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🔰   Contents BIT E2BO-E3M IT4IT MCE CMM-4IT   🔰
🎯   I-GOV D-Gov P-Gov SIAR Jabes CMM-4OO   🎯

E-1 Categorization design ICT

E-1.1 Contents

E-1.1.1 Global content
sense or not. Aside the global explanation of thoughts there is an index contents.
🔰 When the image link fails, click here.

Living with ICT, can feel:
(IV) - beautiful, full of uncertainty
(III) - feel abandoned, lonely
(I) - strictly controlled
(II) - luxurious settled, friendly

This ordering starts at the bottom right corner, than clockwise in the figure.
The numbering is left to right and top down.
E-1.1.2 Guide reading this page
This page has a complex intellectual structure.
Working into the optimized business and technology, there is gap in knowledge and tools. Proposals to solve the gaps are made in chapter three paragraph five (E3.5).
E-1.1.3 Local content
Reference Squad Abbrevation
E-1 ICT Categorization
E-1.1 Contents contents Contents
E-1.2 Brainstorm, Ideate, Thinktank ictmind_02 BIT
E-1.3 Muda Mura Muri - burn out - bore out ictmind_03 E2BO-E3M
E-1.4 ICT activities strategies ictmind_04 IT4IT
E-1.5 Managing conflicts & expectations ictmind_05 MCE
E-1.6 Maturity 3: three DTAP layers (ICT ITC) ictmind_06 CMM-4IT
E-2 Strategic Alignment - Data Driven
E-2.1 Strategic Alignment Model, the beginning sammind_01 SAM
E-2.2 Strategic Alignment Model, enhanced sammind_02 SAME
E-2.3 Capability Maturity Model sammind_03 SAM CMM
E-2.4 Strategic Alignment Model, overhauled sammind_04 SAMO
E-2.5 Strategic Alignment External Partners sammind_05 SAEP
E-2.6 Maturity 4: Data Driven Processes sammind_06 CMM-4AS
E-3 Business ICT Process Optimizations
E-3.1 Maturity of ICT Architecture prcmind_01 I-Gov
E-3.2 Data Governance prcmind_02 D-Gov
E-3.3 Compliant Processes prcmind_03 P-Gov
E-3.4 SIAR - PDCA DMAIC combined prcmind_04 SIAR
E-3.5 Holistic Portfolio management - Jabes prcmind_05 Jabes
E-3.6 Maturity 5: Organization Optimization prcmind_06 CMM-4OO

E-1.1.4 Progress


E-1.2 Brainstorm, Ideate, Thinktank

IT is like exploring of a big elephant having a lot of details to concerns.

E-1.2.1 Searching Strategic Alignment
A shortlist:
  1. IT governance
  2. Organization / Busineenss aligntment
  3. Compliancy, regulations, directives
  4. Security, Data governance
  5. Tools, Platforms, Middleware
  6. Process patterns
  7. Change: Life Cycle Management
  8. Change: Innovation
  9. ..
Focus on Technology wiht ICT is not nice. Aside being a technology component "Communication" is indispensable for human interactions. I prefer using ICT above IT.
ICT is sometimes used synonymously with IT (for information technology); however, ICT is generally used to represent a broader, more comprehensive list of all components related to computer and digital technologies than IT.
😉 The ICT role "architect", | Several Agile roles: "Scrum master", "product owner" "Chapter lead", In lean the POU"point of use" "water strider " all are about human interaction, communication aside doing a task.

Focused on a single detailed topic easily conflicts with reality. The following gets easily lost:
E-1.2.2 Categorizing from working experience
Activity: Documenting on this web page.
🤔 My first attempt did focus on multiple DTAP layers with involved security patterns.
Frustrations by problems to do this correctly conform strategical viewpoints was my motivation.
The result was too technical and not having distance from my personal situation.
🤔 My second attempt did a cleanup, added experiences for "data driven processes".
It extents Business Intelligence (BI), switching in how business logic is created. It has a match with "Data Mesh" although I didn´t know of that at that moment. Still trying a bottom-up brain dump approach to get structured.
The result was that explanations and Forword on top became chaotic. Very hard to understand.
The positive effect was having learned new insights in relations, challenges and options.
🤔 This is my third attempt. Switching between a bottom up approach into a top down.
The First updates made are on the Forword (index page "metier"). After the Forword content, starting with the elucidation page, this page. Elucidation content will not have the details. It is limited to jumps. Added are: becoming business process driven, maturity level for layered contexts.
The goal is making some sense of what has historical grown and pointing to possible breakthroughs.

In the bottom up approach I used words and abbrevations that are not commonly used in the top down strategic approach. Translations are needed, adding meaning of new ones.
Bottom up Top down Context
BPM Information
Internal Setting the mission and vision of the organization.
What is helping the organization (facilities).
SDLC Technology
Internal Better: the core business activities.
Fulfilling the mission of the organization.
BIANL Communication
Analytics BI
Internal Information management (IM).
Improvement of existing processes.
Data - External On what does the business run, quotative.
Meta - External On how the business is running run, qualitative.
Math - External Very theoretical foundation knowledge.

E-1.2.3 Giving focus at ICT - Technology
The communication with stakeholders is often forgotten or ignored. Working on questions what kind of information processing is a difficult one without needed insight without communication.
devils triangle ICT What is left is the focus on Technology. This gives little hope for adding value.

