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Securing "applications"

Patterns as operational constructs.

more_dmeta private metadata dwh naming conventions generic application security, why is it critical?

There are a lot of questions to answer:
📚 Information data is describing?
⚙ Relationships data elements?
🎭 Who is using data for what proces?
⚖ Inventory information being used ?

🔰 Somewhere in a loop of patterns ..
Most logical back reference: previous.


Reference Topic Squad
Intro Patterns as operational constructs. 01.01
Secure Foundation Why and how doing application security. 02.01
Technical app Technical, Commercial Over The Shelf. 03.01
Business app Business logic sources & data information. 04.01
Holistics app Connecting Business and Technical apps. 05.01
Pattern chain Defining the chain - Transformations. 06.00
Dependencies other patterns 06.02


Duality service requests

duality service requests sdlc: protecting business resources is guided by operations in the business line having their responsibilities with activities.

bianl: access to business resources is granted by business operational lines. The way of protection the copied information and new created information is a cooperative task. The operational business line and analytics have to agree on security policies at binanl.


Why and how doing application security.

Business Information is an important core asset of the organisation. When this goes out of control because of a data leak or unavailability (ransomware) there will be a big problem for the organisation.

Classification of applications
The word "application" is used with several contexts. Those are: The difference in DTAP concepts (Develop Test Acceptance-test Production) is part of SDLC and metadata design. The reverse Z is the three layered DTAP.
The difference between BI & Analytics and ERP is that BI & Analytics is expecting to do in house developing. The requirement of a connected business layer.

A COTS example approach (SAS)
These are having a lot of technical components. Middleware and tools are included and these components are not easily exchangeable but are needing to get managed. For SAS (SAS Grid Topology) there is a figure:
SAS grid topology More like this is at: Grid Computing in SAS 9.4, Fifth Edition It as a more generic approach seen with more applications also of other vendors. The component lines:
  1. endpoints (desktops) clients with advanced functionality
  2. endpoints (browser , mobile app) served by an webservice
  3. web applications server in a special setup for this technical system
  4. metadata or integrated data dictionary serving as central point for this technical system
  5. execution servers for running processes (eg: LSF as load balancer)
  6. data in any technical way of storage for the processes

Setting up security, tailoring authorisation
SAS mediated access, bypass authorisation Defining security in the tool of the technical application is necessary but that is not able to control the data. Only when building a vendor lock in and limiting functionality it seems doable.

For generic webservices using a generic privileged service account is a choice.
Additional disadvantages:
>- logging and monitoring complexity who has accessed what type of data
Os controlles access autorisation no bypass
Allowing more functionality and using more strict security control is possible when authentication and authorisation is done at operating system (os) level.

Disadvantages are:
>- configuring, administrating the technical application is more work
>- more cooperation for functions with the used os support staff


Technical, Commercial Over The Shelf.

The compliancy requirement is doing logical and physical access control with a lot of attention points, BIA Business Impact Analyses.
The realisation aligning to CIA CIAA, Confidentiality Integrity Availability Auditability
Service accounts Business, Middleware, Cots
Reference to ISO27002 is made for setting up a security model. A small snapshot:
When an implementation is wanted with set least privileges everywhere for any logical function, the result will be many service accounts. Administrators needed to switch to those service accounts in a controlled and monitored way.

Service accounts group connections - directories
The technical owner of any application resource cannot be a personal account.
It should also not run with a generic operating system master key (root). Therefore Non Personal Accounts (NPA), service accounts, must be used.
For example:
Function NPA usage Explanation
Installation inst<-> The only one able to update that software.
NPA count=1 note: *share
Tier1 master
conf<-> Activity after the installation.
NPA count=2 note: *share
spwn<-> Some run time processes have the only function of starting another process with different credentials.
Logging generated for audit purposes with this service.
NPA count=3 note: *share
and Execution
Tier1 master
mta<-> _<DTAP> maintaining and running the central repository of the Cots environment (metadata). The business DTAP environment is related. (add 4 NPA´s)
Logging generated for audit purposes with this service.
NPA count=7
Web Service
web<-> _<DTAP> integrating connecting webservices, running those in their own security context. The business DTAP environment is related. (add 4 NPA´s)
Logging generated for audit purposes with this service.
NPA count=11
and Execution
adm<-> _<DTAP> generic business application configurations settings. The business DTAP environment is related. (adding 4 NPA´s)
Logging generated for audit purposes with this service.
NPA count=15
This not stopping here with defining NPA´s. Not covered is: Job scheduling, business usage, logging and auditing business. The access to a technical application used by a business application is possible by a single group. Granting a technical application to business application artefact will have many group association.
Every business application has code (source) and data that is managed separately. There will by 8 accounts and 8 groups needed for each that is needing isolation.


Business logic sources & data information.

