running (and making everything worse).
Hence, your operators need to stop the line if there are problems that they cannot resolve within the cycle. This is even the justification for the well-known Toyota approach of Jidoka, or autonomation. Jidoka means a process stops automatically if there are any irregularities.
Yet, you want to stop the line as little as possible. For this there is the andon line pulled by the operator in case of problem. This pull gives signal to an andon board, which then calls help.
The key here is to provide help to the operator quickly. If the operator has to fill out a maintenance request so that maintenance shows up two hours later, then your line stops for at least two hours, which is a bit much.

lion to action
Stop the Line If There Is a Safety Risk!
Another reason to stop the line is if there is a safety risk. The health and safety of your operators should be paramount to your production output, and a health risk (both short-term accident and long-term hazards) must stop the line.

A secure safe environment
The Toyota KPI Dashboard—Safety
Safety is also one of the main headings of the Toyota Hoshin Kanri, their structure for setting targets from the top down across all hierarchies.
I found pretty much everywhere is the safety cross. This is a simple cross with the days of a month (i.e., 1 to 31). Every day the previous day is filled out. Green stands for no accident. Yellow stands for a minor accident. And red stands for a major accident. Throughout the month a very visual representation of the safety statistic emerges. Similar visualizations are used in many plants. If for religious reasons a cross is undesirable, I have also seen a safety “S.”

Involved & comitted persons for a safe environment
Stopping the line is mandatory done when a data breach or successful cyber attack is seen. With NIS2 and Dora the cybersecurity should brought at a level that the expected risk/impact is at an acceptable level.
What is new: The standard hierarchy (strategy tactical operations) gives a process by two loops.
A figure,
(NIST CSF 2.0)
See right side
🎭 P-3.5.3 A Safe environment quest (II)
Security frameworks
For the administrative/cyber world CSF 2.0 Nist
The Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) 2.0 is designed to help organizations of all sizes and sectors — including industry, government, academia, and nonprofit — to manage and reduce their cybersecurity risks. It is useful regardless of the maturity level and techncal sophistication of an organization’s cybersecurity programs. Nevertheless, the CSF does not embrace a one-size-fits all approach. Each organization has both common and unique risks, as well as varying risk appetites and tolerances, specific missions, and objectives to achieve those missions. By necessity, the way organizations implement the CSF will vary.
Ideally, the CSF will be used to address cybersecurity risks alongside other risks of the enterprise, including those that are financial, privacy, supply chain, reputational, technological, or physical in nature.

To control govern the process there is cycle:
A figure,
(NIST CSF 2.0)
See right side
This one is confusing:
The left cycle is the process to act on an event, the rihgt numbering with a "repeat&repeat is the preparation planing etc to be able to act on a event.
usuallly a reference to a PDCA cycle with fout stages is done.

One of many other frameworks is:
6 phases incident response plan
Note the differences in words when the focus is on recovering from a breach:
  1. Preparation This phase will be the work horse of your incident response planning, and in the end, the most crucial phase to protect your business.
    Your response plan should be well documented, thoroughly explaining everyone’s roles and responsibilities. Then the plan must be tested in order to assure that your employees will perform as they were trained. The more prepared your employees are, the less likely they’ll make critical mistakes.
  2. Identification This phase will be the work horse of your incident response planning, and in the end, the most crucial phase to protect your business.
    Your response plan should be well documented, thoroughly explaining everyone’s roles and responsibilities. Then the plan must be tested in order to assure that your employees will perform as they were trained. The more prepared your employees are, the less likely they’ll make critical mistakes.
  3. Containment When a breach is first discovered, your initial instinct may be to securely delete everything so you can just get rid of it. However, that will likely hurt you in the long run since you’ll be destroying valuable evidence that you need to determine where the breach started and devise a plan to prevent it from happening again.
  4. Eradication Once you’ve contained the issue, you need to find and eliminate the root cause of the breach. This means all malware should be securely removed, systems should again be hardened and patched, and updates should be applied.
  5. Recovery This is the process of restoring and returning affected systems and devices back into your business environment. During this time, it’s important to get your systems and business operations up and running again without the fear of another breach.
  6. Lessons Learned Once the investigation is complete, hold an after-action meeting with all Incident Response Team members and discuss what you’ve learned from the data breach. This is where you will analyze and document everything about the breach.