💡 Going for a real lean approach:
- optimizing information processing
- avoiding all evils conforming real lean
- balancing all three topics holistic

⚠ Following hypes will not automagically solve all problems. Leadership is decisive.
Cerberos dog three heads

E-1.3 Muda Mura Muri - burn out, bore out

Going for lean, agile, doing more with less is mostly about cost saving. Only having the focus on cost saving is not real lean.
The leading example or lean is TPM, toyota car manufacturing (Japan). That approach embraces avoiding evils. Similar to the "law of conservation of energy" there is "law of conservation of evil".
🤔 waste, the only problem

E-1.3.1 Recognizing the 3M evils
What problematic is with the three evils: they are complicated and there are three of them. Muda, Mura, Muri
You will never reach the full potential if you only look at one of the three evils.
Muda: The most famous of the three evils of manufacturing is waste (muda). This is commonly divided into the famous seven types of waste:
  1. Transportation
  2. Movement
  3. Waiting
  4. Over-Processing
  5. Defects and Rework
  6. Inventory
  7. Overproduction (the worst one)
Mura: the following is a list of examples where unevenness could happen and cause problems:
  1. Uneven customer demand
  2. Inventory swings ? from too much to too little
  3. Uneven production speed or changing production quantities
  4. Uneven quality of good parts (however, if the part fails or has to be scrapped it is waste)
  5. Irregular or erratic working rhythm
  6. Uneven training of the workers
  7. Uneven distribution of the workload
Muri: as per translation, muri is overburden, unreasonableness, and things that are too difficult. Naturally, the main focus here is on people. However, it also can apply to materials, machines, and organizations. Here are a few examples:
  1. Working too long hours (and yes, I am frequently guilty of that myself)
  2. Heavy lifting, Noise, Lack of training
  3. Unsuitable posture or inadequate ergonomics
  4. Too-difficult tasks
  5. Too-easy tasks (which may be boring or mentally tiring)
  6. Anything that leads to burn out, bore out, or repetitive strain injury
  7. Humiliation, but possibly also excessive praise
  8. Dangerous, dirty, and difficult tasks (the 3K in Japanese)

Don´t forget workers are humans. .. Overburden (Muri)?
Similarly, but less common, is the opposite of a burnout, a bore-out. The employee has so little to do or such a tedious, mind-numbing task that he will have a bore-out. Note that different employees have different tolerances and even preferences on this.

The VUCA world of the 2000/2010s
The term was first coined by the U.S. Army War College to describe the challenges of operating in a post-Cold War world. From there, the acronym made its way into management and leadership literature and business school lecture halls at the turn of the millennium. The VUCA concept has long been used to describe the volatility that has become the norm in the business world. However, the BANI model goes a step further and helps companies consider the chaotic and completely unpredictable impacts that can have a major impact on their operations. The BANI model of the 2020s

E-1.3.3 Avoiding the tree evils
This is about managing and changing the culture of an organization. Leadership is decisive.
devils triangle mude mura muri 🤔 There is no option to focus on only problem, they should be mitigated all at the same time:
⚠ when seen
⚠ when noticed
⚠ when not ignored
⚠ when in area of influence
⚠ when having priority time


E-1.4 ICT activities strategies

When ICT is seen as a problematic kind of work, frameworks to organize ICT work are getting made, promoted and sold. A long list of supporting activities is seen in figures for those.

E-1.4.1 IT4IT abstraction
Example (opengroup.org it4it) an older infographic:
The IT4IT Reference Architecture breaks these activities down further to a Service Model and the essential functional components and data objects that IT produces or consumes in the IT Value Chain in order to advance the service lifecycle.
it4it.png V2.1.3 it4it
Boundaryless Information Flow, a shorthand representation of access to integrated information to support business process improvements represents a desired state of an enterprise's infrastructure and is specific to the business needs of the organization.
An infrastructure that provides Boundaryless Information Flow has open standard components that provide services in a customer's extended enterprise that:

E-1.4.2 Searching Strategic Alignment
Hidden PDCA optimization is more recent.
BiSL it4it-service-model
Three cycles: Missing: how to get innovative ideas.
E-1.4.3 Managing Technology Processes
The devops setting (build - run) is shown with a counter clockwise cycle to improve the portfolio. Changing the direction of the cycle into clockwise is achieved by changing some area positions.
BiSL it4it-service-model
The framework is although correct in its limitation, overwhelming and complicated.

⚠ Seemingly more easily approaches solving the problems in hypes are getting prefered (Agile Scrum Safe Less).
⚠ There are no tools for portfolio management.
⚠ There is no knowledge reference how to manage a portfolio.
The framework is theoretical how it should be done.
Missing is the external context: COTS (Commercial Over The Shelf) platforms, tools, frameworks. For example how to build / develop.


E-1.5 Recognizing & handling conflicts.

With different concerns, different interests, different type of persons conflicts will arise. Avoiding conflicts is an illusion. The challenge is how to manage those conflicts in an acceptable way. The ethical questions are not always felt as conflicts as theys should seen to be a conflict.

E-1.5.1 Solving frictions, problems
For conflict handling and making decisions there is:
(cynefin wikimedia) Origin
The Cynefin Framework helps managers to identify how they perceive situations and make sense of their own and other people´s behavior.
Disorder domains happen when you become uncertain of what stage you are in in your project and you do not know if any plans are working or not.

Leaders Job:
Text enlarge by links(By Maxgeron - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0) Excerpt:
( By Maxgeron - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=55158193)
Using the Cynefin framework can help executives sense which context they are in so that they can not only make better decisions but also avoid the problems that arise when their preferred management style causes them to make mistakes.

Leaders need to avoid micromanaging and stay connected to what is happening in order to spot a change in context.
By and large, line workers in a simple situation are more than capable of independently handling any issues that may arise.

E-1.5.2 Managing Processes
The organization mission, core business, with the processes for that is: why doing ICT.
A main asset for an organization is: information. Processing information is the way to create value from it. From brmbok a framework named bisl, a nice split between information and technology.
BiSL framework bisl in three minutes Relationship Management Institute´s BRMBoK© with the ASL BiSL Foundation´s Business Information Services Library (BiSL©).

The explicit distinction between information and technology emphasizes that the business needs information, and that technology is the enabler.

Information and technology are intimately intertwined, yet each needs to be managed in its own right.