The back end in house developed applications have a structure of code development and data processing (ALC type2). With ML, Machine Learning (ALC type3), the roles of data and source are reversed in development. Special attention when it is used.

Privileged accounts
Set up privileged accounts for the ownership and use groups for authorisation. For simplicity the privileged account and group are having the same name.
For the logic (source) there will be 4 and for the information (data) 4. For function segregation with the software life cycle and operations execution there will be loopholes in other approaches.
Granting access to users is done by adding groups to users.
Nowhere an authorisation is done on user accounts.

Logic sources code
Using the logical DTAP for code source, the following matrix is an example how to define rights on directories (folders).
Bu Logic
directory - Files
dtap   dtap
<appl group>_sd rwxr-xr-xr-x rwxr-xr-xr-x
<appl group>_st r-xr-xr-x r-xr-xr-x
<appl group>_sa r-xr-x r-xr-x
<appl group>_sp r-x r-x
data information
Using the logical DTAP for information data, the following matrix is an example how to define rights on directories (folders).
Bu Data
directory - files
dtap   dtap
<appl group>_bd (*1) rwx rw*
<appl group>_bt (*2) r-x r-*
<appl group>_bt (*3) rsx rw*
<appl group>_bt (*4) rst r?*
<appl group>_ba (*2) r-x r-*
<appl group>_ba (*3) rsx rw*
<appl group>_ba (*4) rst r?*
<appl group>_bp (*2) r-x r-*
<appl group>_bp (*3) rsx rw*
<appl group>_bp (*4) rst r?*
Normal business users
Granting authorisation to user account by assigning groups is something like:
BU Developer * * * * * * * *
BU Tester * * * * * *
BU Acpt tester * * * *
BU User Standard * * *
BU User Analyst * * *

Connecting Business and Technical apps.

Securing an environment strict will cost a lot effort. Running an environment with loose security controls can cost a lot by security incidents.
Finding a balance continuous changing because incidents by attackers getting known.
DMZ and Front end - Web services, mobile apps
These kind of services are not just internally to an organisation but they are also positioned to run over the public internet. Protecting this kind of usage is isolating the usage internal and external by different servers different machines.
An special intermediate are for this is the DeMilitarised Zone.

Changing software on managed (closed controlled) endpoints is not a sensible approach. In a secured environment auto update of desktop tools should be disabled. A pity some desktop clie¨nts are delivered with a default auto update setting.
Servers in a secured environment should not have open access to the internet. When there are instructions for checking and doing software updates using directly the public internet, those procedures should be adjusted. Only tested and validate software updates are allowed to get used in production environments.<
SAS mediated access, bypass authorisation
Mediated access web services.
Mediated access, analysing in an process the input for legate content, has the risk of being bypassed.
Webservice are like this figure.
Hacks examples:
   -> code injection,
   -> path traversal,
   -> remote code execution.
When the webservice is running by a very restricted service account (least privileges) those risk can decreased or even eliminated.
Os controlles access autorisation no bypass
User account synchronisation.
Having an central point of the technical application for dedicated access and defined users poses questions: The result should be an easy understandable and easy maintainable environment that is very secure. The high number of privileged accounts is not a problem. Well structured it is the solution.

Using OS controls implementing limited access security.
⚠ Assuming the authorisation could be done by describing them by files is a pitfall. The files are moved and deleted at a moment in time. When the access is bound to a file it can get deleted also.
💡 using a well defined ACL (access control list) on a directory will result in a reliable reusable container in the same way of the controlled receiving of parcels.

The Unix (DAC) Solution: The idea is that files are registered in directories an by that will need authorisation to those directories for any access. There are three different options of access as the owner group and others have different rights.
This is Standard solution in Unix. Commonly used at "/tmp" or Unix-mail.
It is also common knowledge fore auditors (search internet with the keywords)


Defining the chain - Transformations.

Pattern: Securing applications
  1. Evaluate Technical application on behaviour & risks
  2. Tailor modify Technical application for better security implementations
  3. Define and implement tier levels for administrators
  4. Evaluate Business application on requirements SDLC DTAP & risks
  5. Tailor modify Business application for better security implementations
  6. Use as many service accounts as needed for achieving well isolated containers
  7. Monitor Log what is going on and analyse events
  8. Set up and test backup restore and disaster recovery processes
Required other Patterns.
💡 The naming conventions pattern is complementary to the business application.
🔏 For the technical application naming conventions & procedures for the operating system must have a fit.
💡 The data exchange pattern is complementary to the business application.

Conflicting other Patterns.
This application security pattern has no conflicting other patterns.
⚠ Practical issues in realisations are having their cause in:

Dependencies other patterns
more_dmeta private metadata dwh naming conventions generic This page is a pattern on securing technical and business applications.

Within the scope of metadata there are more patterns like exchanging information (data, building private metadata and securing a complete environment.

🔰 Somewhere in a loop of patterns ..
Most logical back reference: previous.

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