There is a lot to do, a categorziation suitable to metadata identifications is helful in simplifying the work. A good starting point is (NIST CSF 2.0):
🎭 P-3.5.4 A Safe environment quest (III)
Creating Safety Profiles
This cycle for setting safety profiles is a continuous process out of scope of the practical realisation. It is input what is wanted at realisations.
A feed back for unrealistic expectations should be in place.
Putting several cycles into Jabes
There are several cycles: Counting then number of process cycles and adding the govern cycle there are eight of them to manage and one supervisory. The profile circle, govern circle, full circle (act on event), preparation, four for details. The location of he PDCA is an inidcator that the customer, sponsor, accountability role is at the C-Shape pillar.
Jabes pf_secure
In a figure:


P-3.6 Maturity 5: PDCA business processes

"Managing technology service" is a prerequisite for "processes: cyber/adminstrative". Although the focus should be on the value stream processes it starts by the technology connection.
From the three PTO, BPM interrelated scopes:
P-3.6.1 Maturity fundaments organisation
👁 First line, second line supervisors
Looking for the cyber/administrative physical equivalent of who accountable for the value stream flow. The hierarchical implementation is easily missed. These equivalent is missing. The awareness of a values stream is also missing.

Expectations Project management.
At complicated situations everybody can be right, form his viewpoint. Viewpoints being that different they can´t be true both. USing other words, hypes, working approaches: Scrum, Agile, Lean six sigma, Kanban.
Using shared technology easily runs into conflicts.
🤔 The most understandable question as result is having a dedicated machine for each "application".
This is not sensible when the information process as core business gets broken by disparate connections between machines.

Government Organisation using technology.
This has nothing to do with hard facts but everything with things like my turf and your fault. This has nothing to do with hard facts but everything with things like my turf and your fault. Parties have their preferences on availability confidentiality integrity.
With a different set of requirements a diffrent technical solution is likely the result. The quality and cost is not always applicable for all.
🤔 A Clear decoupling is needed: machines services and "applications".

The daily stand-up
Knowing what the colleagues are doing is important with a shared business goal. The implementation of a stand-up can be brought in mandatory. I would assume sitting in each neighbourhood and doing that during working on items, would be sufficient.

From common ground in a technical approach there is something strange going on:
P-3.6.2 Maturity fundaments processes
👁 First line, second line supervisors
Looking for the cyber/administrative physical equivalent of who accountable for the value stream flow. The hierarchical implementation is easily missed. These equivalent is missing. The awareness of a values stream is also missing.

The result of strict control management.
What the frustrations are, is best shown by infographics.
Sometimes you get a feeling having seen things before. Just different words being used. In this case Scaled Agile Framework
safe 5.0
The Fate cartoon makes it clear.
Three layers strategy, tactics, operations are there. The development stages similar to the blamed waterfall approach. Missing is a focus the core value streams.
fate dysotpy of safe
This is like operating an assembly belt line, not the real innoviation or improvement.
The reason: missing the business core process environment, values streams.
P-3.6.3 Maturity fundaments missions
⚒ mission values
Aligned to "B-3.4.1 Public obligations"
Hoshin Kanri:
Part 1: The To-Do List x-matrix Hoshin Kanri X-matrix
A figure:
See right side

Most Hoshin Kanri documents that I know cover one year. This is usually a good duration, since one year allows for quite a bit of improvement activity. This duration is also long enough to see the results and review the outcome.
The fit with the SIAR model and PDCA DMAIC is far to nice. It solves: "who and why" going from "knowledge" (Jabes stage proposals backlog) into initiating activities.
Like the “normal” Hoshin Kanri, this document is done at different levels in the hierarchy, starting with the top executive. These are named rather straightforward as top-level matrix, second-level matrix, and third-level matrix.
The solution of the PDCA gap is:
P-3.6.4 Maturity of journeys
New journeys to enjoy.
In the agile world, using the scrum syntax, the work is decribed as a "customer journey". They can be never ending stories.

At some time "no work" is the objective goal, going for a private journey, better described as holidays. To be repeated predictable over and over again. Not really boring wiht this kind of feeling. No work , next journey It is a holiday picture made at Lakka Paxos Greece. The transport and sleeping place being the place at home in the right corner with the colored fancy fish in the aft. During the journey doing "sprints" by going from one place to another.
The story in the gateway
I used this picture at the end of chapters, intention:
◎ following a logical sequential order.
This picture is personal (holidays). An entrance and exit of Monemvasia, laconia Greece. Being both, the single pathway (the name in greek) it is unclear whether it is the start or an ending.

P.3.6.5 Short checklist floor impediments
Need having solved: These are to be understood solved and managed by management at the high levels. This can be measured by maturity metrics. The usual situation is: none of them is in place. Worse, there is even no awareness, CMM level-0.

P-3.6.6 No followings steps
Going trough all this again, some experience from the paste are resurrected: The switch to how to improve something is a np-hard problem.

Never ending atory
As long as I am updating chapters somewhere, there is no end.
👓 Restart at conceptual level .

Other pages.
Missing link design bpm devops sdlc design bpm design sdlc design bianl
These are devops steer topics, others:

Business processes value strea

math previous,
get-away technical theoretical.

Technology Serve Development Life cycle (previous)

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