E-1.5.3 SDLC conflict awareness
There is a lack of SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) awareness.
business quad conservative running as-is (vertical)
👉🏾 stable operations
👎🏾 no process changes, no innovation, legacy

disruptive innovation (horizontal)
👎🏾 unstable operations
👉🏾 process changes, innovations, transitions

Doing two major changes at the same time often results in unwanted surprises. Scheduling actions for time is sensible.

The physical industrial environment has a high maturity level. Information communication processing (ICT) for administrative tasks, all the technology enabling automation recently became available. The technology did show an incredible growth in capacity. When the generic complaint is that productivity growth is lagging with information processing, obviously something fundamental is still missing.

😲 There are logical distinct LCM approaches for distinct layers an distinct type of components. Still after all years there is no generic accepted standard.

Conflicts by misunderstandings are common at the following: The easy management bypass is mentioning a versioning tool.
The hammer and nail paradigm in action, not a real solution.

E-1.6 Maturity 3: three DTAP layers (ICT ITC)

From the three ICT, ITC interrelated scopes: Only having the focus on IT4IT, getting a mature Life Cycle Management (LCM) requires understanding an acknowledgment of the layered structure.
Each layer has his own dedicated characteristics.

Maturity culture layered DTAP:
Maturity id Title Context
CMM-4IT-0 LCM Layers Ideate, Develop, Test, Acceptance, Production, End of life.

📚 E-1.6.1 Layers - Technology, infrastructure
dtap layers application DTAP approaches maturity for LCM additional distinct layers:

The bottom area is enabling the upper part. It must be robust enough for the requirements of the serviced organization.

📚 E-1.6.2 platforms (tools) & operational, analytical planes
Maturity id Title Context
CMM-4IT-1 Network Communications, zone isolations. Virtualisations impact
CMM-4IT-2 Machines Hardware: CPU, Storage, Memory. Virtualisations impact
CMM-4IT-3 operating system Functions to hardware & network. Virtualisations impact

📚 E-1.6.3 platforms (tools) & operational, analytical planes
This is what the serviced organization will use. A process can be build from scratch, starting with accruing hardware or from change requests driven by optimization analyses.
revZ lifecycle Z lifecycle
There will be a debt gap ❗ either at the technical or functional connection.
Maturity id Title Context
CMM-4IT-4 Tools Middelware LCM without❗ organizational information
CMM-4IT-5 Operational plane Classsic well known LCM as always has been done
CMM-4IT-6 Analytical plane LCM always with organizational production ❗ information

📚 E-1.6.4 Combining internal & external services
Getting tools, middleware is usually done by purchasing. Building in house what is generally available for lower cost more functionality better quality, doesn´s makes sense.
Triangle BPM SDLC BIANL - unequal power lines
Configuring it correctly is still the hardest part of the job.

All three lines in the organization: support & facilities, operational processing, analyzing optimizing have to be serviced.

Middleware, tools lives in a VUCA world. Brittle Anxious Non-linear Incomprihensible (Bani) are possible effects to manage.
👓 Click for jumping into context.

Maturity id Title Context
CMM-4IT-7 Up to date Maintenance production planning, act on gaps
CMM-4IT-8 Cots vs "build" Manage external purchased artifacts distinctly
CMM-4IT-9 Regulations Being prepared for conforming compliancy: BIA CIA

🚧 E-1.6.5 LCM Condition
Underpinning necessity distinct LCM approaches requires slving a misundertanding. Doing LCM correctly for each distinct type of artifact seems to be positioned emotionally as a technical problem. These are not technical problems, a list of organisational challenges:
💣 Don´t expect when fundaments are not robust, what is build on those, will be robust.
🔰   Contents BIT E2BO-E3M IT4IT MCE CMM-4IT   🔰
🎯   I-GOV D-Gov P-Gov SIAR Jabes CMM-4OO   🎯

E-2 Strategic Alignment - Data Driven


E-2.1 Strategic Alignment Model, the beginning

The communication between the IT provider servicing the business. Both parties have their strategies, competences and governance. Both are working on an architecture for processes needing skills.

E-2.1.1 SAM - Henderson Venkatraman (1993 IBM)
The classic one on stregic alignment. henderson_venkatraman_1999.jpg
The Strategic Alignment Model (see Figure) identifies the need to specify two types of integration between business and I/T domains. The first, termed strategic integration, is the link between business strategy and I/T strategy reflecting the external components. More specifically, it deals with the capability of I/T functionality to both shape and support business strategy.
This capability is particularly important as I/T has emerged as an important source of strategic advantage to firms. The second type, termed operational integration, deals with the corresponding internal domains, namely, the link between organizational infrastructure and processes and infrastructure and processes.

E-2.1.2 Gaps in Classic SAM
The framework was promoted by the technology provider. "IT strategy" for the technology scope was never and will never be activity that each organisation will solve on their own. Generic and commercial available frameworks with solutions will be preferred. They are more robust having more functionality and cost less than being build in house.
A part that is causing concerns is this is the I/T governance not being part of Business strategy. With the GDPR it is made clear that this idea is untenable. The data controller role is mandatory within scope of a the business.
Another concern: the administrative infrastructure is separated from that of information technology. These days administration is not possible anymore without information technology. Some organisations core processes are administrative only.

E-2.1.3 Shift Internal to External
Having core business applications processing defined with business rules, the information processing is the "business application".
Describing the properties of a "business application":
  1. Business rules are possible realised a:
    • data elements using generic code.
    • by dedicated in house build code.
  2. Using business rules as data elements is requiring more complicated code. The code must be more generic handling a variety for logic by data elements.
  3. When business rules are defined by data elements, than generic commercial application that are implementing that, could be a good fit. ERP software is an example.
  4. Using generic commercial software (cots) assumes the "business application" is generic (not an unique situation) and it is no core business differentiator.
dtap layers application
It is the easy assumption that cots applications are always cheaper and faster to implement for a business question.

That assumption is ignoring the question whether the undefined quality "good" is appropriate for what is really needed. The result of that are very costly failures, long running projects.
🤔 Failing fast will decrease damage and financial losses but is no solution for the real problem.


E-2.2 Strategic Alignment Model, enhanced

Added in between: Information management.
The direct diagonal links and the horizontal was too challenging. The distance in the worlds too big for real understanding.
E-2.2.1 SAME AIM - Maes (1999)
Referemcing to: Amsterdam Information Model (AIM).
The learning loop from "Working Paper 99-03 A Generic Framework for Information Management R. Maes, April 1999"
For a long period, strategists have distanced themselves from operations on the shop floor: "operational effectiveness is not a strategy" (Michael Porter). The strategic importance of excellent operations has rather recently been (re)discovered in the context of customer-oriented thinking; it goes together with a reorientation of core capabilities (Hayes, Pisano and Upton, 1996) and with the breakthrough of ERP software packages.

Question: what is the role of tactical information when this is about communication lines between communication lines?
The answer is hidden in not having shown an involvement of external parties.
The capacity loop is for optimisation of business processes. 🤔 With an overburdening in frameworks like ITIL, it has revised in the DEVOPS (development / operations) labelling into other words.
The overburdening has a cause by the commercial interests in selling and implementing those frameworks.

Selling the frameworks went along with advices for reorganisations with cost saving arguments.
E-2.2.2 Using external knowledge
There is a lot of old theory, old practices, old frameworks mentioned. It is avoiding the hype and finding good methodical understandable approach. Reusing knowledge, learning from experiences, sharing knowledge is what will result into improvements.
For example:
Is IT4IT the next threat to the IT Management market? inform-it.org
Now we have IT4IT. Initially set up by a number of vendors (Accenture, CapGemini, HP, PwC) and some user organizations (Shell a.o.), but then transferred to the Open Group, where it was handled by again some of the global leading consulting organizations and a number of user organizations (read Geoff Harmer´s analysis). The faces of IT4IT now are Accenture, HP, and of course a few customer organizations to avoid the idea of a commercial interest (Shell, Achmea).

E-2.2.3 Purchasing external technology
With the shift from only in house build software into preferred externally retrieved software a lot has changed. The position of Strategy Tactics Operations are also possible outsourced or repositioned. devils triangle Strategy Tactic Operations
That assumption is ignoring the question whether the "Stratagy" is appropriate and what that is. The result of that are very problematic failures in disfunctional organisations.
🤔 Failing fast will decrease short term impact but is no solution for the problem.
advice request Penelope

E-2.3 Capability Maturity Model

To gauge success, enterprises employing a governance and management framework need to measure the performance of things they do. Designing the measurement and assessment methodology for maturity prior to implementation of a governance structure can have advantages:
E-2.3.1 CMM Jabes
Connecting Jabes to maturity levels reuses CMMI concepts.
Wiki CMM
The term "maturity" relates to the degree of formality and optimization of processes, from ad hoc practices, to formally defined steps, to managed result metrics, to active optimization of the processes. ... Though the model comes from the field of software development, it is also used as a model to aid in business processes generally, and has also been used extensively worldwide in government offices, commerce, and industry.

For CMM SEI originally there were five levels defined.
Strategic Alignmnent Maturity Summary Evaluating enterprises at a high level gives an impression on possible attributes.

level 1 - PARTNERSHIP: Conflict; IT a cost of doing business
level 1 - COMMUNICATIONS: Business/IT lack understanding

level 3 - PARTNERSHIP: IT seen as an asset; Process driver;Conflict seen as creative
level 3 - COMMUNICATIONS: Good understanding; Emerging relaxed

E-2.2.3 CMMI - ISACA
Maturity for cybersecurity is getting attention and some traction.
CMMI Whitepaper. When optimizing cybersecurity capability, the scope must be holistic and discretely applied. Cybersecurity needs to operate effectively at a micro and at a macro level. At a macro level, the entirety of an enterprise processes, risk profles and tolerances, personnel and enterprise culture, and so on must be taken into consideration, as must external environmental factors, such as the market environment that the enterprise operates within and public perceptions of its actions.
The original five levels added a sixth level (0) by CMMI.
CMMI Appraisal levels:
Maturity Context
O: Incomplete Ad hoc and unknown. Work may or may not get completed.
1: Initial Unpredictable and reactive. Work gets completed but is often delayed and over budget.
2: Managed Managed on the project level. Projects are planned, performed, measured, and controlled.
3: Defined Proactive, rather than reactive. Organization-wide standards provide guidance across projects, programs, and portfolios.
4: Quantitatively Managed Measured and controlled. Organization is data-driven with quantitative performance improvement objectives that are predictable and align to meet the needs of internal and external stakeholders.
5: Optimizing Stable and flexible. Organization is focused on continuous improvement and is built to pivot and respond to opportunity and change. The organization’s stability provides a platform for agility and innovation.

E-2.3.3 CMM SAM Overhauled
The work to do is connecting Jabes portfolio artefacts to a CMM attribute. The COBIT 5/CMMI
COBIT 5/CMMI V1.3 Practices Pathway Tool enables “building of a blueprint” that can be tailored to each unique organization´s needs from low-level processes up through high level governance requirements enhancing strategic vision for your enterprise. For example, while COBIT was developed with IT in mind, through the use of the tool, COBIT concepts and practices can be easily applied to a service organization through the pathways connecting COBIT to CMMI Services (and vice-versa).

The work to do is connecting Jabes portfolio artefacts to an CMM attribute.

advice request Pythia

E-2.4 Strategic Alignment Model, overhauled

SAM was enhanced to SAME. SAME is the same as: the AIM model (R.Maes). Those nine squares of SAME was an evolvement from the SAM one with 4 squares.
The intention was improvement of human interactions.
😲 The frustration: the SAME model being used for reorganisations adding more departments. Instead of better alignment the result is more confusion worse human interactions.
E-2.4.1 SAMO
Evaluating the SAME model is difficult because scope: human interactions it is correct.
A leap of thought: changing the mind into that of structuring the organization. A clumsy tinkering draw up resulted in 6 colomns for 3 rows. Goals: New pillars: In a figure:

Attempts to do communication and interactions in diagonal lines are recurrent issues for: misunderstanding, confusions conflicts. Some logical reasons for this are:
E-2.4.2 ALC-V2 ALC-V3
The classic application life cycle mangement. Name: "ALC-V2 model" In a figure:
Focus on programs, software, code that can be run (executed).

Documents, data are analyzed but not used in an other way.

Business decisions to implement based on human intuition.

Artifical Intelligence (AI)
ICT is transforming into using ML (Machine Learning), a subarea of AI. Processes how to create, implement and monitor are not settled.
The modern application life cycle mangement. Name: "ALC-V3 model" In a figure:
Focus on documents, data, information that is analysed.

Documents, data are analysed and used in other ways.

Business decisions to implement are based on controlled feed back loops, controlled and monitored by human decision makers.

E-2.4.3 ALC - responsibility accountability
💣 A common misunderstanding is that when a machine does something there would be no Responsible and no Accountable persons (computer says no).
This is bizarre because decisions in the ALC-2 approach have a clear definition in who is Responsible and no Accountable who are Informed and who are Consulted (RACI). There is lot to have documented for this. ⚠ This is too often not clear and ignored.
😉 In the ALC-3 approach responsibility accountability is not different.

advice request Pythia

E-2.5 Strategic Alignment External Partners

In a more generic public approach there are many interactions from the internal organisation into extra resources. Those resources are either or both: There are a lot of not coordinated actions for change or there is pathetic avoidance for change by bad experiences. A root cause: the organization chart that determines people's specialties and reporting hierarchy.
E-2.5.1 Lines of influence, internal external
A combination of LCM internal layers and LCM that includes external parties with the SAMO model for the human communication lines in another clumsy drawing. The new external pillars don´t have a logical name. The intention:
Getting financial budgets for purchasing is convincing the business responsible persons.
⚠ sometimes the decisionmakers are making decisions without any alignment, without ideas from their staff, within their organisation. A futuristic vision is a positive attitude but can easily become negative when too far from reality.
The three lines: are assumed to cooperate well aligned for what is needed from external suppliers for "know how" and tools. Internal conflicts by different interests are common. External parties have their own business models. Conflicts by different interests internal vs external are usual.
Triangle BPM SDLC BIANL - unequal improvement lines

Ideal: Going to be data driven is combining the ALC-V2, ALC-V3 into a business alignment process cycle.
NDMA five organizational systems
E-2.5.2 How organizations should work
Aligning to organsitional processes requires understanding those basics. Management books are a big market, usefull fundamental insights scarce.
NDMA Dean Meyer Your organizational operating model sends signals that guide people day by day. Organizational transformation is a matter of "reprogramming" these signals. So, where do those signals come from, and what can executives "program" in organizations?
E-2.5.3 External references
link , newstopic interest who, source date
The IT4IT Standard is being used by companies of all sizes and industries all across the world. opengroup_it4it 202310
The Open Group IT4IT Standard, Version 3.0 opengroup_it4it 202310
Using the word ICT or IT? Techtarget 202310
BANI vs. VUCA: How Leadership Works in the World of Tomorrow WU executive academy B Stöttinger 202210
Middleware is software that is used to bridge the gap between applications and operating systems Techtarget 202310
brmbok Information vs Technology BRM institure 201510
SABSA Strategic Planning for Information Security VIT University M.K.Jayanthi 202008
CMM Capability Maturity Model Wikipedia - Carnegie Mellon University. 199300
SAM CMM IT-Business Strategic Alignment Maturity Stockholm University Jerry Luftman 20112008
Project management triangle Wikipedia 199900
BIDM - The Business Intelligence Development Model Utrecht University Catalina Sacu, Marco Spruit 201006


E-2.6 Maturity 4: Data Driven Processes

From the three ICT, ITC interrelated scopes: The initial goal was understanding ML for devops from missions by the organization. It is a combination of Crisp-dm and many other well-known frameworks. The result is a generic representation (infographic) applicable for all kinds of information processing.
Maturity culture ICT Business alignment:
Maturity id Title Context
CMM-4AS-0 ICT Alignment Roles with Autority = Accountability

📚 E-2.6.1 Data Driven processes - Technical
A closer look it could be any type of information processing by this visualisation.
The modern devops using machine learning (AI) and old days Cobol rules based processes.

The evolution from solving "data LCM layers" is not immediate obvious.
New topics added: 👓 Click for jumping into context.
📚 E-2.6.1 Data Driven processes - Technical
Maturity id Title Context
CMM-4AS-1 Access Data Provisioning information (data), limiting access
CMM-4AS-2 Platforms usage Enabling processing lines, operational value stream
CMM-4AS-3 Monitoring Enabling Monitoring , analytical plane what is happening

📚 E-2.6.2 Data Driven processes - Functional
Maturity id Title Context
CMM-4AS-4 Data preparation Adjust information (data quality) using ELT / ETL
CMM-4AS-5 Transformations Chain management, operational value stream
CMM-4AS-6 Data delivery Value stream results (data), limiting access

📚 E-2.6.3 Compliancy alignment
Maturity id Title Context
CMM-4AS-7 Corrective Operational value stream, act on failures & mistakes
CMM-4AS-8 Algorithms Knowledge rules & instructions for transformations
CMM-4AS-9 Regulations Conforming regulations, directives with foreseen changes

E-2.6.4 Vision - Number of CMM controls
For enablement a culture for that is needed. Vision is not only about technoloy it is about culture, famous: "Culture Eats Strategy For Breakfast".
ndma A vision of the content of your work (your team's deliverables, e.g., a future technology vision, or a future business position) is dangerous. In a volatile world, we need dynamic organizations -- not organizations locked into a response to yesterday's challenges and opportunities, yesterday's business strategies. Agility is the key.

Question: How to measure culture?
💡 There are no known positive objects. Avoiding the three evils however, gives context in what should not be seen. Splitting each of the CMM-4IT-0 CMM-4AS-0 CMM-4OO-0 into three:
IT Technology Data Driven Enterprise
Muda CMM-4IT-0-Muda CMM-4AS-0-Muda CMM-4OO-0-Muda
Mura CMM-4IT-0-Mura CMM-4AS-0-Mura CMM-4OO-0-Mura
Muri CMM-4IT-0-Muri CMM-4AS-0-Muri CMM-4OO-0-Muri

There wil be twelve metrics for each of the three levelled stages. The totals is 36 having each a value of 1 - 5. A visualisation in circle for a 360 retrospective (polar/radar diagram).
💡 Measurements will be snapshots of leader culture:
🎭 Brittle no stable situation
🎭 Objectives are not clear defined
🎭 Superior (5) is nothing to measure
🎭 Senses of incomprehensibility is bad

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E-3 Business ICT Process Optimizations


E-3.1 Maturity of ICT Architecture

Planning designing ICT at a conceptual level has the goal of a structured approach for realisation planning. There is no isolated information technology (IT) domain. IT governance is global for an organization.
Disappointing: the Agile Manifesto claimss "building software" for core activity. However core activities should be focussed on the organizational missions with their processes. For a limited scope of a partial artifact at the operational level, doing LCM this is true.

🤔💡🎭 Generalize, abstract, replace"software", keep the principles (new context).
    Level Context      
Strategic Portfolio
Tactical Product
Operational Component
    Activity Context    
Ideate Enable innovation
Produce Demand - Delivery
Asses Plan Maintenance
🎭 Apply recursion at several layers.

E-3.1.1 ICT Architecture Definition Model
Nice understandable generic lines: SDLC and IT governance, Compliance, Security, Tools. The blog of prabasiva. EIA (200808) praba siva IT architecture

Consistency and repeatability in the architecture definition process is a must have requirement in an organization. ...

Picture speaks more than thousand words.

E-3.1.2 Do your design & realisation (framework)
Togaf: understanding requirements is the central point to define what should be done.
Togaf (wikipedia) The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) is the most used framework for enterprise architecture as of 2020 that provides an approach for designing, planning, implementing, and governing an enterprise information technology architecture. TOGAF is a high-level approach to design. It is typically modeled at four levels: It relies heavily on modularization, standardization, and already existing, proven technologies and products.
Togaf (10-th editon) Throughout the ADM cycle, there needs to be frequent validation of results against the original expectations, both those for the whole ADM cycle, and those for the particular phase of the process. ...
... The ADM is a generic method for architecture development, which is designed to deal with most system and organizational requirements.
Togaf is very complicated, difficult to understand, overwhelming. The suggestions box was too unstructred.

🤔💡🎭 Do some generalization and abstraction, keep principles of requirements, backlog.
Level Portfolio Product Component
Strategic Innovation Innovation Innovation
Tactical Ops Run Ops Run Ops Run
Operational Dev Build Dev Build Dev Build
🎭 keep the goal: suggestions
🎭 keep the goal: requirements, backlog
🎭 Apply recursion at several layers.

Product Jabes: Initiation & Maintenance
E-3.1.3 Retrieving and running an external defined ICT architecture
When the organisation structure is very generic and no differentiator, than a commercial knowledge framework with a commercial toolset to acquire is a good option. A good toolset is optionally on the commercial market without a published knowledge framework. The scale of reusing the same many times over and over again is impossible to beat.
In this situation it is about which toolset should be acquired.
advice request Pythia

E-3.2 Data Governance

This is a everlasting issue with a lot of attempts to tame "GIGO: Garbage in, garbage out". Goal: avoiding failures, wrong results.

Cleaning up data (information), correcting wrong information, adjusting context adding new types of artifacts is hard work. Decreasing quality is an easy cost saving. Effects by increasing failures - complaints, are not immediately measurable nor visible.

🤔💡🎭 Add all compliancy aspects to artefacts.
Safe environment Security
Information quality Data management
Impact on persons -
Understandable algorithms -
⚖ Security is classic
⚖ data management well known
⚖ "Privacy" to add
⚖ "Algorithms" to add
Product Jabes: Governance compliancy is part of portfolio aspects. Located at "S" in the life cycle.
E-3.2.1 Information quality
Information security is not possible when there is no data governance.
Anti-Cyber Crimes
Data Governance Strategy Development is based on the model proposed by Enterprise Information Management Primer Developing a Roadmap for an Enterprise Information Management Program. The Data Governance Strategy of an organization should focus on the following aspects ..
Inputs from the following list of stakeholders need to be considered and analyzed for the development of Information Security Strategic Plan ..
SABSA datagovernance
E-3.2.2 Ethical awareness
ICT is a binary world true/false. Reality is a complex and complicated one full of uncertaintities.
Should We Trust Algorithms? There is increasing use of algorithms in the health care and criminal justice systems, and corresponding increased concern with their ethical use. But perhaps a more basic issue is whether we should believe what we hear about them and what the algorithm tells us. It is illuminating to distinguish between the trustworthiness of claims made about an algorithm, and those made by an algorithm, which reveals the potential contribution of statistical science to both evaluation and "intelligent transparency." In particular, a four-phase evaluation structure is proposed, parallel to that adopted for pharmaceuticals.
Finally, whenever I hear claims about any algorithm, my shortlist of questions:
  1. Is it any good when tried in new parts of the real world?
  2. Would something simpler, and more transparent and robust, be just as good?
  3. Could I explain how it works (in general) to anyone who is interested?
  4. Could I explain to an individual how it reached its conclusion in their particular case?
  5. Does it know when it is on shaky ground, and can it acknowledge uncertainty?
  6. Do people use it appropriately, with the right level of skepticism?
  7. Does it actually help in practice?
I feel that question 5 is particularly important.

E-3.2.3 Extending operational plane, historical data
Most data should be retrieved from operational production systems whne doing analytics. The result of an analytical process, report scoring any artifact, can be as important as the operational ones. Archiving results, building up history is a requirement in those cases.
.. an enterprise-wide data warehouse could accomplish various useful objectives (Airinei, 2002):
BIDM data governance

Although having the mind set for BI (Business Intelligence) it is generic.
advice request Penelope

E-3.3 Compliant Processes

Several perspectives for compliant processes. Some of the details for compliant processes are organizational missions, others are legal regulations.

Structuring ideas and able to explain new idea´s to other persons is difficult. Using open source knowledge frameworks is helpful. It must have: This is time consuming and possible a mission impossible.
E-3.3.1 Six philosophical questions: What, Where, When, Who, How, Why
Zachman 6W-s no W for which technology Wiki Zachman
The Zachman Framework is not a methodology in that it does not imply any specific method or process for collecting, managing, or using the information that it describes.
Challenging is: ontology all levels in one pass.
Split up:
🤔 High level architectural functional design:
    (1) Logical, Conceptual Contextual.
🤔 Solution engineering, technical architecture:
    (2) Logical, Physical Detailed.

Getting "Wich" content for cells in one of the two 3*6 matrices (W,W,W W,H,W):
Q Which Context topic      
What Inventory
Where Distribution
When Timing / Vision
    Q Which Context topic  
Who Responsibility
How Process
Why Motivation

❓ At first glance, not relevant.
❗ Please review how this page is setup (contents).
E-3.3.2 Safe environment, extended
Grown from a security perspective, the enterprise level gets involved. The concepts are good. The problem is that the authority is not the same as accountability.
Wiki SABSA SABSA (Sherwood Applied Business Security Architecture) is a model and methodology for developing a risk-driven enterprise information security architecture and service management, to support critical business processes.
SABSA Security governance
... everything must be derived from an analysis of the business requirements for security, .. .

Service for processes en proces monitoring is a shared mission, should be a shared vision.
There is no technological deepening of the context for security.
In a mature environment technology safety, human safety are embedded part of the cultural environment. Security is inseparable by design of a process. Business organisational accountability. The internal advisory role, consultancy, support for questions is the organisational position.
👓 The security technology, realisation, is part of LCM artifacts (E-1.6 CMM-4IT)

E-3.3.3 Process Model monitoring - Closed-loop
The highest maturity level is aligning the vision mission with what is happening.
BI analytics is integrated or not in the business process can strongly affect the decision making process. Hence, we consider this category to be a very important one when delimiting a maturity stage
  1. initiation (user driven - activity initiated by the user, process driven - activity initiated by a process)
  2. process integration (data centric - BI analytics is usually supported by a data warehouse, process centric - BI analytics is integrated in the business processes)
  3. processing model (store and analyze; analyze and store)
  4. event stream processing
  5. "closed-loop" environment
Business Intelligence Development Model

Although having the mindset set for BI (Business Intelligence) it is very generic.
dual feeling SIAR - PDCA DMAIC

E-3.4 SIAR - PDCA DMAIC combined.

Processing information using ICT is assembling parts of information into new information products. Aligning this approach to what has become lean processing at industry. This will break a lot "doing what has always been done" with ICT approaches. Don´t be afraid a lot is still valid.

E-3.4.1 PDCA, DMAIC, Push -Pull
Essential: PDCA Plan-Do-Check-Act is one of the key elements in lean manufacturing, or for that matter in any kind of improvement process. Another: Dmaic a PDCA variant? PDCA variants This DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve Control) is a PDCA offshoot in the Six Sigma offshoot of lean manufacturing. While it has more words, the meaning is somewhat similar.
For this I don´t agree. Using PDCA in the flow of the production and DMAIC doing that backwards, determining what issues there are in the operational environment, makes more sense. Problem solving

The (True) Difference Between Push and Pull But what exactly is the difference between push and pull? Also, what makes pull systems so superior to push systems? All About Pull Production. The figure "Elements of the Kanban Formula" is counter clockwise. Flipping top and bottom will give a clockwise order.
Customer demand is a Request & Result.

E-3.4.2 Situation Input Action Result
From the process block of the flow chart only having I (input) and O (output Result). Adding Control Asses from Data-Mesh, adding the BI analytics management information.
🤔💡🎭 The SIAR model (see figure below) is a highly abstracted generalized.
Well known frameworks are embedded:
What Where in the SIAR figure
Pull IV (R-S) Control a new Request for processing
III (S-I) Plan new Request, check for inventory and processing capacity.
Push I (I-A) Assemble input to a new product
II (A-R) Verify quality of the new product and prepare for delivery result
PDCA Follow: III Plan, I Do, II Check, IV Asses Act
DMAIC Follow: II Define, I Measure, III Analyze, IV Ideate Improve
product Follow flow: 0,1(request),2(split),3,4,5(assembly),6,7(validate),8(validate),9(result)

In a figure:
Situation Input Actions Results, SIAR lean structured processing ⌛ The value stream, premature negotiations (blue arrows) Left to Right
⌛ A cyclic process, segregation in quadrants (2*2), and 3*3 partitions
⌛ Controlling from strategy, tactical, operational is from the eye in the middle to every compass direction. Origin BI management information flow.
⌛ two complementary (black/white) components of information (data) and processes (code)
E-3.4.3 Data Mesh
data monolith to mesh
It´s an accepted convention that the monolithic data platform hosts and owns the data that logically belong to different domains. Instead of flowing the data from domains into a centrally owned data lake or platform, domains need to host and serve their domain datasets in an easily consumable way.
The Data Product in dimensions:
    Technical     Functional
layer A - Data and Metadata - Operational plane
layer B - Code - Analytical plane
layer C - Infrastructure - Federated computational governance

data-mesh principles
Code: it includes
  1. code for data pipelines responsible for consuming, transforming and serving upstream data - data received from domain"s operational system or an upstream data product
  2. code for APIs that provide access to data, semantic and syntax schema, observability metrics and other metadata
  3. code for enforcing traits such as access control policies, compliance, provenance, etc.
Data and Metadata: Infrastructure:
Data Mesh - data polyglot

Given the influence of previous generations of data platforms' architecture, architects decompose the data platform to a pipeline of data processing stages. A pipeline that at a very high level implements a functional cohesion around the technical implementation of processing data; i.e. capabilities of ingestion, preparation, aggregation, serving, etc.
Though this model provides some level of scale, by assigning teams to different stages of the pipeline, it has an inherent limitation that slows the delivery of features. It has high coupling between the stages of the pipeline to deliver an independent feature or value. It's decomposed orthogonally to the axis of change.
The goal of an organisation is not doing ELT ETL building data warehouses, data lakes, lake houses. The concepts of Data Mesh are bringing the focus back tot the mission and vison of organisations.
advice request Penelope

E-3.5 Holistic Portfolio management - Jabes

A complicated challenge requiring a lot of work getting done.
🤔💡🎭 An idea, proposal with three pillars: It is Voluminous, needs to tackle Velocity in aspects, shows Variety in details, suffers from Veracity, realisation will create Value.
💡 ⚖ E-3.5.1 Jabes Framework
The first proposal is the framework. Using this framework a clear structured definition of generic steps with a portfolio becomes possible. Goal: open shared knowledge.
Jabes generic process
Properties to implement are:
Using an uniform product identification enables trade and exchange while exporting and importing the database containing an information product conforming the Jabes metadata model.
Following a naming convention schema an identification could be like:

💡 ⚙ E-3.5.2 Jabes Product
Product Pitching: Licensing a product or running it as a services (SAAS) is a business model. Jabes product
The metamodel covers all elemements in three layers, servicing the life cycle stages. Innovation or solving known issues needs a defined "backlog". The "backlog" items should be made clear enough and well understood to define requirements.

When the transtion is finished, the product consolidates with specifications.
. . . Stages
Layers . . .
  Innovate - Issues
  ➡ Backlog
  Backlog ⬇
  Requirements ⬇
  Design Build
  Requirements ⬇
  Validaton ⬇
Strategical 📚 📚 📚 📚 📚
Tactical 📚 📚 📚 📚 📚
Operational 📚 📚 📚 📚 📚

💡 ⚒ E-3.5.3 Jabes Maturity Metrics
Without any metrics there is no assurement for quality with quantity. Measuring the maturity for products in many aspects is an auditing framework to include.

Metrics for: Auditing organizations for claimed metrics is a business model.

A template for filling and viewing all metrics being part of the framework. For the presentation using a infographic is most attractive, the radar (polar) chart is appropriate.

E-3.6 Maturity 5: Organization Optimization

From the three ICT, ITC interrelated scopes: The high abstracted information processing infographic is applicable everywhere at any level. With all three pillars in scope and going for a goal of perfection a retroperspective review to include.

Maturity culture holistic ICT Enterprise alignment:
Maturity id Title Context
CMM-4OO-0 Optimization Vision for planning, change, innovation

📚 E-3.6.1 Enterprise mission assurance
Words are used with an associated context having expectations. The classic approach is hierarchical, the financial compensation is based on the hierarchical position.
Activiteit (nl) Activity (en) hierarchical bound intention
richten steer principal , controller , strategic
inrichten shape manager , product owner , tactical
verrichten serve worker , do - robot - machine, operational

Empowerment, granting activities at all levels, should not be hierarchical position bound.

SIAR lean structured processing Recursiveness:
ndma BWB The business-within-a-business (BWB) paradigm is foundational to NDMA's work. It provides guiding principles for the design of every aspect of an organization's operating model.

ndma Empowerment comes down to simply this: Authority and accountability match.

The evolution from a "data driven process" is not immediate obvious. The idea is that is used at
Limiting the consolidation to what is consolidated between the parties in the corneers in the qudarant should simplify what is to be managed.
There are other contexts in a similar way. Details are different. The biggest differences are at the categorization, operational level. Examples:
Financials, Governments are heavily relying on information processing. Facilities, Industrials are having an important administration component and needing information processing for optimizing.
SIAR 👓 Click for jumping into context limited to an ICT context.

📚 E-3.6.2 Optimizing Operational process lines

Maturity id Title Context
CMM-4OO-1 OR Enable Metrics Operational research, lean enabling in the organisation
CMM-4OO-2 Technology Understanding technology processes value streams
CMM-4OO-3 Operational DMAIC Existing value streams improvements, minimal adjustments

📚 E-3.6.3 Optimizing Tranformations of process lines
Maturity id Title Context
CMM-4OO-4 Employment Income, Education, Equality, Morality, Assurance, Safety
CMM-4OO-5 Local governments Alignment to local environments social life circumstances
CMM-4OO-6 Tactical PDCA Any value streams improvements, advanced adjustments

📚 E-3.6.4 Optimizing optimized organizational processes
Maturity id Title Context
CMM-4OO-7 Plan strcuture Decide or define. Make - refine - schedule/plan for execute
CMM-4OO-8 Let it happen Versatile: "to do", "to perform", also "add" (pull-push)
CMM-4OO-9 Closed Loop examine in order to determine its accuracy, quality, or condition

E-1.1.1 Local content
sense or not. Aside the global explanation of thoughts there is an index contents.
🔰 When the image link fails, click here.

Living with ICT, can feel:
(IV) - beautiful, full of uncertainty
(III) - feel abandoned, lonely
(I) - strictly controlled
(II) - luxurious settled, friendly

This ordering starts at the bottom right corner, than clockwise in the figure.
The numbering is left to right and top down.

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